The " I have a small question " thread

Is there any way how to get job at Barcelona and Spain at the start of a game?

No, not at the same time. You have to take control of Barca, add a manager to take control over Spain, retire that manager and then apply for the Spain job with your Barca manager and hope they take you on.
I would like to play a tactic,that concedes very little goals,but scores a LOT as well.Please help.
I am Aston Villa in the first season.
I sold Heskey.
Ideally want to play with quick strikers.

Have a look at this one. It will allow you ( given you handle the man management correct) to get really good results and score lots of goals. If will not keep lot of clean sheets though as Villa simply is not good enough to dominate the league in that way. I took over the team after they had played about 15 matches and I managed to win the rest of the matches that season !!

The Deep 442 - EPL winners with Aston Villa 2011/2012 Underdog / Middleteam

TheBetterHalfs Underdog/small team
The Direct Counter
Deep 442
beta version

Here is the 23rd formation using the same approach
People that have read my most in recent years know that I have moved away form using plug & play tactic, tactics that by tweaking sliders in a trial & error manor with the aim to beat the match engine rather than the opponent. So this might come as a slight surprise, being a thread where I not only upload such a tactic, but also that I have used someone else's work as a framework ( Akash777)
( so a big credit to AKASH777)

The Versions
This small set consist of 3 versions that are to be used as plug & play tactics. The first version is called "High Press", the 2nd "Lower press" and the 3rd " Patient Stretching". Playing as an underdog, the main versions are the pressing ones. If you feel that you have the ability to disturb the opponent by putting a **** of a lot more pressure on them, then use the high press and if you are more scared that you might be dragged out of position by this superior team, then use the lower press versionIf playing at the top level or just under it, even as an underdog you will come across teams that you are superior to. Then, you can use the "patient stretch" version as an alternative

Formation & Team settings


Tweaks Focus play

When using the high press version and are playing against a team flooding the midfield (by formation), like a narrow diamond or the formation we are using etc, then I change the focus play from "through the middle" to "mixed" as there will not be enough space.

The flow
using Underdogs
As soon as a counter attack is launched, we keep a direct game and channel t-balls from the middle onto the flanks for our 4 attacking players to run onto. Our Right Forward plays like an False nine and the Left Forward acts like a mixture of an advanced FC and a Poacher. In the MR/L positions we keep normal deeplying wingers moving into channels that are supported by 2 more attacking minded DMCs that always seeks free space. When our fullbacks get into possession deep down field, they hold on to the ball to drag the opposition onto them.This means that if we face a tea sitting deep and defend, our attacking players are likely to make a run forward in vain and the FBs hold onto the ball, making these attacking players easy to mark as the opposition simply denies us space to play these direct t-balls into. This is why this approach is for underdogs and middle teams.

The flow using better teams/ top teams
It does work for top teams to, don't get me wrong. You would easily win the league with Man U, Man C but the flow wont look as good as playing a different approach and you will see more 1-0, 2-1 wins instead of 3-0. 5-1 etc. Simply put, there is no reason to use it unless you like being in agony over those longshots. Here, its important that the Poacher/Advanced FC in the Left FC spot is a more complete player and the Right False nine also is a really good fininsher as he will be the one being at the end of most moves

The Result
None yet

The players
All players:
Determination, Team Work, Work rate and DecisionAlso notice that I have not brought the "common sense stats" in any of the players beneath, like finishing for the strikers or passing for all players etc.

Style of play
When not launching an counter attack, they should stay back so no ppms like " get forward" etc. These player act like holding players and when seeing fit, they will try to beat their man
Here, we are looking for pace, anticipation, positioning, stamina and tackling. Dribbling is a huge plus to.-


Central Defenders
Style of play
As we use loose zonal marking, make sure that they don't have the ppm " like to tight mark"
The normal ones: Remember that Anticipation are crucial for any top team and that pace is needed if the opponent launches balls over the top of the defenders. Remember that the worse concentration they have, the more likely you are to concede late in games and when you are dominating but not scoring yourself


DMC´´S - Deep & Roaming Box To Box Midfielders, hardworking

Style of play
Here we use 2 deep BBM´s that roam to seek free space. The left is the more creative with higher flair and decision stats.
Stamina, Strength, anticipation, tackling, Concentration


MR/L- Normal Wingers
Style of play
As the wingers are used as both pacey Wingforwards AND defensive hardworking wingers, its naturally COMPLETE players that will do the best of job. But as these players are really hard to find, I crucial that they most of all are physical classic English Wingers, that they know how to close down and tackle. Inverted wingers ?. Well if playing as a real underdog and face teams pushing up and that leaves gaps between their d-line and midfield, the why not, but whan facing teams that sits with many men behind the ball, then not really as they will cut inside from deep right into the arms of the deep dropping MCs/DMCS
Pace, off the ball,flair, crossing


Forward - The Pacey Poacher/Advanced FC

Style of play:
This is the main goalscorer for lesser teams. He needs to be able to find space, break free from his marker by dribbling past him. When he moves down the line into channels, its also good if he has good team work stat so he cross the ball to a tam mate instead of taking the poor angle. At higher level, this player can actually be a player like Tevez or Aguero, RVP, a player that likes to come deep to get the ball
Stats: Off the all, Flair, Agility, First touch, Technique


Right FC - The False Nine
Style of play
He drops deeper and after that, he seeks free space and moves into channels. When playing with a middle team using the high press version, this player will often seek the space that the Left FC has opened up and then he will be the main scorer
Off the ball, Creativity

Tweaks and Shouts
As its a plug & play Tactic using classic mode, I use no tweaks(apart from the mentioned focusplay) and shouts are enabled
Opposition instruction
I have not used any at all but feel free to use them in a manor that suit the actual formation. ( i.e NOT showing MR/L wingers inside if they use overlaping fullbacks

Playmaker & Target Man
None is used

Match prep
There is no focus area that i crucial for the flow of the tactic. If you face a team that are great at set pieces and might focus on attacking set pieces as their only chance, use defensive set pieces. If up against a team you know are going to play really deep and compact BUT have poor attackers, then use attacking movement. If up against a team with really pacey and agile FCs, then use defensive positioning etc etc. Naturally, I use Team Work on a heavy workload in preseason but remember that when using a focus area that relates to the match plan ( like def positioning), the workload have no impact what so ever.

Pitch Size
Looking at the tactic and the circumstance, and you will see the following•-Close down heavily: Meaning that the bigger pitch, in theory the bigger area to close down. So teams with players lacking in stamina would prefer a smaller pitch.•Focus the play through the middle: If the pitch is really short, there will be congestion in the middle will struggle to find space.•- Its a tactic for underdogs, hence opponents are likely to push up and use the width or the field, : Here, a really wide pitch means that these quality players will get too much space •- The deep d-line and the balls into channels - AS we play a deep d-line, we can actually use a long pitch and as we play a more direct game, putting those t-balls into channels, we would benefit from this long pitch in our attacks to. That is if our 3 attacking players does have great pace and good stamina
So, in short, I would go for a Longer but more narrow pitch

The Result




I have a couple of questions.

Firstly, in a 4-2-3-1 Wide, how would you guys suggest I get the AMR and AML to track back and defend without changing any of the player's individual player instructions and solely using the TC settings?

And secondly, when playing with a pushed-up D-Line, what is the best way to limit the damage that can be done by an opposing striker that has loads of pace? I assume that playing a sweeper keeper is one of the options but my GK is not suited to that role. Are there any other suggestions?


I have a couple of questions.

Firstly, in a 4-2-3-1 Wide, how would you guys suggest I get the AMR and AML to track back and defend without changing any of the player's individual player instructions?

And secondly, when playing with a pushed-up D-Line, what is the best way to limit the damage that can be done by an opposing striker that has loads of pace? I assume that playing a sweeper keeper is one of the options but my GK is not suited to that role. Are there any other suggestions?


As an answer to the first question: You cant. Its a flaw within the current ME that SI are unable to solve in this edition. It will be down to the players mentality along with his work rate ( and determination late in games). A player like Park at Man U actially tracks back when playing Defensive, Counter or Standard whilst a player like Young simply wont

Question number 2 has more to do with his supply. Try put pressure on the opposition and limit their time on the ball. You can also combine this with a loose marking and hard tackle + "show ouside" on FCleft/right or "weak foot on a single FC . This way they will not be dropping slightly deeper than the FC and will try to get inside him and the goal when making a tackle
As an answer to the first question: You cant. Its a flaw within the current ME that SI are unable to solve in this edition. It will be down to the players mentality along with his work rate ( and determination late in games). A player like Park at Man U actially tracks back when playing Defensive, Counter or Standard whilst a player like Young simply wont

Question number 2 has more to do with his supply. Try put pressure on the opposition and limit their time on the ball. You can also combine this with a loose marking and hard tackle + "show ouside" on FCleft/right or "weak foot on a single FC . This way they will not be dropping slightly deeper than the FC and will try to get inside him and the goal when making a tackle

That sounds like a good idea, I will try it. I am currently playing with a Standard strategy and higher pressing so the D-Line is around 14. Do you think there is sufficient pressing there or should I change the strategy to Control to increase the pressure?
That sounds like a good idea, I will try it. I am currently playing with a Standard strategy and higher pressing so the D-Line is around 14. Do you think there is sufficient pressing there or should I change the strategy to Control to increase the pressure?
No, as the control strategy will just bring a higher d-line anyway :D. If using a ballwinner on support in midfield, yuou can always use him to specificlly man mark their man threat in midfield, the more deeplying MC, or have your amc do so with their dmc and close down/always on him in the OI´s
I am using a Ball-Winner on defend in midfield as the holding player or "destroyer" and a CM-Support alongside him. I could always switch the duties around and make the CM the holding midfielder. Will mess around with the midfield settings in pre-season and see how it turns out. Also, do you think the best way to get the Wingers to track back is to use specific man-marking on the opposition full-backs?
Trying to make a decision as to where to place my midfielders.

Playing as FC Bayern in a formation which has an AP (support) and DLP (support). The two players in question are Toni Kroos and Bastian Schwensteiger. Which arrangement would best suit my team?
Kroos as an AMC (AP) and Schwensteiger as an MC (DLP) and maybe a BWM-Defend alongside Schwensteiger.
Kroos as an AMC (AP) and Schwensteiger as an MC (DLP) and maybe a BWM-Defend alongside Schwensteiger.

Yes, one deep plm and one ballwinner would seem to be the best option. Not only because its a more balanced setup, but also because it forces you to use 2 players that are stronger, better defensivly and operates lower down in the pitch than if using a ballwinner on support or any BBM´s
I am using a Ball-Winner on defend in midfield as the holding player or "destroyer" and a CM-Support alongside him. I could always switch the duties around and make the CM the holding midfielder. Will mess around with the midfield settings in pre-season and see how it turns out. Also, do you think the best way to get the Wingers to track back is to use specific man-marking on the opposition full-backs?

Yes, and with a lower mentality as well. The lower the mentality, the more they tend to focus on their defensive duties.
No, not at the same time. You have to take control of Barca, add a manager to take control over Spain, retire that manager and then apply for the Spain job with your Barca manager and hope they take you on.

Would it help if I am Spain's favorite person?
Hi, I have couple of question
I don't know if this is already posted somewhere

I want to play a tactic like Napoli 2012 (3-4-2-1) and Milan 2007 (4-3-2-1). what role should i give to my players? especially for striker and 2 AMC..

Hi, I have couple of question
I don't know if this is already posted somewhere

I want to play a tactic like Napoli 2012 (3-4-2-1) and Milan 2007 (4-3-2-1). what role should i give to my players? especially for striker and 2 AMC..


The Milan one, could you perhaps post a screen of their squad ( from wiki, a football site etc)

As for the Napoli one, they have basiclly played a 361, using 3Dc, a flat 4, 3 AMC and one Target man on attack. Thisapproach is not easy to replicate in FM as the MR/L dont track back as they should when using a counter strategy and the Dcs are too centered. This means that whilst you COULD replicate it somehow, the resusults would not be good at all.

MY best suggestion here would be to use a more ridig phil, using a standard strategie.

Cavani: Target Man - Attack
AMC´s: Just the plain AMC role, their ppms will do the rest
MC´s, one ballwinner one defend and one deep playmaker, all depeing on who is playing
Wingers: Here I would like to give advice on roles but in this position, there are no who looks like how they are playing. I would probably use the settings of wingacks on support in MR/L or Defensive wingers on support.

But as written, It wont work great as its a formation that the ME cant handl
How do I get the best out of Ronaldo? Im Madrid at 2014. Tactic wise Im still looking for a tactic to use. The only thing that is certain is that it will be an 4231.
The Milan one, could you perhaps post a screen of their squad ( from wiki, a football site etc)

As for the Napoli one, they have basiclly played a 361, using 3Dc, a flat 4, 3 AMC and one Target man on attack. Thisapproach is not easy to replicate in FM as the MR/L dont track back as they should when using a counter strategy and the Dcs are too centered. This means that whilst you COULD replicate it somehow, the resusults would not be good at all.

MY best suggestion here would be to use a more ridig phil, using a standard strategie.

Cavani: Target Man - Attack
AMC´s: Just the plain AMC role, their ppms will do the rest
MC´s, one ballwinner one defend and one deep playmaker, all depeing on who is playing
Wingers: Here I would like to give advice on roles but in this position, there are no who looks like how they are playing. I would probably use the settings of wingacks on support in MR/L or Defensive wingers on support.

But as written, It wont work great as its a formation that the ME cant handl

so the 2 AMC (Lavezzi and Hamsik) has the same role?
Hey there betterhalf,

I just want to ask about my leeds team. Who among Jonny Howson and Michael Brown should i train and play as a DMC? Also how do i effectively rotate my squad to maintain my club's form. I currently have a 28 man squad
How do I get the best out of Ronaldo? Im Madrid at 2014. Tactic wise Im still looking for a tactic to use. The only thing that is certain is that it will be an 4231.

I would think playing him as an Inside Forward - Attack at AML with a striker on a support duty ideally that drops deeper and takes one or both opposition center backs with him to create space for Ronaldo. You can also play the AMR as a Winger - Attack and he will send in crosses for Ronaldo to tap-in all day :)