The Anfield Saga

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Gedo/Durango does have links to the club. But a few weeks ago he was positive that Sheikh Mo was on the verge of buying us. He means this coming week. So whoever in the club is passing him info (and it'll be from somewhere in the academy) has to be taken with a pinch of salt.

Still not sure what to make of Purslow - was shocking to hear Richardson fawning over him today in the interview, and letting slip that they were chatting with each other about sacking Rafa in early May and discussing Mr.Hodgson as a replacement even then. But then, the long-term future of the club is in his hands and if half of what the papers are saying is true then he may deserve thanks for some of his work on that if we get sold to someone who'll do right by the club.
This takeover is getting boring; it was an already frustratingly snail-like process. All the prospective buyers are proving themselves to be wankers. This is my last post to this thread. God help LFC.
This is all getting annoying now, i just want it sorted and our financial future secured. What happens if R.B.S takes control of the club? Stripping of assets until the debts are payed off?
That's one possibility.

Really, we've no idea what terms are of the debt currently - or even what form the debt to RBS currently takes.

Hard to speculate in the absence of even basic facts right now. Things have changed a lot since March which is the last time we had information which was 100% accurate about the debt.

---------- Post added at 10:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:08 AM ----------

Bamba said:
Just to bring a little sanity to the guessing-games as to who I’m ‘working for’. No-one. I’m certainly not cheerleading one particular bid. I salute the work Jack Slater and others are doing in urging caution and proper detailed scrutiny before we welcome a new bunch of well-heeled saviours through the Shankly Gates. That said, the Huang bid is the one I know a lot about; have done for a while; and am satisfied, via friends, colleagues and contacts inside and outside LFC and the City of London financial community, that his bid and his proposal for the future development of the club stacks up. If there’s another bid of substance that is currently on the table complete with proof of funding, then neither myself or anyone I rely upon for a credible inside track knows about it.

There was definitely a feeling on Friday afternoon that Huang was to be named preferred bidder. It remains a mystery as to why the club advised, around tea-time last Friday, that an official statement was coming within the hour, only for the non-committal statement we all saw to be issued some three or four hours later. It was also odd listening to Christian Purslow state on 5Live that no bid was jumping out as being particularly attractive at the moment, and none had supplied proof of funding. Huang’s bid came complete with the necessary proofs, though a well-placed financial journalist thinks the club has asked for more documentation.

The same journo is convinced that Huang’s proposed takeover has come down to a blinking match. Martin Broughton is looking for a richer valuation than Huang is prepared to pay. Huang is adamant he’ll put as little profit as possible in the current owners’ pockets. Something has to give, and it could be that Huang retires for the time being, if a deal can’t be concluded in time for Roy Hodgson to invest in the current transfer market.

In terms of my gagging, Alan F has it spot on. By a process of elimination, those closest to the sale process will work out who is giving classified information to the likes of myself. For my part, I’ve passed some of that on to the moderators of this site, so they’re satisfied there’s no skulduggery or stealth PR going on. There’s a lot of fascinating detail to reveal, and in time it will all come out. For now, I really am going to shut it. I want Hicks and Gillett gone, and I’m not saying anything more that might in any way stop, or delay that happening.

Keep checking The Times. The two Tonys speak to the same people, and they’re the only journalists who keep calling this takeover accurately.

More stuff is due from The Times in the next few hours.
Huang threatening to pull out?

This fits in with Bamba's story. Broughton wants more money for H&G, stalls buyout process. Huang grows frustrated because transfer market is almost over. If we lose Huang, I don't think we'll ever get sold before October, then it's administration and eventually we'll lose our star players. **** you, Broughton.

P.S. - What happened to the Live Search bar? That was quite a useful tool. :S
Chinese on the verge of walking out on Liverpool takeover deal

Tony Evans, Football Editor, Helen Power, Business Correspondent


The Liverpool takeover saga was plunged into crisis last night when Kenny Huang delivered a take-it-or-leave it message to Martin Broughton.

Huang, the Hong Kong-based businessman, has grown frustrated by what he perceives as delaying tactics by the Liverpool chairman and will walk away unless the Chinese bid is accepted.

Despite Liverpool’s assertions that there are other bidders, Huang believes that his offer is the only viable one on the table. Senior members of the hierarchy at Liverpool have also expressed concern at the pace of the sales process.

After the Chinese interest was revealed in these pages two weeks ago, Broughton said that he expected the club to be sold by the end of last week. However, the deadline passed with Anfield sources claiming that there were still as many as five bids. Huang — who has China Investment Corporation, one of the world’s biggest sovereign wealth funds, among his backers — believes that this is a ploy to push up the price.

Liverpool have suggested that Huang has not offered proof of funds but The Times understands that the Chinese bid has supplied all the necessary documentation required by the memorandum of sale, a legal framework for potential buyers.

A source close to Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) — which is owed £237 million by Tom Hicks and George Gillett Jr, Liverpool’s owners — said last night that Huang was “there or thereabouts” on providing proof of funding to Barclays Capital, the investment bank brokering the deal. The Chinese offer would make the club debt-free and also bring large-scale investment as part of a total outlay of about £800 million.

Huang is eager to complete the deal before the transfer window closes. The Chinese are concerned that without investment in the squad Liverpool could finish outside the top four this season and want to be in place to provide funds for Roy Hodgson, the manager, as quickly as possible.

Huang has a transfer war chest and has put aside cash to build a new stadium. The Chinese will not dip into these budgets to increase their offer and benefit Hicks and Gillett at the expense of investment in Anfield.

Huang’s stance will heap pressure on Broughton. The chairman of British Airways was brought into the club in April to oversee the sale. The 63-year-old arrived at Anfield with impeccable credentials in the City. However, Broughton has struggled to fulfil this role and is in danger of damaging his reputation.

RBS believes that Huang has the most credible bid and played down the notion of five potential buyers. Sources close to the bank said it was possible that GameDay, the Montreal-based group behind Yahya Kirdi, the Syrian businessman, may become a serious contender if it can show proof of funds.

Rhône Capital, the American private equity group, is still in discussions with Barclays Capital but has not been able to raise sufficient funds to bid.

It has also emerged that RBS could, if necessary, seize control of Liverpool without putting the club into administration, a move that would result in an automatic nine-point deduction by the Premier League.

The bank has been charging Hicks and Gillett £2.5 million a week in penalty fees and could threaten to pursue the Americans for the money if they fail to hand over the keys to Liverpool as part of a debt-for-equity swap.

Other options would include removing Hicks and Gillett from the club’s board.
Sorry, Zeb. Didn't see your post. :P


Who'll blink first and will Broughton continue to pursue Kirdi for proof of funding or give him up as a lost cause and concentrate on the bid which is funded?

And we still don't know anything about Huang's backers.

What a mess.
If Huang walks out, I'm going to blame all of it on Broughton. And if we go into administration, I'll kick his Chelski-loving ****.

Funds for the CIC consortium were proved over a week ago, this is just our friends G&H angling for a bigger slice of the pie, Huang has been instructed to take no **** from them as they are in no position to make any demands, RBS have them over a barrel and are breathing heavily down their necks.

This press release has been orchistrated to crank up the pressure on the Yanks, this is all part of the end-game.

Broughton is somewhat caught in the crossfire but ultimately he knows he is the one whose reputation is on the line and he is going through the offer with a fine tooth comb so as to avoid becoming the next DM/Coco.
Ugh! as if it i wasn't already enough of a mess....

i get my exam results today and i'm ******** bricks!
and to top it off, the only decent looking bid for my beloved club could be about to walk away!


I know Hicks & Gillete are not the smartest people around but surely even they realise that every week the club is getting into more and more debt and every week the likelyness of someone coming in with a better bid than Huangs is decreasing. Just get the club sold please so you can retire and spend the rest of your lifes on a beach.

Sorry if spelling is wrong, its not my strong point, also good luck for exam results everyone.
yeah, unlike the times...

kenyon is a bad bad man, ugh. cant trust him at all
Good piece on latest developments and rumours of Kenyon (lulwtf?!) being taken on to negotiate for Huang's consortium.

(Going to paste occasional link rather than stories so that they get some traffic - some newspapers deserve support for staying free).
What? Another Chelskian? We've got our hands full with Broughton already. If Huang's trying to make the two men agree on a deal because of their similar club interests, he's probably gonna be disappointed. It could massively backfire on him.
In the wise, wise words of Royskopp - what I want is easy, it's getting it that's complicated. Yeah, yeah. ;)
What? Another Chelskian? We've got our hands full with Broughton already. If Huang's trying to make the two men agree on a deal because of their similar club interests, he's probably gonna be disappointed. It could massively backfire on him.
before chelsea kenyon was a united man... the way he slithers about from one rival to another should tell you about his character.

jtoo many people getting involved now, i see real danger for liverpool now, you're not far off that dealine (october 6th?)
Yeah, October 6th is the big deadline. What happens then will be carnage compared to what's already happened. May be RBS can call at least part of the loans in sooner, but think that it's obviously more sensible for them to wait til after the transfer window closes as it would leave the board with absolutely no options but to sell certain players. RBS really don't want to have hordes of angry Scousers knocking on their doors asking why Torres has been sold to pay for Hicks and Gillett's debts.

There was a good webchat with Tony Evans on the Times website earlier today. He's got a lot of grief from some quarters and he came out fighting. (Lots of injokes in the webchat which had me crying laughing but the message was very worrying). Data dump follows.

Tony Evans:
Alright everyone. Hope you're all good today. I'll get stuck in then.
Mike, good to hear from you. It's a criticism that's been levelled at me all summer. And it's wrong. What I said, was that if the current ownership situation remained, then Torres and Gerrard would consider their future. I also said moves were afoot to 'extricate them with dignity'. Which they were.
I believe the captain mulled over Real - which would have meant him -putting in a transfer request and I don't think he'd do that - and Torres has been persuaded to give it more time. He doesn't want to leave but knows the ownership situation is untenable.
If Martin Broughton does not find a buyer by January, then Torres will leave the club.
Doom and gloom? One way of looking at it. A better way would be a wake-up call.
And you don't trust me. I'm sorry. Then just for you: wow! I love Anfield! Everything's great! Hey, we're gonna win the treble. Love and peace everywhere. Especially to the American owners and their flunkies.
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:06 Tony Evans

[Comment From DaveDave: ]
Hi Tony there has been so much claim and counter claim regarding the Huany bid. Is he really backed by the chinese sovereign wealth fund? Is he a credible business man? Or is he just using the Times as his PR machine?
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:06 Dave

Tony Evans:
Dave, CIC are certainly behind Huang. They have not denied it (they are very quick with official denials). The confusion started when the Financial Times quoted an unnamed source at CIC as knocking it down.
As for being used, our contacts are from a variety of sources. You never rely on just one. Anyway, if I thought they were trying to use me I wouldn't write it.
When you write something in The Times of London, you'd better be right. Writs will fly, P45s delivered.
Plus, they people who talk to me know I'd hunt them down and kill them
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:09 Tony Evans

[Comment From TineTine: ]
Hi Tony, can you shed some light on the situation regarding the new stadium? Are the plans at a stand still/on hold/dead? When would you realistically expect Liverpool to move to a new ground, if ever? Thanks.
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:10 Tine

Tony Evans:
Only if there are new owners, Tine. The council are growing tired of H&G's antics and will close the whole thing down as early as next year. The owners' budget just about stretches to a Subbuteo stadium
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:12 Tony Evans

[Comment From AKMAKM: ]
How long till Torres is off? How many years before Liverpool is a threat again? Is money the only way to the top in the Prem these days?
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:12 AKM

Tony Evans:
If investment arrives, Torres won't leave in the forseeable future. If it doesn't, January.
I don't think it's all about money in the Prem. I think that's a myth that grew in the late 1990s. A good manager with good scouts can win with a reasonable budget.
However, when money is being leeched out of a club left right and centre, it can kill any chance of success. That's what's happening at Liverpool.
Money will not buy the title for City, just like it didn't buy the European Cup for Chelsea. But when the lack of cash threatens stability, a club's in trouble
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:16 Tony Evans

[Comment From PedPed: ]
Give it to us straight, Tony. What's the latest? Is this thing going to happen or not and if it it doesn't who will be to blame? Broughton? China? Hicks & Gillett?
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:16 Ped

Tony Evans:
Ped, the thing is so convoluted, I've forgotten what straight is. The Chinese have their budget. All in, they will spend about £800m on the club in the short term - price, players, stadium.
That's their budget. They don't want to go over it. They're not buying for emotion, they're buying for profit.
H&G want more. They don't really want to sell.
So it comes to Broughton.
Now he comes to the table with a big reputation but was recruited by Hicks's mate Michael Klein (after me, "ah, the Wall Street rainmaker ").
Broughton was charged with selling the club in April. He hasn't. You get to the point where you stop believing in people.
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:22 Tony Evans

[Comment From Bob Bob: ]
Beyond Kenny Huang are there any other viable bidders?
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:22 Bob

Tony Evans:
Bob, as detailed by our back page today, RBS were saying that Kirdi's backers could be real but have shown no money (you'd never think bankers would take such a McCawberish outlook, would you? No wonder capitalism nearly slid down the pan two years ago).
They also said Rhone are still talking but don't have the money.
A simpler answer would have been 'No'
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:25 Tony Evans

[Comment From Danny Danny: ]
Was Yaya Khirdi just a big time-waster? And were/are Hicks and Gillett using to derail the genuine bids for the club?
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:25 Danny

Tony Evans:
Well I think so, Danny. On both counts.
Now here's the thing: I don't think football clubs are just any other business. I think they have cultural and communial significance.
So what I say to Broughton is tell us who the bidders are. What have they to offer? Let us look at them and see that they aren't just carpetbaggers. If they have the best interests of the club at heart, they shouldn't be scared of scrutiny.
Get out from behind closed doors. And that's what this paper has been trying to do. Get the information out there
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:28 Tony Evans

[Comment From Patrick Patrick: ]
Do you really see this mess being tied up before the end of the transfer window Tony? As I see it, this is seemingly unlikely and could lead to a real delay in a takeover as many bidders, Huang included, will be reluctant to purchase after the closure of the transfer window. This could lea to an RBS takeover in October and the inevitable 9 point deduction... Cue a mass exodus of our players...
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:28 Patrick

Tony Evans:
No Patrick, not a chance. I think the Chinese misjudged that one. Ah, there's always January
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:29 Tony Evans

[Comment From Jason Jackson Jason Jackson: ]
Hi Tony,
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:29 Jason Jackson

Tony Evans:
Alright Jason. Keeping well?
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:29 Tony Evans

[Comment From Faith Fulcher Faith Fulcher: ]
Hi Tony
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:29 Faith Fulcher

Tony Evans:
Hi Faith. Friendly place this
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:30 Tony Evans

[Comment From Pete Pete: ]
Hi Tony, do we know what happened with the 10 day deadline that K.Huang imposed on his bid at the beginning of August to enable him to offer the manager funds to buy players. Cheers
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:30 Pete

Tony Evans:
Pete, as far as I know there was never a 10-day deadline from the Chinese. The deadlines were Broughton's - last Wednesday for proof of funds, Friday for the deal to be done.
Huang wanted to get in quick to spend but the first time they actually issued what I'd loosely call an untimatum was last night
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:33 Tony Evans

[Comment From Jason Jackson Jason Jackson: ]
Hi Tony, reading the article today and Rory Smith's piece as well it seems like there maybe a technicality in terms of whether Huangs has or hasn't proven his financial position to the board. Could something this simple drive him away from the negotiating table or is the board stalling for larger offers?
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:33 Jason Jackson

Tony Evans:
The key phrase is the Chinese have "supplied the necessarry documentation required by the memorandum of sale". That's proof of funds. RBS said they were "there or thereabouts". Which is bankerspeak for "you've got it bang to rights, Guv," which is corblimey speak for... you get the point
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:35 Tony Evans

[Comment From Faith Fulcher Faith Fulcher: ]
Good afternoon Tony, can you please tell me why Kenneth Huang appears to be in such a panic to get the sale done and dusted. Surely as a businessman he must realise that these things take time if they are to be done properly. Faith
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:35 Faith Fulcher

Tony Evans:
Because, Faith, they are nervous the team won't make the top four next year. Uefa's new financial regulations mean that the majority of the big spending needs to be done, in theory, by 2012 (they big clubs will drive a truck through the rule but that's for another day).
If, by January, Liverpool are off the pace, players will leave, no one will want to come. No top four means no big names next summer.
They were desperate to use the window of opportunity. It's as simple as that.
Memo to Kenny: earlier start next time
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:38 Tony Evans

[Comment From Dave O Dave O: ]
Hi Tony, If you could travel to the future, two weeks from now to be precise, would the Huang deal still be on the table?
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:39 Dave O

Tony Evans:
I fear not. But I would back every winner on the horses for 14 days and I would by the club. I'd make myself No7 and manager.
Seriously, I think H&G will move heaven and earth to keep the Chinese out
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:40 Tony Evans

[Comment From Jason Jackson Jason Jackson: ]
Transfers: Who are the current targets if no one is sold? Is Figueroa still considered for the LB slot or is Konchesky a shoe in assuming Insua is sold?
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:40 Jason Jackson

Tony Evans:
Sorry Dave O, I forgot to address you personally. I'll make up for it by namechecking Jason twice.
Konchesky as about our market these days. I've always liked him when I've seen him. But I wouldn't hope for two-drawer quality
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:42 Tony Evans

[Comment From Pete Pete: ]
Hi Tony, you have likely seen the Liverpool FC forums with certain posters 'ITK' who appear to have substance behind their claims especially a poster on RAWK. Do you think that they are being fed the same information as yourselves at the Times or from other sources. Thank you.
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:42 Pete

Tony Evans:
There are loads of people who get snippets of information, Pete. Some of it has been close to what I've heard. Liverpool is the biggest village on the planet. Everyone's heard a whisper. Usually from the Evertonian taxi driver.
However, it's one thing putting it on a forum and another putting it in a newspaper. But year, there are people on the forums who's knowledge I respect. Thommo's Perm on the Rattle, for instance
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:45 Tony Evans

Tony Evans:
Sound! The fire alarm has just gone off. But as you lot know, I'm fireproof. I'll be like the captain of the Titanic and I'll go down with the ship. Things I do for you lot, ingrates
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:45 Tony Evans

[Comment From James W James W: ]
Hi Tony, can you see Chelsea making a renewed bid for Torres, was there any other strong interest in him apart chelsea who made a concrete bid?
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:46 James W

Tony Evans:
Oh they're keeping an eye on things, James, but it will be Janauary now. His options are fairly limited. Real are off limits, Barca not really a factor, he'll be kicked all over Italy and United haven't got the money and he wouldn't go there.
Chelsea are a good option. However, if City are top of the league and cruising, then they'll be in a position to make a bid.
Did I just write that? Hahahahha. City. Top of the table. Sorry, smell of smoke made me dizzy
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:49 Tony Evans

[Comment From Charlie Charlie: ]
Do you know if there is any truth in the claims that Huang was set to be announced as preferred bidder on Friday? Cheers.
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:49 Charlie

Tony Evans:
I'd love to know what went on on Friday, Charlie. We were told an announcement was expected within and hour and four hours later we got the blandest of statements.
I wish I knew. But I suspect there was one **** of a row, for whatever reason
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:51 Tony Evans

[Comment From Pete Pete: ]
Hi Tony, in your own honest opinion, do you think Huang is taking us for a PR ride? Or do you feel there is an honest intention to be owners of Liverpool FC.?
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:51 Pete

Tony Evans:
No, I think he's for real, Pete. They want Liverpool. It's a goldmine with a little investment. It's the same reason why H&G want to keep it
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:52 Tony Evans

[Comment From Will Will: ]
Hi Tony - as a reds fan I would be delighted in H&G made no money from any deal that may be struck. But back in the real world don't you think that, for all the harm they have brought onto the Club, that Huang should pay them off. If they make £25m each forthe deal then it is a price worth paying. The alternative for Huang is to stick to his guns and not get the club.
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:52 Will

Tony Evans:
The thing is Will, the Chinese are businessmen. They've decided what the club us worth and how much money they will invest. H&G's windfall would come out of the player investment pot. They'd rather spend on players and wages.
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:54 Tony Evans

[Comment From Peter Peter: ]
Hi Tony, How close do you think LFC are from allowing Mr huang to walk away as the echo seems to suggest that the board are denying knowledge of the urgency and do you think we fall into the trap like in 2007 when Sheik Mo walked and we G & H
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:54 Peter

Tony Evans:
The board might deny, Peter, but Broughton's been told.
The comparison with DIC is interesting. DIC were made preferred bidder, which means all they had to do was keep their promises and the deal would have gone through. They didn't so it all fell apart (the Moores letter explains this).
Yeah, the Chinese may well walk. Who's next up? I can't see anyone
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:56 Tony Evans

[Comment From Robert Robert: ]
Can H&G bolck the sale, by court action or any other means??????????
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:56 Robert

Tony Evans:
They'll try Robert. It depends how well RBS have them locked up. This could rumble on. That's the biggest fear.
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:57 Tony Evans

[Comment From gugadan gugadan: ]
Tony, are Broughton and the rest of the (Liverpool, not USA) board not just acting in the best interest of the club? We messed up big time when we sold to H & G so why not be 100% this time? or, do you really think they are just delaying everything to up the price?
Thursday August 19, 2010 13:57 gugadan

Tony Evans:
Answer this question, Gugadan: is there anyone on the board you'd trust to act in the best interet of Liverpool Football Club? Hicks, Gillett, Broughton, Purslow, Ayre?
Just a question.
And another. Is it in the best interests of LFC to be paying £2.5m per week to RBS?
OK, I'll answer both. I don't trust Hicks and Gillett. Broughton has an impeccible reputation. He needs to live up to it. Purslow and Ayre, I think will do the right thing, more or less
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:02 Tony Evans

[Comment From Pete Pete: ]
Hi Tony, obviously you have to have some degree of belief in the stories you send to print, how much of the China to buy Liverpool report did you believe or still believe for that matter?
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:02 Pete

Tony Evans:
CIC will have a large proportion of Liverpool if the Huang takeover goes ahead, Pete. That means the Chinese Government. I would not write something I didn't believe. Quickest way to be back at the Leece Street job centre
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:03 Tony Evans

[Comment From Guest Guest: ]
Hi Tony,
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:03 Guest

Tony Evans:
Guest, you da man!
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:03 Tony Evans

[Comment From Pete Pete: ]
Hi Tony, do you admit a little that the Times was wrong with the Huang bid, there are too many holes in his bid to be considered the messiah.
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:03 Pete

Tony Evans:
What was wrong Pete?
Kenny Huang wanted to buy Liverpool? He's backed by the Chinese Government in the form of CIC?
As for Messiah, for God's sake. You think I want the Chinese owning the club and talking of cold-eyed profit. You think I want a Sheihk?
There are no Messiahs, not even at Eastland, just a game that's drifting away from us by the day.
We have not been wrong in this. It may not happen but we've never said it will. Just that they are trying to buy the club
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:08 Tony Evans

[Comment From Mark Mark: ]
Do we know who the board are favouring to takeover? Is there a split and what likelihood is there of a legal challenge by the owners?
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:08 Mark

Tony Evans:
I sort of answered this one a couple of questions ago, Mark. And the owners will do anything to hold on
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:08 Tony Evans

[Comment From gugadan gugadan: ]
Also, do you have any specifics included in the 'take-it or leave-it 'offer?
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:08 gugadan

Tony Evans:
Gugadan, only in the sense they will not be jerked around. If I was them, I'd let the match pass tonight, talk to Broughton tomorrow and depart the scene Friday at 5 if not satisfied.
Then I'd go the pub and start the weekend. Maybe some dancing, maybe a curry.
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:10 Tony Evans

[Comment From Phil Phil: ]
Hi Tony, the Liverpool Echo are reporting that insiders have denied that Huang has issued an ultimatum. What's your view on this. Thanks.
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:10 Phil

Tony Evans:
Phil, the worst thing about football is everybody tells half-truths or downright lies. I'll let you decide my view on this.
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:12 Tony Evans

[Comment From tony tony: ]
Does your gut say a takeover will happen soon(before Oct) or will G and H ger re-financing deal and this matter gets dragged out???
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:12 tony

Tony Evans:
My gut, Tony, and what a gut, says this nightmare will linger and linger
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:12 Tony Evans

[Comment From Jonny Jonny: ]
How much if the Chinese get it do you think will be available for Transfers?..Will we be more financially powerful than Man City???
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:12 Jonny

Tony Evans:
It'll be different, Jonny. They will compete and will be able to, if necessary, outmuscle City. Got to get into the place first, though
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:13 Tony Evans

[Comment From David ODowd David ODowd: ]
Can RBS force sale? If Kenny Huang is the only ‘serious’ bidder and has given all required back up to the bid and he has threatened to pull out, can RBS make the decision for the club? If the answer is yes, will it be legally challenged?
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:13 David ODowd

Tony Evans:
In theory, David. But if they do, the writs will fly. It's a political hot potato for RBS
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:14 Tony Evans

[Comment From James W James W: ]
dont listen to the unintelligent people on here who dont trust you cuz you are a good journalist :)
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:15 James W

Tony Evans:
Thanks James. I try.
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:15 Tony Evans

[Comment From Jag Jag: ]
Do you think takeover will happen by the end of the window and when do you think LFC will announce a preferred bidder??
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:15 Jag

Tony Evans:
Think I've done most of this Jag. No to the first and I reckon there's a long way to go
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:16 Tony Evans

[Comment From Dve Dve: ]
So Tony, how confident are you that Liverpool will be sold to Hung or any other bidder?
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:16 Dve

Tony Evans:
I'm not Dve, at least in the short term.
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:17 Tony Evans

[Comment From Pete Pete: ]
Hi Tony,
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:17 Pete

Tony Evans:
Alright Pete
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:17 Tony Evans

[Comment From gugadan gugadan: ]
Tony, your response to Mike is a tad harsh - I heard you myself when you we're on talksport when you first broke the Huang story (I think you we're on holiday so the Sangria may have been talking) and you definitely said that if the ownership situation didn't get sorted the Torres would DEFINITELY leave! You also said that the Huang bid was the only bid on the table - so who's telling the truth? The usually superb Times or Broughton?
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:17 gugadan

Tony Evans:
I'll say it again, Gugadan: if the ownership situation is not sorted, Torres will leave. He'll just leave in January because he has been persuaded that there might be movement.
We're telling the truth. Read the story again and you'll see that RBS explain the situation with the other so-called bids.
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:20 Tony Evans

[Comment From Faith Fulcher Faith Fulcher: ]
Hi Tony are there actuall
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:20 Faith Fulcher

Tony Evans:
There are Faith. That I believe
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:20 Tony Evans

[Comment From Faith Fulcher Faith Fulcher: ]
Hi Tony, Are there any other bids on the table other Mr Huangs, or is this something that is being put about to keep the supporters happy.
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:20 Faith Fulcher

Tony Evans:
That's better Faith. No bids. And it's not about supporters, it's about driving up price
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:21 Tony Evans

[Comment From Dave Dave: ]
Hi Tony, what do you know and reckon to G&H try to refinance the loan as recently as June. Surely this is a sign that they dont want to sell and this could end up court, also who would lend them the money.
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:21 Dave

Tony Evans:
Yes Dave. They have been trying to refinance all the time. If they can make RBS go away, they've got another year. And the next TV deal is ever nearer. Suddenly they'll be rich again
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:23 Tony Evans

[Comment From Peter Peter: ]
Hi Tony, how close are we to losing Huang and ending up like in 2007 when we lost sheik mo and ended up with the parasites. Do youthin the board will react to this ultimatum as the echo quotes sources who say the club no nothing of the urgency required
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:23 Peter

Tony Evans:
Peter, last week I thought it was the end game. Now I'm not so sure. The board want to do this behind closed doors. No one in football should let them.
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:25 Tony Evans

[Comment From Tommy Tommy: ]
Will LFC sign anymore players in window..heard rumours about Crouch..Is insua leaving?..Is poulsen replacement for Maschareno or will Roy sign another midfielder (Defour) if Masch leaves???
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:25 Tommy

Tony Evans:
I'd be surprised to see Crouch back. Mascherano will leave. Can't see many other arrivals
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:26 Tony Evans

[Comment From Nick Nick: ]
Tony, it seems to me that an empty vessel makes the most noise, so do you have any information about bids from either the Al-Kharafi family or one from the Kraft family?
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:26 Nick

Tony Evans:
Krafts can't afford it, Nick and the Al-Kharafi's are out.
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:26 Tony Evans

[Comment From Shameer Shameer: ]
If the takeover is not concluded before the end of the transfer window will Huang walk away from the deal or is this a move to hurry up the process?
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:26 Shameer

Tony Evans:
It might be ploy Shameer, you can never be 100% sure. However, the people I've talked to are deadly serious. In their situation, I'd walk, but I'm a right drama queen
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:28 Tony Evans

Tony Evans:
Loads more but I've got to move on to other things, sadly. Just do a couple more
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:29 Tony Evans

[Comment From Kamal Kamal: ]
All these foreign owners that have come into the premiership and makes me wonder that at some point they'll want a return on their investment. There was an interesting article by Matt Scott in the Guardian regarding Arsenal broadband and that clubs will provide football coverage through their own media companies. Bascially, if owners hold out their is a big pot of money waiting for them when the collective agreement regarding the EPL rights is broken. Not sure what your thoughts on this are?
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:29 Kamal

Tony Evans:
I think that's on the nail Kamal. That's why G&H will wriggle so much
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:30 Tony Evans

[Comment From Oliver Oliver: ]
What evidence to do you have the Huang has the money - apart from being told/assured/"if we give you the inside line please write" this Tony? Serious business men with serious money who were serious about buying the club would have done it by now without all the fanfare.
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:31 Oliver

Tony Evans:
RBS told us, Oliver. I don't just believe one side.
And the 'serious men' stuff is off beam. They are not buying for emotion. They are buying at what they think it is worth. They believe they have been obstructed and don't think this should be allowed to happen behind closed door.
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:33 Tony Evans

[Comment From Vj khan Vj khan: ]
Hi Tony. I remember a few weeks ago u nobely admitted that u(the press) should have vetted hicks/gillet better rather then hailing them as saviours. What do u make of haung and his bid? Do u think they'll be right for Liverpool and if so why?
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:33 Vj khan

Tony Evans:
Too true, Vj. That's why the process should be in the open, so we can have maximum scrutiny.
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:34 Tony Evans

[Comment From Neel Neel: ]
Thank you Charlie
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:34 Neel

Tony Evans:
My favourite today. Thanks Neel.
With that, I'll say goodbye. Hope you got something out of this.
One day we'll talk about the football again. I hope I live that long
Thursday August 19, 2010 14:35
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