But a TQ doesn NOT move into the area early in the attacks, instead, he stays in the hole and often gets further down the filed. If you are worried about the Attack role, then just let him close down like the rest of the players or simply use him as a AMC support bt tweka the runs form deep and set them to rarely. My point here is that the Inside forward on attack will look for space in the FCleft and FCright position, not in the hole ( amc position) and if the AMC is pushing forward, the wingers will not be able to find this space. I am not saying that you will get better result but if you want the wingers to ship in with some more goals, this is how its done

As for moving the winger, using an asymmetric formation, its not something I would advice unless you are truly great at reading the Me, the flow of the game. If there are some tweks needed to be done because of this ( to make it more stabel), one would have to be really good to spot how, why and what etc

Thanx again, propably what I have to do is find a right footed played playing AML/SC so I can try him both as an AML and a DLF. Hehe. Any suggestions for about 4-5 MM? would Rocchina be good?
Thanx again, propably what I have to do is find a right footed played playing AML/SC so I can try him both as an AML and a DLF. Hehe. Any suggestions for about 4-5 MM? would Rocchina be good?

No idea about that I am afraid
Maybe look at Christian Benitez? If I'm not mistaken he can play on those positions but I think he is more of a poacher.

Fits into your price range and did wonderes on my Ajax save
Why do none of my players ever respond to my pre match team talk when I ask them to do it for the fans? My assist (pat rice) always suggests this to me, but when implemented I only get one maybe two positive responses. I have tried different tones to no avail. I'm on a huge unbeaten run and all my squad morale is superb. I have read the guide thingy about team talks, however nothing suggested in there seems to apply. Half time and post match is fine It's just pre match I'm struggling with.
Why do none of my players ever respond to my pre match team talk when I ask them to do it for the fans? My assist (pat rice) always suggests this to me, but when implemented I only get one maybe two positive responses. I have tried different tones to no avail. I'm on a huge unbeaten run and all my squad morale is superb. I have read the guide thingy about team talks, however nothing suggested in there seems to apply. Half time and post match is fine It's just pre match I'm struggling with.

If you are already on superb morale, you will have a hard time getting the players to respond even more happily. It might be that they already are focused on the match ahead. It might also be that some of the players are starting to get a bit off their toes, being used to win and all that. Its important though to see the difference between their overall morale, confidence etc and their body language reaction to this specific teamtalk.

IN short, I would not worry too much about it. If the players would start to become " not listening", nervous etc, then you need to react but not now
please can someone tell me if there are 3d match engine kits available i had them on fm11 but cant find them so you can see the proper kits in the 3d match engine cheers for the help in advance
I think I have done a very stupid mistake! After season 1 I signed Breno on a free transfer, while he was on a trial by Chelsea. 2 weeks later I received an offer for 4millions from Chelsea, and because I am really short on cash, I put him in Reserves to unsettle him and sold him. Now I have no reliable DC. Do you know any DC, cheaper and possibly as good as Breno?
Hi I'm interested in using a tactic that implements a big target man and scores lots of headed goals but I can't seem to find one or make a working one myself D:
Does any have any suggestions?
Hi I'm interested in using a tactic that implements a big target man and scores lots of headed goals but I can't seem to find one or make a working one myself D:
Does any have any suggestions?

I'd play with a tactic similar to a 4-1-3-2


Set both your wingers as "wingers" with one as attacking and one as supportive.
Set your strikers to Target man and either Trequista or Poacher (If you go with Poacher your poacher is most likely going to score the majority of the goals)
then you are going to have to take a look at your team instructions. You'll want to assign your "crossing" as "float" - then you'll want to select your target man and supply avenue.

That should help with scoring some headed goals.
I think I have done a very stupid mistake! After season 1 I signed Breno on a free transfer, while he was on a trial by Chelsea. 2 weeks later I received an offer for 4millions from Chelsea, and because I am really short on cash, I put him in Reserves to unsettle him and sold him. Now I have no reliable DC. Do you know any DC, cheaper and possibly as good as Breno?

yup i would agree with you there... as for finding a solid DC for a decent price i'd suggest looking at Even Hovland - I've had him for 4 seasons with cardiff now and he's cemeted himself as my starting DC alongside Toloi - I had many other DC's come in hoping they would be better performers but none have done as well as him.
I need some help with lukas podolski. I don't know what it is with him?? The guy makes excellent runs into the box but his finishing is AWFUL. He scuffs shots left right and centre, At first I thought it was him blasting his shots, but he's now got placing shots as his ppm. So I know its not that. I've adjusted his training to focus on his finishing, upped the intensity of his finishing in his schedule, while keeping his workload down. I've warned him about his poor finishing in games. Which he takes well on the chin. His and my teams morale is superb. He gets plenty of good service, but when he gets 1 on 1 or a clear shot at goal he still scuffs it wide.

Is he just **** or am I just not catering to something he needs?? Thing is he'd be league top scorer if he put 30 or 40% of shots away so I don't want to sell him. But I will if no one can suggest how to turn him round.
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Can someone explain me the float crosses and drill crosses? I mean I know that float crosses mean that the ball will be crossed on the far side and drill on the short side, but how do I know which one to use?

- Cheers :)
Can someone explain me the float crosses and drill crosses? I mean I know that float crosses mean that the ball will be crossed on the far side and drill on the short side, but how do I know which one to use?

- Cheers :)

Pretty straight forward. If you have lots of tall players that have good heading then float crosses, or if you want more tap in type goals then drill em. Simples.
Another small question :D
Instead of playing wingers in the AML/AMR positions, is there much of an effect when you play forwards in that wide position up front? I don't see people using it much at all.
Cheers again
Another small question :D
Instead of playing wingers in the AML/AMR positions, is there much of an effect when you play forwards in that wide position up front? I don't see people using it much at all.
Cheers again

In most of my games I'll have strikers in the wide areas. Rooney (retrained as AML), Chicharito (retrained as AMR) and Neymar to name a few
Another small question :D
Instead of playing wingers in the AML/AMR positions, is there much of an effect when you play forwards in that wide position up front? I don't see people using it much at all.
Cheers again

Sturridge as an AML is fantastic! I'd suggest him any day. I find that if you are going to play strikers as wide mids you have to tweak your formation a bit to ensure that these players don't just get lost out on the wing. I do find that i generally score more goals with playing a ST out on the wings because they always want to cut inside and take a shot.
Another small question :D
Instead of playing wingers in the AML/AMR positions, is there much of an effect when you play forwards in that wide position up front? I don't see people using it much at all.
Cheers again

I think you all missunderstood the question. You where referring to the wide position in the last stratas., like a FRight and left correct ?

If so, no there are very few tactics uploaded using this formation. I mad one in FM11 and it worked good with Strikers. Either, you can use big strong playersthat acts like target men on support WITHOUT any runs from deep or you can use in and out wingers, players like Gabby and Ashley Young etc etc.
Hi im currently playing a 4-4-1-1
2xfull back support cover stopper defence
2x winger support BTB Ball winner
treq and poacher,
my defence is solid but i cant seem to score goals im going with the poacher and the AMC as a treq at the moment the treq gets more assists then goals which is what i want though i would like him to get 10-15 goals a season my poacher is fairly quick and should be a quality player at the level im at (Npower L2), im not quite sure whats going wrong he wins quite a few balls in the box even from crosses and hes a fairly short player with quite poor jumping and heading stats. any suggestions will be welcomed