The Liverpool Thread

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The FA cant actually take any action until the Police finish their investigation

So JT may end up with a much worse punishment then. Could end up getting punished by the old bill and by the FA.
If i got punished for a racist comment which i never made just his/her word against mine i would feel less of a person wouldnt you?

But if you were racially abused by someone, and you only have the evidence of your word v theirs, and you lost, wouldn't you feel the same way?
If i got punished for a racist comment which i never made just his/her word against mine i would feel less of a person wouldnt you?

he admitted he used said words... he was charged on the lesser of two charges.
are you for real? seriously?

So your telling me you wouldnt feel less appriciated if it happend to you?? Racism is still a problem in the game and in life i understand that but i do believe its become too much of a sensative issue. If we start punishing people for apparently saying a racist with no evidence then we are going into a bad place again.
But if you were racially abused by someone, and you only have the evidence of your word v theirs, and you lost, wouldn't you feel the same way?

Of corse i would but labelling someone a racist when they might not be can potentialy ruin someones life.
he admitted he used said words... he was charged on the lesser of two charges.

The word he apparently used means something different in Uruaguay i heard. If thats the case Suarez is not a racist too me, he is an ugly, dirty ******* but not a racist.
The FA wouldn't have found him guilty had there not been evidence. Come on now, they wouldn't just convict him and issue 8 games ban ***** nilly.
Poor from a club that i certainly expect much better from. He's actually be done on the lesser charge of the two he could have been, which they failed to notice

They took a stance and refused to backtrack. Still dont know why did they insert that part about Evra when it was obvious that it was wrong and proven. Anyways not at all surprising, it was started by some LFC columnist about Evra then backtracked saying he knew Evra didn't accuse anyone, then after 2 months we are seeing LFC official site carrying the same ****.
Of corse i would but labelling someone a racist when they might not be can potentialy ruin someones life.

Then that makes you think they should have some solid proof, or maybe it was when Suarez said 'yes, I called him that'..
The word he apparently used means something different in Uruaguay i heard. If thats the case Suarez is not a racist too me, he is an ugly, dirty ******* but not a racist.
but we arent in uruguay...
The FA wouldn't have found him guilty had there not been evidence. Come on now, they wouldn't just convict him and issue 8 games ban ***** nilly.

But thats my point, Liverpool have basicly said this is what they did with no real evidence.
Its just a ridiculous decision, believe me, if substantial evidence came up then he deserves everything he gets, same with every player who is racially abusive to other professionals

Only problem is the FA are setting double standards and seem not one bit interested in doing anything about a much clearer case in Terry/Ferdinand.. where on Camera ' Black C**t' was clearly said

to me the FA have much such an awful decision because of the following reasons:

- Nobody heard the offence, No other players or officials.. and Only Evra himself claims 'racial abuse from Suarez took place'
- There is no video Evidence, Sound evidence. Nothing, they have gone on purely the word of Evra.
- Evra in his opening statement said ' I Believe Suarez is not a racist' something the FA agreed upon, yet they still sanction him.
- Suarez is from a mixed-race family himself including a black grandfather
- Evra twice before has put in claims of racial abuse and both been found to be lies
- Finally, the word in question ' Negrito' is a common word in south america and is used on Chocolate bars, Kids toys ETC, Some of the Uruguayan national team are called Monkeys and a former capatin was called ' The Black Boss'

the language barrier is completely different, surely the FA need to understand that

In my opinion with Blatter coming out saying Racism could be sorted with a handshake, Suarez was getting charged from day one.. Guilty or not guilty.. they needed to set an example and they couldnt do that with the England captain as it would look bad on them.
Then that makes you think they should have some solid proof, or maybe it was when Suarez said 'yes, I called him that'..

Dont think Liverpool would release a statement like that if he admitted it in the end but you never know.
The word he apparently used means something different in Uruaguay i heard. If thats the case Suarez is not a racist too me, he is an ugly, dirty ******* but not a racist.

Well, to be honest, if you don't think he is a racist then I don't see how the FA can charge him! Crazy! Why would they go against someone that knows none of the facts, seems crazy to me!
The FA wouldn't have found him guilty had there not been evidence. Come on now, they wouldn't just convict him and issue 8 games ban ***** nilly.

Exactly. Few days back Suarez did say that he used the word that he didn't think was racist.