The Anfield Saga

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Really hope the Huang proposal goes through.But i dont buy into the article that messi would be a liverpool target. Somehow i doubt he would be willing to join the pool when were in the Europa League.

But I would like to see 3 or 4 top players come in this season.Afterall we dont want to see an upheaval that will take time to gel in.Great news that torres is staying. Thats going to be Liverpools best bit of business this season...:)
Really hope the Huang proposal goes through.But i dont buy into the article that messi would be a liverpool target. Somehow i doubt he would be willing to join the pool when were in the Europa League.

But I would like to see 3 or 4 top players come in this season.Afterall we dont want to see an upheaval that will take time to gel in.Great news that torres is staying. Thats going to be Liverpools best bit of business this season...:)
The Messi article was a metaphor, meaning any player Hodgson wanted, he would get
which deal do you think has gone to the premier league? the rhone or the huang one?
also, do you think that Broughton will be in favour of the Huang bid? i seriously hope so!

Huang bid has gone to the PL. Broughton must have ok'd it for it to go that far. Doesn't mean it's a done deal but it means it's now progressed past the board and the PL get their chance to do a background check on the prospective new owners.
Read the quotes in the article not the Daily Fail's **** headline ;)

In other news, as some may be aware, the word is that Hicks is backing the Rhone Group but it looks like this one will happen. It's now going to the Premier League for checks, waist measurements and assorted questions on the likelihood of them being serial killers.

Kid thinks I was serious.

I applaud your ignorance.
Huang bid has gone to the PL. Broughton must have ok'd it for it to go that far. Doesn't mean it's a done deal but it means it's now progressed past the board and the PL get their chance to do a background check on the prospective new owners.

right, so what does it mean that it's gone to the PL? does it make it more likely to go through? does it mean that the bid has been accepted?

Zeb, i'm sorry to be asking you so many questions, if i'm being a pain in the ***, just say... :D
Ugh! I'm epically confused about all of this. :'(
Ugh! I'm epically confused about all of this. :'(
No worries, Dan. Most of us are as much in the dark about this whole thing as you are. I sincerely hope the Huang deal succeeds. But there's still a chance The Two Amigos might pull some sort of stunt to sabotage it.
A reported approach by a Chinese businessman, Jian-hua ‘Kenny’ Huang, to buy Liverpool is shrouded in confusion as sources in China and America have told sportingintelligence that he does not have the money to buy the club, that he declined to sign a confidentiality clause requested of all interested parties, and that “it is simply not plausible” that he can effectively strike a deal with RBS bank in order to take control.
Some reports have claimed that Huang is a billionaire and that he owns a 15 per cent stake in the Cleveland Cavaliers NBA basketball franchise.
In fact he is not a billionaire, and has never owned any shares in the Cavaliers, and there are no plans for him to own any in the future.
One source in China says: “Kenny has no capability of buying Liverpool.”
A different Chinese businessman, Albert Hung, made an offer to buy a stake in the Cavaliers more than a year ago, but even that deal hasn’t gone through.
“Kenny was never the main investor, nor in fact did he ever have any personal financial involvement in such a deal at all,” one source says.
Huang has a commercial connection with the Cavaliers as the middleman who introduced the Cavs to a beer company to do a sponsorship deal, but he has never owned any stake in any major sports franchise.
Huang owns a company in Hong Kong, QSL Sports Limited, which describes itself as a “sports investment company” but its simple website, which hasn’t been updated in several months, ceased working today, with users given the message: “The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit.”
QSL Sports Limited’s main interests to date have been in promoting China’s second-tier semi-professional basketball league (the NBL), and in promoting a new Chinese youth league in baseball (CYBL); baseball is still a fledgling sport in the country.
Until May this year, QSL’s co-founder and primary financial backer was a bona fide billionaire businessman, Adrian Cheng, whose family have been ranked by Forbes as the 112th richest family in the world, worth $7.7bn.
But Cheng and Huang parted company two months ago and a QSL statement at the time said: “QSL co-founder Mr. Adrian Cheng will no longer be involved in QSL’s businesses and development and its related charitable foundations. QSL will now be 100 per cent owned by Mr. Kenny Huang.”
Skeptical sources in China claim that Huang only came to prominence as a front man for an unnamed wealthy Hong Kong family within the past couple of years and that he no longer has that association.
Sources in London with an understanding of what Kenny Huang apparently hopes to achieve at Liverpool say he has offered to effectively buy Liverpool’s debt of £237m from RBS, cutting out any involvement in a formal bidding process being handled by Barclays Capital under the direction of Liverpool’s chairman Martin Broughton.
Yet even those close to Huang cannot explain how buying the debt from RBS would definitely hand him or his backers control of the club. One RBS source described as “absolute nonsense” the idea that RBS would unilaterally sell Liverpool’s debt to Huang or had been involved in advanced talks to do so.
The club’s American owners, Tom Hicks and George Gillett, owe RBS £237m as a result of what was effectively their leveraged buyout, and the pair have also subsequently leant Liverpool another £144m via a Cayman Islands branch of their Liverpool investment vehicle, according to accounts for the financial year ending summer 2009.
It has been claimed that Huang has the backing of an unnamed Asian sovereign wealth fund, which if true could put billions at his disposal. The operative words are “if true”.
If an Asian sovereign wealth fund wanted to buy Liverpool, why would it not go via conventional channels, namely BarCap and Broughton?
Why would it use Huang as a front man, when he has no previous history of sports deals on the scale of a Premier League football club?
Why would it let him effectively manage its funds?
These are all questions that may or may not be answered in the coming weeks.
Liverpool insiders at the highest level insist there are multiple interested parties involved in talks about buying the club and that a preferred bidder should emerge in due course, perhaps within a few weeks.
“There is formal process and BarCap runs it,” said another source. “You cannot simply go to RBS or Wachovia or Bank of America and try to do a unilateral deal because it won’t work and it won’t stack up.
“Mr Huang did not want to sign a confidentiality agreement and you have to ask why.”
A source who knows Huang well said: “Kenny is good at making deals, as in facilitating deals for other people. He would certainly be capable of bringing people together. But Kenny is very good at promoting Kenny"

Surely me responding to his comment that was in response to mine is on topic?
A reported approach by a Chinese businessman, Jian-hua ‘Kenny’ Huang, to buy Liverpool is shrouded in confusion as sources in China and America have told sportingintelligence that he does not have the money to buy the club, that he declined to sign a confidentiality clause requested of all interested parties, and that “it is simply not plausible” that he can effectively strike a deal with RBS bank in order to take control.
We had that artical earlier.
Let me guess. That was either written or posted by that arrogant community moderator from, right? I saw his posting history, and it looks like he's a strong supporter of H&G. Those are the kind of articles he has been posting a lot, recently.

Anyway, I have no worries since the PL is gonna be doing a check on any potential owner. And I have a feeling Huang is legit.
No need to do it in such a 'cunty' manner tho. :)

It was his need to add the ';)' at the end.

As if he thought he had superior knowledge on a subject that I posted as 'tongue in cheek'.

Just annoyed at how many people in this world lack common sense and logic.

Although, I am a ****.
The Premier League have tonight confirmed that they have held talks with at least one of the parties interested in buying Liverpool Football Club.
Under strict new measures from the Premier League, aimed at avoiding another top flight team enter administration after Portsmouth’s demise, all new club owners must pass an owners and directors test.
The party the league have spoken to is thought to be that of Kenny Huang, the Chinese investor said to be the frontrunner in the race for purchasing the club.
Liverpool chairman Martin Broughton has explained that there are actually several suitors to buy the club from American tycoons George Gillett and Tom Hicks, with a deal hoping to be reached by the end of the month.
Huang is thought to be very keen on seeing the sale completed within the next few days in order to clear club debt problems and provide new manager Roy Hodgson with the funds necessary in strengthening the squad before the transfer window closes on August 31st.

Source: Thisisanfield
It was his need to add the ';)' at the end.

As if he thought he had superior knowledge on a subject that I posted as 'tongue in cheek'.

Just annoyed at how many people in this world lack common sense and logic.

Although, I am a ****.
Look, Zeb is the senior person on all topics Liverpool related, we can't lose him :D
Now, back on topic, please

---------- Post added at 01:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:16 AM ----------

I'm liking this Huang fella:D
Look, Zeb is the senior person on all topics Liverpool related, we can't lose him :D
Now, back on topic, please

---------- Post added at 01:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:16 AM ----------

I'm liking this Huang fella:D

I agree when ever i see a thread about Liverpool and Zebedee comments it is usually the real deal. i just wish there was a man/woman with his inside/superior knowledge on Rangers on this forum.

I agree when ever i see a thread about Liverpool and Zebedee comments it is usually the real deal. i just wish there was a man/woman with his inside/superior knowledge on Rangers on this forum.


lol thanks - I think ;)

But I don't have inside knowledge on this - none whatsoever sorry. And I'm very, very frequently wrong because I don't have inside knowledge on any number of things. I drink on occasions with a couple of ex-players who are family friends. So I hear the odd rumour that way. And Liverpool is a village so you pick up rumours that way. And I'm a member of some groups and of some forums where decent information tends to be passed around. That's it. Just want to be clear on this - I'm not Duncan Oldham. <)


retrodude - at least 10 days before someone can take over a Premier League club, they have to let the Premier League know. The Premier League then does the new version of the fit and proper test and checks things like making sure the person has enough money to allow the club to fulfill all its fixtures for the next season. It's a check. And it means that the board of Liverpool are willing to pass on the Huang bid for that check - if it was a timewasting bid, or the board were totally against it, then it wouldn't go to the Premier League. Hope that makes sense mate - been a long couple of days.


The Sporting Intelligence article is correct in part (that's what D3SiiR3 copy pasted I think). Have spent most of the past two days digging up info on Huang and his business links - that's how in the loop I am :D Huang does not own 15% of the Cavaliers. He tried to arrange for other Chinese businessmen to buy the shares, but this still hasn't actually happened.

I'll post what I posted publicly on RAWK about this (forgive the tone of the post but RAWK is slipping into idiocy and people post without reading the thread and ask questions answered several dozen times before):

Too tired to source all this again right now.

Huang was supposedly fronting a joint venture with Hong Kong business man Albert Hung which he initially fronted to purchase a share or two in the Cavs. It hasn't gone through yet as far as I can make out.
Huang is MD and Senior Partner of an investment firm called Red Rocket Investments which is basically a vehicle for Leslie Alexander (owner of the Houston Rockets) to invest in various Chinese and Hong Kong businesses. Leslie Alexander seems to be a name which crops up a lot in Huang's dealings in China/HK and in the US.
Huang's company QSL was set up with Adrian Cheng, who is grandson and goldenboy to Cheng Wu-tong of Hong Kong. Adrian Cheng left QSL in May with Huang becoming full owner.
Huang has arranged a number of high profile Chinese sponsorships with NBA teams and individuals.

As a fixer, his qualifications seem spot on.

Who is behind him is something which seems to be being kept very quiet at the moment. All reports mention either a 'Far Eastern Sovereign Wealth Fund' or 'one of the richest investment funds in Asia' or something along those lines. In the initial thread both Bamba and Don Corleone offered reassurances that there were reasons for this and that the backers were generally sound people.

We're two days into the public part of what looks like something which will last at least another couple of weeks. Was good to hear Jay raising questions on the bid on SoS' behalf today although it seems to have been drowned out in the Al Fahim-esque noise.

Not inclined to disbelieve either of the posters who have posted information - everything so far has checked out. But I really hope that Huang, his backers or whoever will have a sit down with SoS before this goes through to discuss the points Jack, and others like BobbyDavro, have been raising. Even a private chat would go a long way, even if Paul or Graham or whoever came back with, "Honestly can't tell you much, not perfect, but this is a **** of a lot better than what we've got and they tick the right boxes".

I don't like being stampeded. I want Hicks and Gillett out. Where we're heading with them in charge is bad enough. Yet, the unspecified Sovereign Wealth Fund from the Far East is just odd and would be a radical change of investment strategy (notwithstanding Brown's attempts on his last visit to China to encourage such an investment).

Know certain people are limited in what they can say and reveal. But it is worrying because we have been here before. Forgive a bit of scepticism.

My private speculation on who may be behind the bid I've posted earlier in this thread. It's speculation. There may be a $298bn (as of august 2009) Sovereign Wealth Fund behind this. But I just don't buy that right now. It seems to me that Huang may be fronting for one or two billionaires and assorted other people. I've heard a slight rumour that David Moore may be part of this - that's pure, pure rumour and only has been hinted at by someone who may or may not know better.
The shysters are reported to be looking kindly upon this Syrian offer:

If D & D like a thing = BAD

If D & D don't like a thing = GOOD

So beware of Syrians bearing gifts ( hope I'm wrong ). oO)
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