The " I have a small question " thread

Unfortunately, it seems the youngsters and the oldies don't get on, so tutoring would almost certainly be negative. Maybe it's worth me signing an experienced player almost purely to tutor them then.

This !

I always do this. Its about growing a culture in the club, a culture where you work hard
even though I didnt change the current formation which bring me success in my last two seasons - and also I made good transfers. team started to failure in my 3rd season,I dont get it what should I do?
sorry for my english
This is probably a stupid question but I am going to ask it anyway because it's really starting to get on my **** and is wasting too much of my precious managerial time ;) - When im on the training screen and assigning coaches to various schedules i can't for the life of me see where my youth team coaches are to assign them to the area i would like them to concentrate on, Any help would much be appreciated..........
Hey, I've always heard you have to change tactics so that the other teams don't start learning how to play against you but how often do you need to do this and how much do you need to change. If I just swap between tactics every so often is that good enough? I don't play plug and plays I make my own...
Hey, I've always heard you have to change tactics so that the other teams don't start learning how to play against you but how often do you need to do this and how much do you need to change. If I just swap between tactics every so often is that good enough? I don't play plug and plays I make my own...

I think it's probably wise to mix things up and slightly tinker with your tactics ongoing depending on the opposition, player form, if your swapping a player with someone with a differant role etc etc, I rarely use the exact same tactics 2 games in a row but only slightly tinker because drastic changes rarely work
This is probably a stupid question but I am going to ask it anyway because it's really starting to get on my **** and is wasting too much of my precious managerial time ;) - When im on the training screen and assigning coaches to various schedules i can't for the life of me see where my youth team coaches are to assign them to the area i would like them to concentrate on, Any help would much be appreciated..........

You need to go to the training screen from the youth team. You've to assign coaches to sceduals for your senior squad and youth squad separetly. Your changes on the coach assignemnts in the senior squad doesnät affec the youth squad. Hopefully I understood your qustion and gave an accurate answer.
Maybe im just a bit thick or maybe my youth team coaches are hideing from me to get out of a hard days work but I can't see anywhere on training, in youth squad training, anywhere where i can assign my youth team coaches to specailize in attacking, defending, ball control etc etc
You sure know a good part of what I'll write, I put it whole for sake of completion.

Go to your squad screen, where it says senior squad or Team squad, click the downward arrow and choose your Uxx squad, then training, in the lower half of the screen, where there's a list of players, you should see three tabs: players, coaches and schedules.
Anyone know if changing tactic formation is linked with player pressure?

I changed my formation from 4-2-3-1 to a 4-3-3 formation and suddenly have lots of players with "Plays nervously".
Hello guys!

I create own tactic,but i am not sure that i have all instructions right.

So my formation 4-1-2-1-2

WB-auto BPD-defend BPD-defend WB-auto
Box to Box---------------------Box to Box
------Attacking Midfielder/Attack---------
Poacher/attack--Deeplying Forward/attack

Team instructions:


More Disciplined
Stand Off More
Default Tackling
Zonal Marking
Drill Crosses
Stick To Position

I play deep defensive line with narrow width. I play through of the middle and with slow tempo.

I am asking specialy about player istructions!
if I accept an offer from national team while managing a club, will I sacked from my club?
Hello guys!

I create own tactic,but i am not sure that i have all instructions right.

I am asking specialy about player istructions!

I would have atleast one of your two central midfileders in a playmaking role so you atleast have one in the midfield who actually can create opportunities. Your midfield consists of one man staying back all the time, two guys running back and forth from box to box and a midfielder who rarely help out in the defense but run in to the opposition box. You want atleast one of the midfielders in a role hat allows them to stay outside the penalty area to try killer balls or set up a nice play.

But it all depends on what your goal is with the tactic. If you want possession I would say that box to box midfielders is **** but if you've a counter tactic they're usefull.
Hi all, new to FM, first post so go easy on me. As an Australian Rules football supporter I and my six year old son are loving the game and learning quickly about this "world game".

Now, I have downloaded numerous training schedules and having no trouble importing them in. However, in the player drop down box area in the Training screen (where I am looking to assign these to individual players,) most of the new schedules are 'greyed out' , and I cannot assign them.

Im sure there is an embarrassingly simple fix but google has not been my friend here.

thanks for help
Hi all, new to FM, first post so go easy on me. As an Australian Rules football supporter I and my six year old son are loving the game and learning quickly about this "world game".

Now, I have downloaded numerous training schedules and having no trouble importing them in. However, in the player drop down box area in the Training screen (where I am looking to assign these to individual players,) most of the new schedules are 'greyed out' , and I cannot assign them.

Im sure there is an embarrassingly simple fix but google has not been my friend here.

thanks for help

The only thing I can think about is that you're trying to assign players with part time contracts to full time sceduals. Or full time players to part time sceduals. Youth players in your youth squad can't be assigned to any "non-youth"-scedual. Might be other reasons but that's what's crossed my mind right now.
Dude i want to be dominant team,who will control games.

Can anybody suggest,what combination would be the best for default ac milan team?

I play Arsenal with a 4-2-3-1 Fluid Control short pass tactic and are totally bullied last three games by Rubin, Wolves and West Brom. They press my players and ****** the ball like taking candy from a kid. I've been trying to change passing style, width and tempo but nothing helps. All my players has a pass rate on 40-50% (some less). Their players are everywhere and I can't find a way to counter the AI pressing game. Arsenal are one of the best passing teams in PL but this is ridiculous!

And when I try do adapt the same pressing game, my players DO NOT press at all, and when they try tackle, they miss a lot and leave the player running free onto my keeper. How is the pressing supposed to work in this game? Can't ever get that to work.

EDIT: Totally lost faith in this game. Played Newcastle and they lost one man on straight red card in 4th min, and another on 2 yellow in 26th min. They totally dominated the game with 9 men!!! Whatever I tried, Tackling more aggressive, man marking, close down always, tackle hard, tight marking, I couldn't take the ball from them and I lost 2-0.
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I've been promoted unexpectedly and quite prematurely, even the board said it was a surprise. Now, I'm in the Premier League and while I'll battle for every point, I think relegation is quite likely. My question is, will the board consider this or will relegation automatically result in the sack?