HOME - Kung fu 343 v3

-> if I'm going to lose or I need a win I'm using TFF Overload v1

With that combination I'm destroying everything in my third season with Newcastle United.
Great tactic TFF!

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Finished 3rd season - Newcastle United

Hey there,

first of all I want to respond to one thing asked before in this topic.

A guy asked, if the KungFu is better than the TFF tactic. The answer: Both tactics have got their positive and negative sides. And both are absolutely amazing. I use the KungFu at home and TFF's away to distract the AI a bit. I believe that it's not possible to be that successful, if you're only using one tactic all the time. So a home and away one in combination with the TFF overload is a top solution for me.

Most important things:

  • use often as possible team meetings to push your teams morale up
  • use team shouts (I use "encourage" everytime)
  • before a match / after a match / in the halftime use team talks
  • rotation to keep the player's morale high
I'm talking to my squad as often as possible and I'm looking always how to get their problems solved. If a player is unhappy, because he wants to get some first team football or a new contract or something like that.

The next important thing is that I'm always doing team talks before, at halftime and after a match.
(everything like in Artisans team talk guide described).

Another thing is that I'm a huge fan of extremly rotation (like Pep Guardiola as he was Bayern's coach).
I'm looking to get for every position an backup player. For example we've got 3 BPD so I'm looking to get 6 defenders. I'm always keeping my squad small. Actually I've got 24 guys in my Newcastle team. That's a bit risky, but perfect for huge roation (= keep the morale high).

Now I wrote a lot of how I'm managing my teams. I know that you guys are interested in results so here you go:

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the table

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HOME table

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AWAY table
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My team

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