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Could you please explain to me how roaming works? I'm trying to create a tactic with Schürrle (AML), Götze(AMC) and Reus (AMR). I want them to constantly change positions/roles but i had no luck so far. Thanks in advance.
roaming is the "free" role, coupled with high creative freedom and move into channels it allows the player to move around the pitch freely looking for the open pass and space :)

change positions need to be selected in the instructions page, make sure that each player is at least accomplished in the position he would be moving into...

I.e: Gotze needs to be adept at left wing, Reus needs to be adept at attacking mid etc :)

see what I am saying? :)
Hello raikan,where I can find Islam Feruz, the player that chelsea buy from Celtic? I cant find him in my database
No clue :) never heard of him :) sorry bud, when did they sign him? this year? how old is he? if he is under 16 he wont be loaded in the game!
Hello Raikan, I'm mananging Cambridge in my second season now in league 2. How can I get more money for my wage budget beacuse I can not afford to keep some of my star players. Also could you reccomend some good players for league 2 who are cheap
Don't know if this is right place for this question but here it comes anyways .... Do you have any good tips when selling a player to another club and I wan't to get most out of it. Example City or Chelsea with money to spend enquire or offer from my player and I think I can get huge amount of money out of him but then I don't know how much I should ask to get fair money out of the transfer but not to scare them away. And I'm talking now about players not transfer listed. Example bigger team offering from my top 3 player.
Don't know if this is right place for this question but here it comes anyways .... Do you have any good tips when selling a player to another club and I wan't to get most out of it. Example City or Chelsea with money to spend enquire or offer from my player and I think I can get huge amount of money out of him but then I don't know how much I should ask to get fair money out of the transfer but not to scare them away. And I'm talking now about players not transfer listed. Example bigger team offering from my top 3 player.

hey bud, what you need to do if they release a statement: reject it! make them know you dont want to sell!

if they ask how much (enquire) you want for the player triple the value if he is one of your key men! for eg: Vidic, current value: £15m, tell them you want £45m

its quite tricky though, sometimes they pull out immediately and sometimes they continue to offer in small increments like Arsenal have done for Van der Wiel, offered £10m I wanted £25m, they counter £12m, I counter £24m up and down up and down until they give up!

however if you want to sell the player then do this until you reach a reasonable amount!

I cannot give you a difinitive answer though :) you just have to play with them a bit... if they pull out and your player is unhappy, just offer him out at 3x his value and see if there are any takers.. some might offer and some might offer more than what you thought was a good deal a while a go :)

or you can do a straight swap for a better player you want from one of their teams :) that is what I do most of the time :)
Hello Raikan, I'm mananging Cambridge in my second season now in league 2. How can I get more money for my wage budget beacuse I can not afford to keep some of my star players. Also could you reccomend some good players for league 2 who are cheap
hey bud, I have not managed lower leagues properly, cannot help you with players I am afraid :)

you need to try and win/gain promotion of course :) then you need to put all your transfer budget into your wage budget, also try and ask the board to increase wage budget! make sure that you are at least in positive before doing this otherwise they will reject you :)

organize big pre-season friendlies vs Man Utd, Chelsea etc and you will earn a lot of cash which your club will be grateful for and hopefully increase the amounts when you ask later on in the season :)

if you really are struggling and need to resign your best player, you might have to sell off a few of your players to get some money to put into your wage budget unfortunately...
hey bud, what you need to do if they release a statement: reject it! make them know you dont want to sell!

if they ask how much (enquire) you want for the player triple the value if he is one of your key men! for eg: Vidic, current value: £15m, tell them you want £45m

its quite tricky though, sometimes they pull out immediately and sometimes they continue to offer in small increments like Arsenal have done for Van der Wiel, offered £10m I wanted £25m, they counter £12m, I counter £24m up and down up and down until they give up!

however if you want to sell the player then do this until you reach a reasonable amount!

I cannot give you a difinitive answer though :) you just have to play with them a bit... if they pull out and your player is unhappy, just offer him out at 3x his value and see if there are any takers.. some might offer and some might offer more than what you thought was a good deal a while a go :)

or you can do a straight swap for a better player you want from one of their teams :) that is what I do most of the time :)
This is a HUGE help for me. Thanks Raikan!! :)
Can you tell some tips when buying a player? It seems for me like I have to paid huge overprizes for good players. Take for example Hazard, it is almost impossible for me to buy him unless I give like 80 million pounds or something like that.

Can you also give me tip about selling a player when you really want to sell? You know like.. Squillaci in arsenal, how is the best way to get the most out of it. Sorry if this questions already have been asked, haven't checked the thread that well.
hey bud, I have not managed lower leagues properly, cannot help you with players I am afraid :)

you need to try and win/gain promotion of course :) then you need to put all your transfer budget into your wage budget, also try and ask the board to increase wage budget! make sure that you are at least in positive before doing this otherwise they will reject you :)

organize big pre-season friendlies vs Man Utd, Chelsea etc and you will earn a lot of cash which your club will be grateful for and hopefully increase the amounts when you ask later on in the season :)

if you really are struggling and need to resign your best player, you might have to sell off a few of your players to get some money to put into your wage budget unfortunately...
Thanks that is a massive help:)
Hi Raikan,
I have few questions regarding your short & sweet tactic.

1) The wingers in this tactic are Inside Forwards or General Wingers?
2) Is this tactic can be used by small teams?
3) IF I drop the CM to DM position, then can this tactic be used in away matches?

Thank you in advance.
Abit of a silly question but how do I send players back to their clubs who I have on loan?
Hi Raikan, i just started a new save with arsenal, and to my disgust/disappointment van persie is out for 2-3 months. I am still in the transfer window, so I just wanted to ask, how should I replace him? Thanks in advance :)
I'm Arsenal and I have a problem with my attack. I've bought Hulk for €25 millon, but I can't seem to find the perfect position and role combo for my offensive players.

I'm playing:
-----------Van Persie
-----Walcott-Van Persie
Gervinho-------------- Hulk

What do you think is the best one? Should I play Hulk as a poacher or as an inside forward. What role should RvP have, what should the other attackers have. Can I play RvP, Walcott, Gervais and Hulk together?
You've helped loads in the past with my questions and just helping others and me reading it, and it's helped me become a pretty good manager imo now! But one thing is making me feel like a dumbass.... My scouts return after ONE DAY with 4 rather mediocre reccomendations when assigned to an individual nation even though I select potential at least 4 stars etc and I don't know how to fix it :( How do you personally scout individual nations?
Hi Raikan, first time posting. You seem like the bright sort of chap that would be able to answer a burning question of mine that no one else has so far being able to answer.

With regards to SI's CA/PA valuation of younger players, I understand that negative values reflect on a certain flexibility of how a player may develop in the future, ie -9 = 150-180, -8 = 130-160 etc. If that is the case, how come programs like Genie Scout and FMRTE actually shows a solid number despite the player having an "ambiguous" value which depends on a variety of variables (ie. training schedules, coaches etc)?

Also, in your thread explaining CA/PA, you mentioned that "Unlike CA, PA is generally a static figure that does not change once a game has been started". Does that mean that the value shown in programs such as FMRTE are actually the final value on a player's future PA?

Example being Danny Welbeck. His FM editor PA is rated as -8, with a current ability of 137. FMRTE's ratings however are 137/149 respectively. Does that mean that

1. FMRTE PA/CA are "current" values and are subject to change depending on how well Welback trains, quality of coaches, how many games he plays, how often he gets injured etc.
2. SI's editor values (-6, -7, -8, -9, -10 etc) are just a "mask" to an already set value?

It would be nice if anyone could chip in as well, as i'm really confused with this whole negative PA/CA thing and FMRTE / Genie Scout values. Thanks.
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Hi Raikan, first time posting. You seem like the bright sort of chap that would be able to answer a burning question of mine that no one else has so far being able to answer.

With regards to SI's CA/PA valuation of younger players, I understand that negative values reflect on a certain flexibility of how a player may develop in the future, ie -9 = 150-180, -8 = 130-160 etc. If that is the case, how come programs like Genie Scout and FMRTE actually shows a solid number despite the player's being a "ambiguous" value which depends on a variety of variables (ie. training schedules, coaches etc)?

Also, in your thread explaining CA/PA, you mentioned that "Unlike CA, PA is generally a static figure that does not change once a game has been started". Does that mean that the value shown in programs such as FMRTE are actually the final value on a player's future PA?

Example being Danny Welbeck. His FM editor PA is rated as -8, with a current ability of 137. FMRTE's ratings however are 137/149 respectively. Does that mean that

1. FMRTE PA/CA are "current" values and are subject to change depending on how well Welback trains, how many games he plays, how often he gets injured etc.
2. SI's editor values (-6, -7, -8, -9, -10 etc) are just a "mask" to an already set value?

It would be nice if anyone could chip in as well, as i'm really confused with this whole negative PA/CA thing and FMRTE / Genie Scout values. Thanks.

The reason for this is because, the random value between 150-180 for 9 potential players for example, is predetermined when you start each game. So, as soon as you start a save, every 9 potential player has been allocated a PA value between 150 ad 180.
You've helped loads in the past with my questions and just helping others and me reading it, and it's helped me become a pretty good manager imo now! But one thing is making me feel like a dumbass.... My scouts return after ONE DAY with 4 rather mediocre reccomendations when assigned to an individual nation even though I select potential at least 4 stars etc and I don't know how to fix it :( How do you personally scout individual nations?
Scouts return after one day if they already have all the knowledge about a country (check the blue bars!). E.g.: When you have scout who knows Brazil very well (bar is completly blue), he returns after one day from Brazil. You should sent him instead to a country which he does not already know: for example, you should send him to Argentine. I know, this is very stupid.