Yay Im a starter for Harriers :)
Dunc your a regular for my team too :)

Mine is:

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Just wondering who did everybody pick as their Captain?
Mine is Joseba Muniain(me, biased i know :p) and Gaizka Alonso is vice Captain

nice to see you got me, van Bumwinkle, in goal too! Get him on freekicks!!!

Captain is Mark Fletcher and vice is Gaizka Alonso
I'd be interested to know what everyones first choice starting XI is.

Mine is:

GK - van Bumwinkle (freekick taker)

RB - Ben Copland
CB - Gaizka Alonso
CB - Ryan Croke
LB - Jose Gainza

DM - Mark Fletcher
CM - Michael Dale
CM - Corey Wilson

AMR - Joseba Muniain
AML - Shirish Kayastha

ST - Wojciech Chrobak (most injury prone player ever!)

Haha! Chrobak's injured for me too :p

GK: Mikhail Belukhin

RB: Ben Copland
CB: Liam McLoughlin
CB: Mohammed Jameel
LB: Jose Gainza

Defensive-minded CM: Gaizka Alonso (C)
Offensive-minded CM: Mark Fletcher
AMC: Dunc

STCL: Andreas Dahnert
STC: Shirish Kayastha
STCR: Joseba Muniain (VC)
Alright, gonna start the save now.
Danny, did you not add an achievement for going the season unbeaten?
I just wanted you to do it so i could have more points than harriers :p

28 straight wins and already scored more than harriers all season :p
have I (Brian Arthur) got any games for anyone. How am I and San Marino doing internationally too?
have I (Brian Arthur) got any games for anyone. How am I and San Marino doing internationally too?

You're my 2nd choice DM and you have 2 caps for San Marino. I'm currently in October, 2nd season

and San Marino have still lost every game so far
Wouldn't usually upload highlights but just happened to have THREE 30 yard goals in, as well as strikes from Gainza, Wilkinson and Dahnert :)

Just wondering. Are you guys playing with FMB players only or are you using the regens aswell?
Glad to see everyone is getting along well, and that I'm starting for everybody's teams (Jose Gainza) :p Gonna start mine now and see what we can do!
Glad to see everyone is getting along well, and that I'm starting for everybody's teams (Jose Gainza) :p Gonna start mine now and see what we can do!

You've just been put out of action for 3 months in the Gloucester game :/
Raping every single team in the pre-season so far... Looks like the first season is gonna be a piece of cake.
How's the glorious comrade of the motherland Belukhin doing?
Dunc you beast :O

Screw you Danny... You intionally made my player suck donkey balls :p

Did pretty well in my first game:
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