Does anybody know how to change a tactic when your assistant manager tells you your midfield is heavily outnumbered during a game?
Does anybody know how to change a tactic when your assistant manager tells you your midfield is heavily outnumbered during a game?

Its an observation. If you have 2 or 3 players in midfield and the opposition has 4 or 5, then you ARE outnumbered. So even if you are Man u playing a 424, beating leyton Orrient with 15-0 and they play a flat 451, the assman will still tell you this
Quick question.. Can we change pitch dimension during an ongoing season? Or do we have to wait till new season?
Oooohh. Thanks thebetterhalf. :)
Got another question, if one my players is used to closing down more often or something like that, would changing that tactic in player instructions make a difference? I've been using it.
Probably a stupid question...but, how do i upload a tactic to my game that i've downloaded off of here?
not a stupid question but perhaps next time, have a look in the stickies

How to put Downloaded Tactics & Training into the game
Yeah i found that after i posted -_- Thanks anyway! :)
here's a question
what roles (for the other players around him) and formations work best with advanced playmakers especially in AMC positions? I mean with what roles does it have best sinergy? some examples
here's a question
what roles (for the other players around him) and formations work best with advanced playmakers especially in AMC positions? I mean with what roles does it have best sinergy? some examples

I usually play an advance playmaker(attack) with an Ball winning midfield(defend) and a deep lying playmaker(support)
What would make my Bayern tactic better away from home? My tactic last season was devastating at home (beat Real Madrid 2-0, won every Bundesliga match save one played with a reserve side after the title was won) but less spectacular away and on neutral ground (lost to Dortmund, Nuremberg, Kaiserslautern away from home, lost 1-0 to Man City in CL Final, 1-0 Shakhtar in group stages, only beat Hannover 1-0 in DFB Pokal Final).

I'm pretty sure I'm struggling because my tactic is great with large amounts of possession (often 60% + and 20 + shots) but I can't gain enough of a foothold on games to dominate the ball and territory away.

I'm thinking changing
Strategy: Control -> Standard or Counter
Passing: Shorter -> Direct (or should it just be default)
Philosophy: Very Fluid -> Fluid

is it too much to have a dlp (in cm spot) + a ball playing defender (451)?
and should a 41212 (2 fbs 2cd 1dmd 1b2bs 1cms 1 aps 1tma 1poacher) tactic press much and/or roam? (wideness is at half and its short passing, fluid, control)
should I modifiy passing PIs of the midfielders to short or the minimum mixed? I want to have posession and control (and I dont wanna use wingers)
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I wanted to know whether anyone knows which attribute an assistant manager uses for a good result of help.

View Squad -> Alter selection by assistant reports -> Best role -> ...

Does he says whats best according to him cuz of his judging player abilities or by his tactical knowledge?
here's a question
what roles (for the other players around him) and formations work best with advanced playmakers especially in AMC positions? I mean with what roles does it have best sinergy? some examples
I think MC position may be suitable for the Adv playmaker role. AMC more suitable with Attacking mid - attack
I have something to ask about the passing style. Which specific player that the one who is set direct/short passing will give the ball to? For example, I set my FB's passing as direct, so will he usually pass to AMRL or midfield players? does mentality affect it? He will pass to the ones who stand higher than him or the ones who have the higher mentality? If i want him to pass to someone standing higher but lower mentality which style should I set him?
I can't remember where to look for the pre-match Assistant's Feedback, the one where he says if a player is overconfident for the upcoming macth, etc.
Can you help?
would papiss cissé make a good playmaker? his ideal role is a DLF attack according to my *** man and i have just started to use a 4-2-4 with the left striker as the playmaker.

his decisions and passing are both good but his creativity is pretty poor - is that essential or does the decision making counter the poor creativity?

or would i be better just putting it to cork/faurlin in my midfield?


playing him alongside leandro as a poacher.
I am currently playing with Athletic Bilbao and using Llorente as a targetman but he is having little effect on the game. If i play him target man should I also tick the target man box on team instructions and if so should I choose a specific target man supply?