hold in Alt then hit F9 :)

this will put the picture in the mydocs/sportsinteractive/fm11/screenshots folder :)
How can I "empty" the list of "archived tactics" on the tactic screen. I have gone to "manage tactics" and deleted everything, but they just reappear next time I go there....
Might be being stupid but I finished 6th with Stoke in the first season and wasn't awarded a UEFA Cup spot. I though 5th and 6th always entered the UEFA Cup? oO)

EDIT: In case it matters Chelsea won the league cup and finished 1st. Tottenham won the FA cup and finished 7th. Honestly can't see why I'm not in Europe.

*Bursts into tears*
I'm managing in Finland and I want the Finland national job. I can get pretty much every other national job apart from the few big ones and I can get better one's than Finland. They keep giving the job to Shefki Kuqi though, who has managed 1 club to failure for 6 months.

I tried going back and resigning from my club and then I got the Finland job. Then I reapplied at a club and they offered me the job but all I could do was delay or reject.

I'm currently managing Newcastle United in the premier league and we are doing fine like in real life, i am 10th which is average and i have a slight problem...I tried to interact with some players related to internal, to ask them about PPM(Preferred Moves). I'm not sure what the problem is but couple of them have slight concerns. It says "Worried by the lack of managerial discipline". Help anyone? What does it mean? How do i fix it?

Thanks if anyone could help!
I've just installed the BBC skin but now my manager picture has disappeared. Is there anyway to correct this so that my manager picture stays there permanently?

---------- Post added at 07:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:47 PM ----------

Might be being stupid but I finished 6th with Stoke in the first season and wasn't awarded a UEFA Cup spot. I though 5th and 6th always entered the UEFA Cup? oO)

EDIT: In case it matters Chelsea won the league cup and finished 1st. Tottenham won the FA cup and finished 7th. Honestly can't see why I'm not in Europe.

*Bursts into tears*

It's because Spurs won the FA Cup and finished 7th. That means they get the European spot and the league gets one less I think.
What's the best way to get your team playing against teams who play very deep and highly defensive? I've tried playing narrow, through the middle, work the ball into box. And have also tried playing wide to see if I can stretch their defence and exploit the gaps, but I'm still not convinced either really work. I had Modric as my playmaker, but also Krancjar, Bale and Lennon supporting. I have a choice of Balotelli, Defoe, Steven Fletcher and Necid to play as a pair up front. I've tried having Modric and Krancjar playing plenty of through balls but it doesn't seem to work. I always have my strikers to never run from deep because they are always offside, but I would like to have them run from deep to exploit through balls. Anyone know how to break these team down and get my players around the back of them?
What's the best way to get your team playing against teams who play very deep and highly defensive? I've tried playing narrow, through the middle, work the ball into box. And have also tried playing wide to see if I can stretch their defence and exploit the gaps, but I'm still not convinced either really work. I had Modric as my playmaker, but also Krancjar, Bale and Lennon supporting. I have a choice of Balotelli, Defoe, Steven Fletcher and Necid to play as a pair up front. I've tried having Modric and Krancjar playing plenty of through balls but it doesn't seem to work. I always have my strikers to never run from deep because they are always offside, but I would like to have them run from deep to exploit through balls. Anyone know how to break these team down and get my players around the back of them?

Normally when they play tooo deep, i try to lure them up so that once they are up i change to another tactic, attacking one so it allows my team to attack them quite badly as they lost position. If this normally doesn't work then i do ultra attacking which sometimes work :)
What's the best way to get your team playing against teams who play very deep and highly defensive? I've tried playing narrow, through the middle, work the ball into box. And have also tried playing wide to see if I can stretch their defence and exploit the gaps, but I'm still not convinced either really work. I had Modric as my playmaker, but also Krancjar, Bale and Lennon supporting. I have a choice of Balotelli, Defoe, Steven Fletcher and Necid to play as a pair up front. I've tried having Modric and Krancjar playing plenty of through balls but it doesn't seem to work. I always have my strikers to never run from deep because they are always offside, but I would like to have them run from deep to exploit through balls. Anyone know how to break these team down and get my players around the back of them?

If they are playing extremelydefensively then just keep attacking them. Eventually you should find an opening or go for long shots with 'shoot on sight' as it would bypass their defense.
When you sign up for premium membership is the fee recurring or non-recurring?
could someone please tell me how to upload kits , i am new so sorry if i should be asking somewhere else. I use SSD if thats any help ;)
I can't seem to upload videos (only audio) to youtube. Im obviously doing something wrong. Can anybody help? When I upload the file (pkm) it sends only the audio to youtube. Is there a step I am missing where I am not supposed to send a pkm file?
Ok so i'm in a bit of financial uncertainty with my club Southampton at the moment, I am 21 million in the plus, but I have loans of over 150 million that are being repayed, as a result on top of my 2 million wage bill I am losing 5-7m a month consistently

My problem is that I want to upgrade my youth and training facilities but the board reject the request every time and have done for the last 5 years in the game

I am given a transfer budget of about 72 million, but I don't need the money, I have a squad that wins the champions league and premier league consitently and there are no wonderkids higher than 3 star potential to snap up so I have 72m standing around doing nothing

Is there no way to give this money back to the board somehow? I'm not using it and I really need my facilities upgrade or the stadium upgraded

Thanks in advance for the help
Ok so i'm in a bit of financial uncertainty with my club Southampton at the moment, I am 21 million in the plus, but I have loans of over 150 million that are being repayed, as a result on top of my 2 million wage bill I am losing 5-7m a month consistently

My problem is that I want to upgrade my youth and training facilities but the board reject the request every time and have done for the last 5 years in the game

I am given a transfer budget of about 72 million, but I don't need the money, I have a squad that wins the champions league and premier league consitently and there are no wonderkids higher than 3 star potential to snap up so I have 72m standing around doing nothing

Is there no way to give this money back to the board somehow? I'm not using it and I really need my facilities upgrade or the stadium upgraded

Thanks in advance for the help

Convert all your transfer budget to wage budget and you'll earn interest.
Question regarding 11.3 patch media preditions:

Have these not been altesred as teams like QPR are still expected mid table, Norwich still expected 17th, bolton still 14th etc.

Is there a fix for this or am I doing something wrong?
hi guys, im still playing fm10 at the mo, as i was a bit of a newbie and felt i was still serving my apprenticeship lol...anyway, now im thinking of getting fm11...the reason for this being, is that ive come across things on fm10 that are driving me nuts...
1/ attacking headers more often than not, go over the bar
2/ long throw ins, no matter how good the taker, always concedes me of possesion
3/ the goalie standing like a statue, watching and allowing the striker to get the ball and slam it in (ive scored plenty and conceded in this way)

my question is, are these "glitches/bugs" in fm11?...dont really wanna waste my money if its the same with that

cheers for any help