TFF's Tactics for FM18


Guys, I've added "Two Strikers Version" of the tactic to the OP.

It's less efficient than the Strikerless version but still it allows great overachieve with any team.


I’m using 2 strikers version with Newcastle right now and it’s working amazing, will post screenshots later

Great job, TFF!
Hey tff i got a question
Earlier u said u had issues with reputation factor and u couldnt find a single tactic for every type of team but now u are claiming that ur tactics can overachieve with any team how did u solve that reputation issue now or is it just some mistake???

Guys, I've added "Two Strikers Version" of the tactic to the OP.

It's less efficient than the Strikerless version but still it allows great overachieve with any team.


Hi TFF. For the benefit of those playing via FM touch. able to take a screenshot of the tactics set up page :D
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Hey tff i got a question
Earlier u said u had issues with reputation factor and u couldnt find a single tactic for every type of team but now u are claiming that ur tactics can overachieve with any team how did u solve that reputation issue now or is it just some mistake???

Hi mate,

At the moment when I said the things stand this way: let’s take the two most challenging leagues in the game – English Premier League and La Liga and if you were using the older versions of Demolisher with teams that were predicted from 20th to 6th place in those leagues then your overachieving level with such team was incredible and I was complete happy about such overachieving level and nothing else couldn’t come close but when you used the older versions of Demolisher with teams that were predicted from 6th to 1st place then your overarching level decreased, it still was great but I found out it wasn’t good enough so I started to look for tweaks/tactics that would make teams with media prediction from 6th – 1th in those leagues to overachieve at such level that I find acceptable and I found such tweaks for Demolisher tactic.

Other important thing to add that there’s almost no any other alternative to Demolisher approach in FM18 and anything else offer such overarching level that it’s not fun at all… at least for me… Please notice I don’t say that with any other tactic you can’t win English Premier League or La Liga or Champions League… of course, it’s possible to win everything in this game even with the worst possible tactic in the game but you need to build such strong team that for me it’s not fun… For example, if you are a big fan of 4-2-3-1 formation then you can win everything in the game with that formation but in order to do that you just need to build team that consist of such quality players like Messi, Neymar, Pogba, Griezmann and so on… but I said for me it’s not fun to play like that….

In FM17 it was obvious to anyone that any tactics with Inside Forwards or Wingers offered very small overachieving level compare with other approaches and everyone expected that such tactics will be buffed in FM18 and it’s shocking to see that in FM18 they work even worse than in FM17 and all that creates completely unrealistic environment in FM18, for example, when you see that Barcelona and Real Madrid scores only 50-60 goals in season because they use 4-3-3 formation with IFs and Wingers and Messi and Ronaldo score like 15-20 goals in season or when you see that Juventus finishes only 6th place the 1st season because it uses 4-2-3-1 formations…

Hi TFF. For the benefit of those playing via FM touch. able to take a screenshot of the tactics set up page :D

Hi mate…

The PIs aren’t less important than the TIs so it requires to take a loooot of screenshots

I suggest installing demo version of FM18 to your PC, plugging the tactic and then importing it to your tablet
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you are so ...wrong about fm17 it was a possible way to overachieve with if/ winger ect. Dont tell me no..was taken seria a/ frence league / spanish league with that with teams predicted Last..( 1st season) seria a no transfers predicted last won seria, frence league predicted last finished second no transfers , spanish no transfers finished 2/3th.There is always a possible way to fix what you like with hard work,i never followed the ''meta'' and so on. you are very good tactician but i doubt you on that 100% on your tests the if tactic (not your tac) finished -20 near of strikless. i hope that thats not matter so hard coz i did what i liked to see on field :)
Cheers :D and keep going that good work :)
For anyone in LLM I recommend the 2 striker ahead of strikerless. It's performed way better for me.
Thanks TTF for all your hard work as always.

However, have to say i'm not having much luck with this one. 7 points from 7 league games with Arsenal (using v3) and the board are understandably less than satisfied with my management.

Anyone else playing with Arsenal? I'm finding that i'm taking the lead but always being pegged back, whether I use the time wasting version or not. Sold Alexis, and brought in Milinkovic Savic and de Ligt.
With Strikerless in first season we finished 1st in Vanarama South but we only just got there and spent most of the season in fourth. We struggled compared to other tactics I've used.

Now I started a new save with the same team, using the 2 striker version, and here are the results so far. We are destroying teams.

View attachment 76370

Only conceded 7 too.
I can confirm that tuch vs normal is huge difference this year.

Wit haproxemitly same team atleast terms of quality in normal i can handle he likes of Atletico Madrid and Chelsea decently get points in CL and even win over two legs, but in tuch i jsut get demolished using same tactics, not even close so im curtrently freezing the save on my tuch at the CL match vs PSG to see what tweaks can be done to the same tactic i use on my normal save to make it more usefull for tuch. The b iggest difference tho is hwo goals get let in... were i can be up 3-0 in tuch and lose 4-5 i can be up 3-0 in normal and win 4-1 because u sometimes miss half time talks and cant continue to dominate (strange huh even if ure team is fired up and all green)
Hello m8. As always great job.

I am wondering if it is not smarter just to "-" lvl of attributes then whole attributes from filter? You will keep all of You need on possition but on lower scale?


Could You give me answer ?
Would Mane and Salah fit in the strikerless version in the AM positions or would they need to be sold?

I was thinking Salah AMCL, Mane AMCR and Firmino AMC with Countinho as the attacking MC and Henderson as the ball winning MC

Clarify more what you mean because I don't get it...

You sugest when using Your filters to use "-" button to delete some of atributes couse without it we will see only best players in the world.

I am asking if it is not smarter to not "-" whole attribute but "-" all of them for -1 , -2 ,-3 ... till we will see some players?

You got it now?
You sugest when using Your filters to use "-" button to delete some of atributes couse without it we will see only best players in the world.

I am asking if it is not smarter to not "-" whole attribute but "-" all of them for -1 , -2 ,-3 ... till we will see some players?

You got it now?

would be easier to of just said to decrease the stats by one than typing the symbol
You sugest when using Your filters to use "-" button to delete some of atributes couse without it we will see only best players in the world.

I am asking if it is not smarter to not "-" whole attribute but "-" all of them for -1 , -2 ,-3 ... till we will see some players?

You got it now?

Ok, I see what you mean and my answer is it isn't that easy as it might look…

Some attributes might be reduced and some attributes shouldn't be reduced or they might reduced only as the last resort and only not more than "1" point.

For example, if you can’t find a Central Defender with the default settings then you can decrease such attributes as Technique, Passing, Vision and other but such attributes as Strength and Jumping Reach should be decreased at the last and not more than "1" point.

Speaking other words it wouldn’t be tragic if your central defender’s got “5” Vision instead of “10” but if he’s got only “10” Strength instead of “15” then it will be tragic…

So I find it’s much faster just to decrease the matching conditions by 1 or 2 or 3 and so on and then check what attributes are missing and for how much if it’s something isn’t important or if it’s important attribute but it’s only less than “1” point then you can consider buying this player.
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just one question regarding the filters, when I search for Ball Winning Mid. there are a lot of players there that are left footed...

is there a mistake there ??

thanks :)