I gave One Striker V7 a go with A.C. Milan, the 1st season and the results are just incredible!
Unbeaten in the league! (H)
Getting a dead link for V8 1 Striker, could somebody re post. Cheers
A.C. Milan, the 1st season and the results are just incredible!
Unbeaten in the league! (H)
i knew thats coming, 3 up front is a killer this year
Excellent work as always TotalFootballFan9 (H)
If we opt to go with the 3 striker version, do we need to make any changes to the Individual Training Focus for the 3 strikers at all. Or is it still to early to make a recommendation regarding that?
Hey mate,
Use "Trequartista" as Individual Training Focus for the strikers
What about corner takers for the 3 Striker? only the MCL and MCR to take them?
Guys, I've added 3 Strikers Version of Demolisher tactic to the OP.
The only difference between 3 Strikers Version and Strikerless Version is that AMCs have been moved to STCs position and their roles and PIs tweaked.
Here are results for the new 3 Strikers Version V1 vs Strikerless V8
Played Matches = 190
Points = 399
Scored = 546
Conceded = 271
Goal Difference = +275
Played Matches = 190
Points = 373
Scored = 446
Conceded = 246
Goal Difference = +200
As you can see the results of the new 3 Strikers version is better by solid margin than the results of Strikerless V8.
I want to double check everything and make few more tests in some different environment in order to be 100% and if I get additional confirmations then I’ll remove the Strikerless version from the OP.
Also, I want to add that I’m not 100% sure about One Striker Version’s results and how they look compare with the new 3 Strikers Version so I also re-test One Striker Version once more and let you know my final verdict about it.