How do I change my '.rar' files to '.tac' please? So I can put my downloaded tactics into my game
Thanks, I used Winzip I think it was and it said I had to pay for it -_- Does it do this for all the files?
this may be a dumb question but I've been wondering about it for a while so here it goes.

does the player role/duty setting have affect the players behaviour in game if EVERY PI setting is custom.

for instance, if i have two strikers, both with exactly the same PIs, but one is set to a DLF support and one a Poacher will they be doing the same thing or different things?

hope that makes sense..

this may be a dumb question but I've been wondering about it for a while so here it goes.

does the player role/duty setting have affect the players behaviour in game if EVERY PI setting is custom.

for instance, if i have two strikers, both with exactly the same PIs, but one is set to a DLF support and one a Poacher will they be doing the same thing or different things?

hope that makes sense..


No,the role makes no difference.
I play a 4-2-2-2 with Deep Lying Forward -support and Poacher,and the ball reaches my Deep LF who is St-left but i want him to pass the ball as he is in a tight angle and although 1-on-1 situation 9/10 times the poacher is free and waiting for a pass,however i can't get the DlF to pass more and shoot less? Any sugestions pls?
So far things have been going quite well in my Arsenal save. Won the EPL twice and last season the UCL. However I now have this problem of too many good midfielders and an tactic that seems to be my nemesis. At first just Man City used it against me, but now a lot of teams seem to try it aswell.

So could anyone recommed how to best use my midfielders and in a formation that can counter City’s tactic?

I currently play 4-5-1 with inside forwards.
My midfielders are: Song, M’Villa, Rodwell, Asamoah, Ramsey, Wilshere, Hazard, Areta (but he’s getting old).
The tactic that bites me is: 4-2-3-1 with an AMCL-AMC-AMCR and a lone striker. I don’t change tactics, but I play a more defensive 4-5-1 away from home (bwm instead of CM automatic). I mark the AMC and close down on the AMCL/AMCR. However taking City as example, either Dzeko (ST) or Aguero (AMC) always seem to be on fire when playing me. I have won on occasion, but always 4-3/3-2 etc. So any tips would be nice.
Can someone explain to me what 'Hold up ball' and 'Run from deep' instruction means?
Can someone explain to me what 'Hold up ball' and 'Run from deep' instruction means?

Hub= the player holds on to the ball à bit longer before both making à pass and à decision, perhaps to let his teammates move up the field etc .

Runs from deep= runs without the ball forward to get ahead of his marker and into àn attacking position. Also remember that the slider sets his tendency to do so in relation to his mentality ( like, " for à really defensive player, he does so rather often " or " for being an poacher, he rarely make those runs" .
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Starting a new games what settings do you guys use?
all the above, looking to get a nice ballence of available players and staff. my pc will cope

How do i assign players to training schedules?

The only way i found was to look up each individual players profile and change his training.
Surely there must be a table with checkboxes or something similar to get through this tedious task for a full squad?
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How do i assign players to training schedules?

The only way i found was to look up each individual players profile and change his training.
Surely there must be a table with checkboxes or something similar to get through this tedious task for a full squad?

Hope these give you a clue
First this - choosing schedule
View attachment 219289

Then individual schedule
View attachment 219288
Looking at TheBetterHalf's thread, i thought he does most of his play tactics through shouts.

From what i read elsewhere, it seems shouts
a) are only applicable during games
b) may mess up your familiarity ratings

so, how are these working and is there no way to set up things like possession and early crosses in the team instructions?
The pressing shout setting, i.e., seems to do the same things as the closing down setting in TI, but i am unable to find the equivalents for some other shout settings?

Also, his counter strategies never use the checkbox on counter attack. What?

So, to sum it up:
i read shouts mess with familiarity, and setting up a tactic with the equivalent content to the shout should improve the teams play. But TheBetterHalf makes it look like shout settings are in every way superior to Team Instructions. True or false?
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I want to ask you guys how to play city (well i know it's a very easy save but still) ?? WEll the first thing that comes to my mind is the narrow 4-2-3-1 that the ai uses and intend to use it as well. I intedn to play the fullbacks as wingback-sup, the two cbs as plain central defenders with defend duty, yaya as bwm- sup, de jong as bwm-def, dzeko upfront as complete fwd -attack. The main question is regarding the three amcs. I think aguero would best play as a treq. BUt wat about silva and nasro?? Silva - att mid (att) and nasri - att mid (sup) ?? How about that?? Also do you have any further tips on player instructions and team instructions?? I intend to play a short - quick passing game with passing set through the middle and with a high line. SO any further tips on that??
Thanks in advance and cheers.
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