The FIFA 12 Thread

What is Rooney's overall? I like the shooting,placing off the ball :D But it's **** i cant get my joystick to work -.- I play on keyboard so ****... :(
Well I buy it because I enjoy the game.... As do my friends..... So we play it together online and at each others houses with a few beers.

I think you misunderstand me. I’m not slating people for buying FIFA, just those who buy it for the sake of it.
I think you misunderstand me. I’m not slating people for buying FIFA, just those who buy it for the sake of it.

I was saying that there is no doubt once UT is set up and **** it's gonna be great
I think you misunderstand me. I’m not slating people for buying FIFA, just those who buy it for the sake of it.

Lol no, I understood you, I was just saying I dont know anyone like that and gave reasons why I get it every year :). Probably the only games I still play up until the new one comes out so I always get value out of the 30 odd quid it costs :)
Played the demo for a good while last night and it definitely feels like it's half PES half FIFA. A lot of things I did like, and similar to a lot of others, the defending has been a bit meh so far.


- Passing: Maybe it was just because I was Barcelona for most of the time I was on, but the passing felt very crisp and precise. Some of the through balls I was hitting with Xavi were reminisce of his real life counterpart.

- Keepers: They seem to be better in one on ones and I've seen more saves with the keepers feet than the whole time I played FIFA 11. Also in an attacking sense, it seems easier to round the keeper using skill, unlike in FIFA 11 where even the worst keepers would accelerate like a pro and grab the ball.

- Visuals: The game genuinely looks really good, a big improvement from FIFA 11.

- Commentary: No more Andy Gray with quotes such as, ‎'2 words...can't defend martin' - 'that's 3 words' - 'oh ayyye yee ayyee'

Dislike (So far)

- Defending: It will probably just take a while to get used to, but at the moment I'm pretty awful at it. Also World Class & Legendary seem ridiculously hard. Maybe it's just because the matches on the demo are so short, but I spent most of the time trying to get the ball than anything else, mostly trying to foul them but even then my slide tackles didn't seem to work.
Aree with that completely JDY! All bar the hardness because I've only tried Semi Pro and that was too easy :)

Although I did score 5 in a match with Ibra and the heard the same "He doesn't even need to look up blah blah blah" routine from the comentator - every time!
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So far, so meh. Cant see myself splurging 40 quid on it
Tactical defending is great. I defended similarly to this in '11 so it hasnt been that much of a change. At least it ill stop the 10 year olds hold A + B to just surround the attacker. Defending actually is a skill now.
Tactical defending is great. I defended similarly to this in '11 so it hasnt been that much of a change. At least it ill stop the 10 year olds hold A + B to just surround the attacker. Defending actually is a skill now.

Unless the 10 year old knows how to change to 11 controls ;)
Haha @ JDY, I found myself trying to foul everyone on Legendary, only failing and they ended up going through and scoring. I think I scored 1 goal out of 10 games last night, on Legendary..
What was wrong with it? I can never really get into UT :(

I used to get drunk and give away all my best players, but since I've gone teetotal that can't happen XD. Not spending a penny on UT this term.
I used to get drunk and give away all my best players, but since I've gone teetotal that can't happen XD. Not spending a penny on UT this term.


I'll probably buy two or three gold packs on UT to start myself off, then just live off the ones I get each month from the special edition ill get.

I'll probably buy two or three gold packs on UT to start myself off, then just live off the ones I get each month from the special edition ill get.

Or persuade him to get ****** and poach his players ;)
Not starting UT this year, wasted about £70 on it last year, its too tempting to keep buying more and more packs.