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Hey, I was just wondering if you could advice me what duty to give doumbia, other than poacher because he is useless, for me, in that position.

hey bud, its about 10% of the role and 90% of his personal instructions...

what tactic are you using firstly? your own or downloaded, whose?

what are his instructions, also, the rest of your teams instructions have a large part in this too, if he does not receive good enough service, you are not going to create the chances...
he looks he would do quite well on my Advanced playmaker schedules :)

I am not sure who you have to tutor him though, but anyone that has good determination, teamwork and work rate stats is what I go for everytime :)

And what is your Advanced playmaker shedules?
Hey there don´t know really where to ask this question it has been asked before ...probably. hm. rhm.

well here goes...

Is there a way to see the potential on a coach/scoat/staff etc. either than seeing the mental attributes on a player who wants to become a coach.

For instance I signed Ray Parlour and Tony Cottee for my Barnsley squad. They got okay coaching abilities. But not awesome. Can I see the progress or potential on the coaches? Anyone i´m all ears. Thanks for any answers! Danny Haynes for life!!
I'm having a problem with getting good players to come to my team. At the start of the game I took charge of Shrewsbury Town and in five seasons got promoted to Premier League. Last season I managed to survive and finished 16th and finally got my training facilities upgraded to Good. But still even after all this almost no good players want to play for me. For example of the 200-or-so players my Premier League scout has scouted only 5 would want to join me... Is it just a matter of reputation? Or maybe I have to upgrade my facilities again? Or is there something else I can do?
Hey there don´t know really where to ask this question it has been asked before ...probably. hm. rhm.

well here goes...

Is there a way to see the potential on a coach/scoat/staff etc. either than seeing the mental attributes on a player who wants to become a coach.

For instance I signed Ray Parlour and Tony Cottee for my Barnsley squad. They got okay coaching abilities. But not awesome. Can I see the progress or potential on the coaches? Anyone i´m all ears. Thanks for any answers! Danny Haynes for life!!

only through the editor and probably FMRTE I think!
I'm having a problem with getting good players to come to my team. At the start of the game I took charge of Shrewsbury Town and in five seasons got promoted to Premier League. Last season I managed to survive and finished 16th and finally got my training facilities upgraded to Good. But still even after all this almost no good players want to play for me. For example of the 200-or-so players my Premier League scout has scouted only 5 would want to join me... Is it just a matter of reputation? Or maybe I have to upgrade my facilities again? Or is there something else I can do?

95% reputation :) you have to win something or finish in the Europa/Champions League spots! I would much rather be looking in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay etc for players, much much better players there, cheaper and will join for peanuts in comparison! Its like a stepping stone for most of them and they will join!
Hey Raikan!

I have a question, wich i have pondered over for some time now : Is there any real advantage in praising players you want to buy from another club over the course of a season? Does it help to praise the manager at that perticular club or is the effect minimal on a future bid from me?. (if u can save for instanse 10mil GBP, because you have good relations with the selling club (A) )

many thanks :D
Hey Raikan!

I have a question, wich i have pondered over for some time now : Is there any real advantage in praising players you want to buy from another club over the course of a season? Does it help to praise the manager at that perticular club or is the effect minimal on a future bid from me?. (if u can save for instanse 10mil GBP, because you have good relations with the selling club (A) )

many thanks :D

yes yes and yes :)

for one, praising the player could result in you being one of his favoured personel. praising managers remember can be detrimental as well, your players could get upset if you constantly praise a rivals or other team managers....
Hey Raikan, I've noticed people talking about other teams getting used to your tactics if you lose them for too long, how can I guard against this simply?

Edit: Also when I try changing my match preparation from defensive positioning to anything else it just changes straight back after, why?
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Hola, I saw in your Ajax story you really got the best out of Luuk de jong, i've picked him up for Basel start of the second season and was wondering how to play him along side a fast poacher. Thanks in advanced for any advice
Hey Raikan,
I like to experiment and buy youngsters to see how good they became later. But I was thinking Do they grow equally when I haven't bought them. For example Grant Hanley from Blackburn, will he grow as fast and as hard if he's not in my team? Cause I'm doing these screenshots to see how much they've grown each year. Then I have this for my next saves you see.

Another one: If a player gets a two star rating PA, is it possible that he could turn out world class or will it be around a two star player in the future? Cause when I look at some players and I think they could be very good, sometimes my scouts only give him two stars..
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Sup Raikan,
One of my key players (GK), said that he want's to move to a bigger club. I said i will let him go at the end of the season, but i don't wan't to sell him for less than he's worth. He has great PA(160) and is one of the players with the best CA(122) in my league. His contract will run out in 1 year and a half. So, should i sell him at the end of this season, and how much should i sell him for if i do that?

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I screwed up big time Raikan..

I accidently said to open all files with notepad.
and now in game he wont find the file in schedules map..
What now?:S

hey bud, donwload it again :) leave it as is, copy and paste into schedules!
Hey Raikan, I've noticed people talking about other teams getting used to your tactics if you lose them for too long, how can I guard against this simply?

Edit: Also when I try changing my match preparation from defensive positioning to anything else it just changes straight back after, why?

hey mate :)

1) have at least 2 tactics in match prep (I have three) and have one for home games and one for away games then the 3rd one for testing/fun etc (I use my Short and Sweet for home games and dominate 75% possession etc)

2) I am not sure on that, I always have mine on low (once tactic is fluid) and have it on defence, when I have changed it it has stayed changed! What could be is that you have changed it for the 2nd tactic but it is not set as your starting tactic etc... get what I mean sort of? That could be the case, I may have seen that before..
Hola, I saw in your Ajax story you really got the best out of Luuk de jong, i've picked him up for Basel start of the second season and was wondering how to play him along side a fast poacher. Thanks in advanced for any advice

Hey bud :) glad you reading it!

I play him as a Dlf (The Rooney role I created) he runs from deep never, runs with ball sometimes, through balls often, moves into channels, no long shots (well I changed that to suit Luuk) and have the poacher running with ball and from deep always with no long shots, through balls, crossing etc..
Hey Raikan,
I like to experiment and buy youngsters to see how good they became later. But I was thinking Do they grow equally when I haven't bought them. For example Grant Hanley from Blackburn, will he grow as fast and as hard if he's not in my team? Cause I'm doing these screenshots to see how much they've grown each year. Then I have this for my next saves you see.

Another one: If a player gets a two star rating PA, is it possible that he could turn out world class or will it be around a two star player in the future? Cause when I look at some players and I think they could be very good, sometimes my scouts only give him two stars..

hey bud :)

They will not grow exactly the same each game, so many uncontrollable factors come into play that can affect growth (PA) injuries, morale, training, coaches, tutoring, playing time etc etc...

Do not trust scouts :) not all the time! use them to give their opinion then you have the final say, I always say, stats talk and PA walks, if the player has good stats, he will be good! who cares if he has a PA of 198, 99% of the time players do not reach their PA's, the PA drops for many factors as mentioned above along with training new positions and PPM's etc, this all uses PA!

so at the end of the day, the same player is not going to progress in the exact same way each time, similar yes, but not exact!
Sup Raikan,
One of my key players (GK), said that he want's to move to a bigger club. I said i will let him go at the end of the season, but i don't wan't to sell him for less than he's worth. He has great PA(160) and is one of the players with the best CA(122) in my league. His contract will run out in 1 year and a half. So, should i sell him at the end of this season, and how much should i sell him for if i do that?

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hey mate, where are you finishing in the league this season? or what is your aim? if you finish high up and do well, the player will change his mind (sometimes)

If you want to take the chance, offer him out and 10x the amount he is worth now, transfer list him and see what happens:

1) some clubs may offer a lot of cash for him
2) sometimes the player actually asks to stay and will end up asking for a new contract
3) take him off at least 3 months before his contract will allow for free signing (i.e: 9 months left) to ensure he will come right and want to sign

if all this fails, just try and sell him for at least 3x what he is worth :)
Hi raikan I have a problem with my defence. My defence always mess up the defensive line by making huge gaps which the
opposition exploit. I usually have a deep to normal defincive line. Any tips or suggestions ?

Thanks in advance