V3 defense is poor away from home. I concede a lot of goals at the center. It seems the CD cover and stopper combination not working for me.
V3 defense is poor away from home. I concede a lot of goals at the center. It seems the CD cover and stopper combination not working for me.

You can try to put both on cover, I've done it for a few matches and it seems to be more solid.. but hard to tell yet
You can try to put both on cover, I've done it for a few matches and it seems to be more solid.. but hard to tell yet
Thanks mate. I will try.
But this is great tactics, the home is great, I often win 3-0, 4-0
Amazing tactic.

Decided to head for a new challenge in my long term save in 2036, taking carge of 16th placed Bayer Leverkusen in Germany.

View attachment 390389
Plugged your tactic straight at the highlighted game. Only 2 losses since, climbed the latter up to 6th place, only made 3 new signings at the 2nd transfer period. Thanks mate :)
Amazing tactic.

Decided to head for a new challenge in my long term save in 2036, taking carge of 16th placed Bayer Leverkusen in Germany.

View attachment 565778
Plugged your tactic straight at the highlighted game. Only 2 losses since, climbed the latter up to 6th place, only made 3 new signings at the 2nd transfer period. Thanks mate :)

Cheers! Great results mate :) Im glad it worked for you!
Well, plugged it in in January and I went on to clean up every trophy I was entered in...

View attachment 390387 View attachment 390385 View attachment 390383

The two losses in them highlighted games aren't even anything to worry about either. The one against Granada was a freak result I posted in this thread a while back and the Benfica game I fielded possibly my worst 11 as I was that confident after beating them 4-1 at their place. Easily the best 4-2-3-1 tactic on this forum.

I used the original set up until the Valencia 3-2, then plugged in the V3 for remainder of the season.

The only negative (and there is very very few) of this tactic is that it does concede goals, but you tend to out score the opponent anyhow, so I didn't see that much of a problem with it. Anyway, cheers again for sharing this TheWibe. Looking forward to using it for a full season now :)
Well, plugged it in in January and I went on to clean up every trophy I was entered in...

View attachment 565782 View attachment 565787 View attachment 565790

The two losses in them highlighted games aren't even anything to worry about either. The one against Granada was a freak result I posted in this thread a while back and the Benfica game I fielded possibly my worst 11 as I was that confident after beating them 4-1 at their place. Easily the best 4-2-3-1 tactic on this forum.

I used the original set up until the Valencia 3-2, then plugged in the V3 for remainder of the season.

The only negative (and there is very very few) of this tactic is that it does concede goals, but you tend to out score the opponent anyhow, so I didn't see that much of a problem with it. Anyway, cheers again for sharing this TheWibe. Looking forward to using it for a full season now :)

Great results mate! :D I'm glad you liked it.. And I hope it will keep bringing you titles! :)
I see home and away tactics mentioned but only 1 tactic to download ???
How do I tighten the gap between midfield and defence.This comes up in the feedback every game.Is it something my team will get better at or do I need to use a DLP to drop back to bridge the gap.
I think, I want! I need! ;) You must tweak your direct tactic - this is amazing tactic for me and I want more ;) I'm playing this tactis in Aarau and last game in Legia Warsaw (won against Chelsea 3:2 at away), Aarau I've won 8:1 against Thun at away.

This tactis is incredible at away, but my Aarau won at home too.
But this tactic need tweak against weaker team.
This is great tactic for me - I never lose any games whith this.

sorry for my eglish I'm from Poland
I think, I want! I need! ;) You must tweak your direct tactic - this is amazing tactic for me and I want more ;) I'm playing this tactis in Aarau and last game in Legia Warsaw (won against Chelsea 3:2 at away), Aarau I've won 8:1 against Thun at away.

This tactis is incredible at away, but my Aarau won at home too.
But this tactic need tweak against weaker team.
This is great tactic for me - I never lose any games whith this.

sorry for my eglish I'm from Poland

I will mate :) just dont have the time atm.. But I might do it tomorrow
When I lose a goal or score is to close (1-2) I do some tweak and I never lose ;)
Last game I won 6-1 at away against Young Boys Berno (Direct tactic)

D-Line "Push higher up", "Offside trap on", and off "use tighter marking" and when score still is not good I D-Line change to "Much Higher Defensive Line".

This is my tweaked version:
View attachment 389127
When I lose a goal or score is to close (1-2) I do some tweak and I never lose ;)
Last game I won 6-1 at away against Young Boys Berno (Direct tactic)

D-Line "Push higher up", "Offside trap on", and off "use tighter marking" and when score still is not good I D-Line change to "Much Higher Defensive Line".

This is my tweaked version:
View attachment 568760

Hi u share fixture pic ?
For a few dayes. I'm at away from home now. I'll be back in monday.

Wysłane z mojego Nexus 5 przy użyciu Tapatalka
Really good tactic my Borussia M'Gladbach first season on the 2nd place! Keep going mate
Great tactic offensively im 28 games in with liverpool and on 98 goals in the league, sterling is a beast he's already on 26 goals in the league as a winger. best tactic ive used so far.