The Fifa Draft League - Xbox 360

No offence Frank, but you're worse than Joe when it comes to FIFA tournaments/leagues :p

Agreed, and Joe is suffering a perma-ban from all my Fifa events..
Danny, I didn't say you can't score sweaty goals... Just actually attack afterwards. Hence my four goals to your one. (;

Me 3 - 2 Gates
Me 3 - 0 Gates
Also, I think we should draft players after each season... Otherwise I just get bored of my squad ie last season. P:
Me 1 - 8 Tirath

Me 2 - 4 Tirath
Me 1 - 1 Jonesy
Me 2 - 1 Jonesy

I only have Giggs and Wilko left to play. ):

Where's the cup draw?
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Me 3 - 2 Ronan

If your all intending on renewing teams etc in the future, i would be interested in playing, just changed consoles to 360 there, can play anytime aswell due to being a *** :) lol

if i am welcome then someone can pm me the details or something.

Ronan 6-1 Nathan

Ronan 2-0 Nathan

Havent been able to get on my internet for the past few days.

Think I'm gonna drop it if I havent already been dropped, wasn't able to get on so I've been given a **** team / no team, when i was the first / maybe only one to complete all my games.. nice one.

Wouldn't have been to check the updates or nothing on saturday, as i was at QPR away, so had no chance of checking weather i could make it or not let alone contacting you..
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Yeah just looked at the players, Gonna drop out this season. Can't be arsed for another season with players i didn't pick / **** players.

If a space becomes available next season then message me or something if you can't find someone cause i'd do it next season if i get to have a first pick at the players with the others! (y)
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This is the first time I've ever been able to pick my own players, and it's the 5th time I've been in a draft. Either i miss it and Redders picks chumps/Marvin Emnes on my behalf, or i get left to choose from the leftovers.

Suck it up.