The " I have a small question " thread

Youth coaches help alot if you get the right ones also loaning out to the right team who will give them good playing time
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I have been playing Football Manager since 2009 and i've never had this problem before. I can't add tactics. One month ago i had this option to add downloaded tactics and now this just disappeared. I uniinstalled the game and then installed it again, but no results. Maybe someone could help me?
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I have been playing Football Manager since 2009 and i've never had this problem before. I can't add tactics. One month ago i had this option to add downloaded tactics and now this just disappeared. I uniinstalled the game and then installed it again, but no results. Maybe someone could help me?

So what happends if you click the option where you chose the tactic from your tactics folder, the archived option ?
And just under where you have the mouse, does it not say "option" ?

If not, it looks like a skin issue
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playing with a 4-3-3 tactic with one winger and one inside forward and both refuse to cross it pretty much, they ALWAYS pass back to the full backs if they can! It's annoying me becuase it often kills the momentum of a quick break. I've tried setting both players crossing to often but it hasnt helped, anyone got any ideas?
What role and duty is best for Mikel Arteta (Arsenal)?

I only have 5 games left of the season and he more or less had low or Okay morale all season long and does not play very good, haven't scored a goal yet, but have a decent amount of assists.

I play him in midfield as advanced playmaker with support duty along side Song (deep laying playmaker, defend duty) in a 4-2-3-1 setup.

Note! All my other players have Very good or Superb morale, except Arteta.
how do i get my team to play the pressing game? i have tried with high tempo and press more but we still get cut to shreds. sorry if this has been asked before, my brain cannot cope with reading through 80 odd pages of questions.
When I select my players they no longer sort by sort by selection they just stay in place. When I try to fix this it doesn't work, any suggestions because it's starting to annoy me.
Hey Guys!

I'm looking for a good tactic for FC Bayern Munich. Would like a 4-2-3-1 for patch 12.2.2 but haven't been able to find any. Any good suggestions?
how do i get my team to play the pressing game? i have tried with high tempo and press more but we still get cut to shreds. sorry if this has been asked before, my brain cannot cope with reading through 80 odd pages of questions.

Press more and increasing closing down on player instructions should make them press the opposition more. Tempo is more to do with how fast you move the ball around when you're in possession. But in terms of being cut to shreds, this can happen with high pressing as your players move from their position to close down an opponent who, if they're good enough, will exploit the space your player leaves. If this is the problem, maybe try standing off them a little more - it will take longer to win the ball back but equally the opposition should find it more difficult to find space in and behind your players.

Hope this helps.
anyone have an idea how i can make a succesful long ball tactic similar to big sam allardyce as i thought id go for something a bit diffrent
Can anyone explain me shortly what are the differences in the features between the classic and the modern tactics and can some classic features be recreated in a modern version and how. If there is a guide about it, link it please. I haven't work with a classic tactic since the modern ones were introduced, because they give a better, in dept explanation of your tactic (according to me), but I do want to know how a classic tactic can be "explained" in a modern one.
Hey tactic-veterans, I usually scrape through with my own tactics and have recently decided to be more challenging to myself in the aspect of creating tactics. I am currently trying to create a Libero tactic without wingers. At home it is fearsome but away it really struggles to create chances.

Due to having no wingers, it seems the Strikers often drift out wide, which limits their effectiveness to an extent, most noticeably the targetman I use (Drogba/Lukaku). It's not like I lack width, my wingbacks that I employ really really do cover ridiculous amounts of ground and provide both adequate defensive cover and great width going forward. How can I prevent this?
My question is somewhat similar to what the person above me asked. It might've been answered before but sorry, 80 pages, I'm not gonna go through all of them.

I'm playing a lone striker as well, and I want him to stay in the box and do nothing else but finish. I have him set as poacher, which I think would make the most sense given its in-game definition, tried little creative freedom, little closing down, but he's still drifting to the flanks and leaving the box.

The support play is very good but when I need my striker to be in the box and put it in the back of the net, he's ******* around somewhere else. So I've scored a good amount of goals only 10 games into the season, but my strikers have like 5 combined.
Use individual instructions and set his wide play to either normal or cut inside.
not about tactics but I dont know where should I write. I tried everyway but couldnt put logos into game there is no graphics file in sports active so I crated it but didnt work what should I do?
not about tactics but I dont know where should I write. I tried everyway but couldnt put logos into game there is no graphics file in sports active so I crated it but didnt work what should I do?

I'm sure you have to start a new game to get the graphics to work, if you already started one they won't change. Might be wrong but that's what I thought.
Hi just wondering if i have more than one ap in my team or have two or more players who all can be play maker what is the thing to do? cheers x