Will probably 'cause offence to some nobs (like Redders

) so don't read if your zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.............
Two Liners.
* Why did the monkey fall out of the tree?
Cause it was dead.
* A baby seal walks into a club...
Boom. Boom.
* How do you stop a dog ******** your leg?
Pick it up and suck its ****.
* Why did the Chicken cross the road?
Because it was stuck on my ****.
* What's black and white and red all over?
Panda rape.
* What's the difference between a cow and a hamster?
A cow survives branding.
* What's got 100 balls and ***** rabbits?
A shotgun.
* Two guys are walking down the street and see a dog on the lawn licking his balls.
So one guy says to the other, "Man, I sure wish I could do that".
The other guy says, "Don't you think you ought to pet him first?"
* What do you do if a kitten spits at you?
Turn the grill down.
* What's got two legs and bleeds like a *****?
Half a dog.
* What's yellow and smells of bananas?
Monkey sick.
* What's got five legs and goes "Woooof!"?
Piper Alpha.
* How do you make a cat go "Woooof!"?
Cover it in petrol and strike a match.
* What's got 4 legs and goes "Miaow"?
A frozen dog on a bench saw.
* What's grey and comes in pints?
An elephant.
* What is green and smells of pork?
Kermit's fingers.
* What do you do if you come across a tiger in the Jungle?
Wipe it off and apologise.
* What goes 'hip hop, hip hop, hip hop, thump thump'?
The little bunny I just ran over.
* How do you make a dog go meeeooowwww?
Tie it to a motorbike.
or Freeze it, then put it through a bandsaw
* What is worse than a dead cat on your piano?
A diseased ***** on your organ.
* What do you do if an elephant comes through the window?
Swim ! ! !
* What's green and red and goes round and round and round?
Kermit the Frog in a blender.
* What's red and hangs from trees?
A monkey abortion!
* What's red and slimy and wrapped in newspaper ?
Abortion Of Chips
* What do Vegetarian maggots eat?
Linda McCartney
* Why do you wrap your parakeet in duct tape?
So it doesn't explode when you **** it.
* Whats green and goes red at the touch of a button?
A frog in a blender
* What do you call a Fish with no eyes
Long Jokes
* Dr. Doolittle walks through the jungle. Suddenly a laughing elephant walks by. He askes the elephant "Why are you laughing?" The elephant answers: "I justed ****** a monkey." Five minutes later another elephant walks by, laughing like ****. "Why are you laughing all the time?" asks Dr. Doolittle. "I just ****** a monkey." Dr. Doolittle gets curious why it is funny to **** a monkey. So he catches the next monkey from a tree and ***** it. After he finished he walked back to one of the laughing elephants and asks him: "I just ****** a monkey and there was nothing special about it." The elephant answers: "Yeah, but they don't explode when you get off."
* Three prisoners are standing in jail, and a new prisoner comes in. He goes up to the first prisoner, and says "What are you in for?". The first prisoner answers: "Armed robbery". The new prisoner says "Oh, shame you got caught". He then approaches the second prisoner and proceeds to ask him what he is in for. The second prisoner says "Rape". This newcomer again replies that he hopes he's out soon. The third prisoner then says "Hang on a minute, what are YOU in for?". The new prisoner replies "Oh, erm, I **** dogs". The third prisoner says "Oh, how low can you get?!"; the new prisoner replies: "Ooh, about as low as a Jack Russell..."
* Bloke joins the Foreign Legion and after a couple of weeks asks the Corporal where they go for a ****. "Theres a Camel round the back?" was the reply. Bloke is disgusted and walks off, but as time passes the camel looks more and more attractive. One night bloke goes round the back to the camel, gets it to sit down and ***** it like billy'o. Next morning he goes to the corporal and says, "I'd have never believed that mate, that camel is the best **** I have ever had!". "Yeah, we were surpirsed" said the Corporal, "We normally ride it to the brothel.."