The Arsenal Thread

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Depends when you'r basing the start of the decline from. Between 2011 and 2012, Man United have declined.

Because other Chelsea and City got benefactors allowing them to rise past us whilst we didn't follow so the good players we have leave to further their ambition and we clearly don't have a lot of cash to spend. Where is this money you all speak of?

I thought the argument was Napoli v Arsenal. Obviously if the likes of City, United, Chelsea etc came calling then we wouldn't really stand a chance

One season isnt a decline. For a decline you need a trend, one season doesn't give you a trend. A gradual fall over 7-8 seasons most certainly is, as there is a declining trend. Doesn't bother me as a United fan, one less title rival. But certain sections of the Arsenal support should be asking what their £1000 a year season ticket is getting them.
Because other Chelsea and City got benefactors allowing them to rise past us whilst we didn't follow so the good players we have leave to further their ambition and we clearly don't have a lot of cash to spend. Where is this money you all speak of?

Every **** article from the past half decade has extolled the virtues of Arsenal's policy and pointed out how much money you have. Here, have but one quote:

Swiss Ramble said:
Even though the annual profit before tax fell from an amazing £56 million in 2010 to £15 million in 2011, that is still a very impressive figure for a football club. Arsenal’s expertise can be evidenced by two great statistics: (a) the last time that they reported a loss was way back in 2002; (b) in the last four years alone, they have accumulated staggering profits of £153 million.

And a graph:

And a quote to help with the graph:

Swiss Ramble said:
Some may be concerned that Arsenal’s cash balances have fallen £45 million from £160 million to £115 million in the last six months, but that is partly because of the seasonal nature of cash flows during the year, e.g. the balance is invariably higher in May than November, due to the influx of season ticket money. A more pertinent comparison would be November 2010, when the cash balance was £110 million. In other words, the underlying trend remains upwards.

So face the facts, for goodness sakes. In cash balance alone you have shitloads of money, and that is just one part of your overall finances.
Making profits doesn't mean we're rolling in cash. If we were rolling in cash, we'd be spending that cash in the faith we'd still have a lot leftover to roll in. If we were rolling in cash, we'd have cleared all debts. I didn't say Arteta was Song's replacement but he's done a pretty good job so far and our defence has looked alright although only 2 games have been played. I think we need a right back and a striker more than we need a DM. That's my opinion. Why? Because Jenkinson is **** and we look vulnerable without Sagna down the right. Giroud hasn't convinced me yet although he still has time too and atm his backup is chamakh so yes we need a striker more than a DM.

Harsh on Jenkinson to say the least. Charlton to Arsenal is a big step up, I personally think he has a bright future and he has looked good in the opening games this season.
For the record, Swiss Ramble is not only a financial expert, but also a very knowledgable Arsenal fan.

Fabregas, you need to pull your head out the sand and take a closer look at your club.
Lol. Okay.

EDIT: **** it, unleashing the statshammer.

Lazy: Last year, Cheik Tiote put in the second most yards run per game than any other Newcastle player.

Ill-disciplined: Disregarding the fact that as a defensive midfielder he sometimes has to get booked just because he needs to take one for the team, last year Tiote received 11 yellow cards and no reds, a pretty decent record for such a combative midfielder.

Gives possession away: 83.2% pass success rating for last year, the fourth best in his team, would say otherwise.

High work rate: Quite apart from the distance run stats, he also put in the second most tackles, second most interceptions, and still found the time to make 18 successful dribbles, 13 key passes and take 29 shots.

I'd rather watch the game than look at stats. Stats can make players out to be better than they actually are

One season isnt a decline. For a decline you need a trend, one season doesn't give you a trend. A gradual fall over 7-8 seasons most certainly is, as there is a declining trend. Doesn't bother me as a United fan, one less title rival. But certain sections of the Arsenal support should be asking what their £1000 a year season ticket is getting them.

We haven't fallen gradually over the last 7-8 years. We had one drastic fall and have stayed roughly around the same position since.

And I give up about the money thing. i stand corrected, I blame the board :D
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I'd rather watch the game than look at stats. Stats can make players out to be better than they actually are

Well.....Tiotes stats make him out to be a fine player. Because he is oO)
I'd rather watch the game than look at stats. Stats can make players out to be better than they actually are

And, as per usual, the person who was just categorically proved incorrect by stats pulls this outmoded bullshit "oh but stats don't tell the whole story" excuse out of their ****.

Stats don't tell the whole story, but they tell much of it, and they're actually facts rather than just misguided opinion. There is literally no way you can say Tiote's lazy when he in truth runs some of the highest amounts in the Prem. It's just bollocks, plain and simple. Just because you don't agree with the truth doesn't mean you have to try and struggle your way around it.
Well.....Tiotes stats make him out to be a fine player. Because he is oO)

I would take Tiote instantly at United, for all the reasons above GodCubed gave (I think). He would be exactly what United need, although very unlikely to happen as Fergie has a lot of faith in his current CM options.
Tiote is an awesome player, i don't remember saying anything negative about him.

And stats make Walcott look indispensable to Arsenal
I would take Tiote instantly at United, for all the reasons above GodCubed gave (I think). He would be exactly what United need, although very unlikely to happen as Fergie has a lot of faith in his current CM options.

Yep, without hesitation-absolute workhorse. The lazy comment actually made me spit out my energy drink with laughter lol. And to think he only cost £3.5 million, now worth about £20 million. Brilliant find by Newcastle.

God, imagine what he would be like alongside Fellaini if he joined Everton? Mouthwatering. hypothetical I know, but already planning for FM 2013 lol
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Tiote is an awesome player, i don't remember saying anything negative about him.

Either you're a troll or retarded. Trying to figure out which. It's quite hard. I'm assuming retarded, so here's a refresher:

He's also lazy and ill-disciplined, gives possession away far too much for a deep lying player and no I wouldn't say he's got a high work rate

How is that not saying anything negative about him, precisely?

And stats make Walcott look indispensable to Arsenal

No, they don't.
I think I'm going to leave this. Like trying to talk sense into a wall
Either you're a troll or retarded. Trying to figure out which. It's quite hard. I'm assuming retarded, so here's a refresher:

How is that not saying anything negative about him, precisely?

No, they don't.

I thought we were talking about Song.

And Walcott was one of our top assisters last season
Wow, right on cue...

I thought we were talking about Song.

Then you're an idiot who can't read.

And Walcott was one of our top assisters last season

Which is exactly why stats should be left to people who understand them rather than just people who see big numbers and go "HURR HE MUST BE GOOD".
Wow, right on cue...

Then you're an idiot who can't read.

Which is exactly why stats should be left to people who understand them rather than just people who see big numbers and go "HURR HE MUST BE GOOD".

Clearly it's ajt09's fault as he quoted my when I mentioned Song and then talked about Tiote. I assumed he was still talking about song :P

And yes that clearly would be my point about stats
Clearly it's ajt09's fault as he quoted my when I mentioned Song and then talked about Tiote. I assumed he was still talking about song :P

It was very clear he was talking about Tiote, especially since he said '[Tiote] would improve the side'.

And yes that clearly would be my point about stats

What, that I can actually pick out relevant ones and you can't?
It was very clear he was talking about Tiote, especially since he said '[Tiote] would improve the side'.

What, that I can actually pick out relevant ones and you can't?

No it was really just a misunderstanding. He said we would suffer if we didn't get a DMF like Tiote but then my question to him was about a DMF without including Tiote and he also replied without including Tiote. The last name mentioned in the discussion between me and him was Song so silly me for assuming we were talking about Song.

And my point about stats was i'd rather the game than pick out stats :p What makes some stats relevant and others not so? Shouldn't all the irrelevant stats be discarded then since they are so irrelevant?
No it was really just a misunderstanding. He said we would suffer if we didn't get a DMF like Tiote but then my question to him was about a DMF without including Tiote and he also replied without including Tiote. The last name mentioned in the discussion between me and him was Song so silly me for assuming we were talking about Song.

And my point about stats was i'd rather the game than pick out stats :p What makes some stats relevant and others not so? Shouldn't all the irrelevant stats be discarded then since they are so irrelevant?

Stats are only as good as the person that uses them. An assists stat is relevant when used in the correct context.
And my point about stats was i'd rather the game than pick out stats :p What makes some stats relevant and others not so? Shouldn't all the irrelevant stats be discarded then since they are so irrelevant?

Right, except watching the game can only tell you so much. A good blend of the correct of stats can tell you a lot more accurately something about a player.

You need to work out which stats are relevant through careful debate with yourself and others. Obviously, with a player like Tiote or Song, tackling stats are going to be more important, same goes for interception and fouling stats. Less important are shooting stats. You afford more credence to some stats than others in regards to specific types of player.

As for Walcott, assists are very relevant, as are goals, and he had 8 of each. However, that's offset quite a bit by the fact he took 76 shots to score those 8, had an under 80% pass success rate, only 41 key passes, 35 successful dribbles and dispossessed or turned over the ball to the opposition 147 times throughout the season.