Guys of these three tactics what is the best for middle team?
nope, this is the first time I got into a second season due to creating tactics

i had 1 in fm13 with man u got rid of all the dept and gave me crazy cash to buy players but i have seen other folks lose there jobs after a takeover
i had 1 in fm13 with man u got rid of all the dept and gave me crazy cash to buy players but i have seen other folks lose there jobs after a takeover

cheers mate for the info, but I don't think I will lose my job Man City & Arsenal have offered me a job and I turned them down and when I looked into my own information my reputation is world class so hopefully this will keep me here.
guys is there any way to get a Tycoon takeover? lucky for me I saved the game before a bidder came in so would this save & load technique work and would it produce different bidders?
Hes scoring very often, did u change the role and he scored more?

I changed it first and nothing had changed so I put it back on SS, Iv'e got a v.4 with the 2 AP's and SS having different player instructions.

my SS has become alot better

View attachment 394274

17 games in total 4 goals and 8 assists and Iv'e also put Pratto in SS with Barbosa as AF and it's been epic
thread updated with ongoing second season screenshots for club overview and also a new V.4 tactic with changed set pieces and players instructions
By far my favourite formation this year. I'm testing V2 right now, looks promising especially after I built-in some slight OI's for opposition defenders.