The " I have a small question" thread FM13

Maybe they do not know hard tackling increases yellow and red cards and also injuries to their own players
What are the most important attributes for an assistant manager?

Depends on what you use the assistant for. He will be a coach aswell, so determination, discipline and motivation + man management are important + good skill in the area you are using him as a coach. If you are relying him on judging your players, then judging players ability and potential. If you use him for opposition instructions and/or holiday some games, then tactical knowledge. If he is foreign, then also adaptability.
In the individual training, what exactly does it mean when the coach tells me that a player should 'be put on an individual training regime to work on his tactical role'? I understand when they tell me to work on the player's strength, composure etc...but there's no individual training focus for 'tactical'.
Tactical role is his position on the field... example: training Messi's tactical role is to set him training as trequartista or DLF
If you download the demo now, will it be fixed and up to the latest patch or will it still be really buggy and horrible to play?
I can get youngsters to wonderkid but they never seem to progress to a world class player. Any tips on helping this progression?
Don't forget players have a natural limitation stipulated by his potential hability (range 0-200)
I'm starting up with QPR and have made them Counter attacking 424 flat back four, 2DM, AMR/L , 2ST and short passing possession based 4231 but I can't decide what to make the third tactic. My team compared to others is one of the worst in Defence and Midfield but Forwards are average compared to others. Any suggestions what kind of a tactic should I prepare?
Do a GK stats, well these two in perticular - Communication & Command of area - have any real effect on defenders performances in game and is this notable?

For example if a played a season from the start and then repeated the same season with a GK that had double the stats of the previous GK would you expect an increase in average ratings?

I know repeating a season isnt always a valid test due to so many variables but I'd still hope that I would see some difference?

Obvious examples would be how How the great Dane commanded the area compared to that of the very frail and scared looking De Gea.

My team went from being the best team in italy to totals ***. How should i approach this terrible slump in form?
Stupid question - To get the blue bar of the tactic full the quickest, do i train "Tactics" or "Team Cohesion"?(just making sure)

I think neither. That's for players atributes.

You use the tactics only of the match training.
Hi all... this is my first post in this site...
could anyone please let me know if there is any truth to this---
when I save the game( i do it at the 'submit team' page before leaving the game) and then start it again later, i've found that if in that first match I get a victory then my results in rest of the matches are usually positive. And if I get a draw/loss in that first match whenever I load and continue to play again, my results later are worse than normal...( is this a bug in the game)...

also the same thing happens with injuries, if a player gets injured in the first match I play after I load and continue my save, then my players keep getting injured later as well(more than usual)

keep in mind that before leaving the game I always save it at the submit team page for the next match... and I noticed the same thing in fm12 as well...

I have the latest 13.3.3 patch which I downloaded via steam...

any thoughts are welcome...
It's not a bug. Keep in mind at that moment all the pre-match actions have already been set and they have an influence over the game. If you went into a mind war, or didn't, the players morale and reactions and so on have already been set for better or worse.

As it goes for injuries, I'm not sure, but I've observed from games where by one or another reason I had to reload from a point previous to where I left it, it appears like there were at some point of the day/week a roll to determine chances of players injuring or how many and then new rolls to check who gets injured. For instance, once I saved at Wednesday, then went on and that eveing my striker gets injured for three weeks. Then I am called to have dinner, I close without saving and in the evening I load the save and then it's a midfielder who gets injured for four weeks. As if at some point before saving the game had decided that one player would get injured but had not yet chosen who. Now, I can't be sure if it's like that or just coincidence that when I save at some point and get an injured player, when loading from there I again get another player injured. It may as well be that some day by the time passed after a match or by match schedules it becomes a high injury day and it's just too hard not to have injured. In fact I've just remembered the last time I saved the same day or one before someone got injured the second time after loading nobody got injured.
A few of my players are constantly complaing about their training workload being to high, despite being on light and trying various differations, is there any way to make them like it via chat or certain settings or as some players just lazy trainers?

Also, when do you guys start looking to replace older players, when the training staff say they decline? or just bit by bit as there over 30 with a new kid? ie i have a few players at 30 ish and a few kids at 17 that are potential long term replacements but dont wanna lose the awesomeness of the team by taking them out too late, and the kids lose game time or putting the kids in too early and we lose due to in experience, i've been trying to get them decent loans, or failing that, play them in 2nd legs where the game is up, game where i know we'll murder then oppo regardless..
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how can i prevent to have a dozen blocked shots every ******* game? i get 20-30 shots a game and half of them is blocked shots...
how can i prevent to have a dozen blocked shots every ******* game? i get 20-30 shots a game and half of them is blocked shots...

Hard to say without knowing your exact approach so these hints are in generall.

- Create space, use the width and have players moving between the lines.