But a TQ doesn NOT move into the area early in the attacks, instead, he stays in the hole and often gets further down the filed. If you are worried about the Attack role, then just let him close down like the rest of the players or simply use him as a AMC support bt tweka the runs form deep and set them to rarely. My point here is that the Inside forward on attack will look for space in the FCleft and FCright position, not in the hole ( amc position) and if the AMC is pushing forward, the wingers will not be able to find this space. I am not saying that you will get better result but if you want the wingers to ship in with some more goals, this is how its done
As for moving the winger, using an asymmetric formation, its not something I would advice unless you are truly great at reading the Me, the flow of the game. If there are some tweks needed to be done because of this ( to make it more stabel), one would have to be really good to spot how, why and what etc
Thanx again, propably what I have to do is find a right footed played playing AML/SC so I can try him both as an AML and a DLF. Hehe. Any suggestions for about 4-5 MM? would Rocchina be good?