The Liverpool Thread

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This isn't his first offence....

He BIT another players face last year FFS.
Just wish the FA would take the 5 minutes it takes to look at a video of someone diving..
Looks like Suarez will be receiving an 8 match ban..

Luis Suarez has been banned for eight matches and fined £40,000 after an Independent Regulatory Commission found a charge of misconduct against him proven.An FA statement said: 'Mr Suarez used insulting words towards Mr Evra during the match contrary to FA Rule E3(1).
'The insulting words used by Mr Suarez included a reference to Mr Evra's colour within the meaning of Rule E3(2).

Read more: Luis Suarez given eight-match ban for race row | Mail Online"
Looks like Suarez will be receiving an 8 match ban..

Luis Suarez has been banned for eight matches and fined £40,000 after an Independent Regulatory Commission found a charge of misconduct against him proven.An FA statement said: 'Mr Suarez used insulting words towards Mr Evra during the match contrary to FA Rule E3(1).
'The insulting words used by Mr Suarez included a reference to Mr Evra's colour within the meaning of Rule E3(2).

Read more: Luis Suarez given eight-match ban for race row | Mail Online"

bit late buddy....
Those looking for evidence, Suarez has admitted to saying 'negrito' and the FA have decided the context in which it was used using body language experts. What more do you want?

It's a fit up by the dark powers of the FA and United, cant you see?
It's a fit up by the dark powers of the FA and United, cant you see?

got a couple friends saying that and im trying to prove them wrong. Anyone got a link saying Suarez admitted to racism, that would should them up :P
It's a fit up by the dark powers of the FA and United, cant you see?

Played to Liverpool though, not mentioning the linguistics used to determine the case and focusing purely on Evra in their statement, and that Suarez was going to be charged regardless. Maintaining the 'us against the world' mentality, and making sure that all the mindless fans incapable of independent thought blame Evra and United for everything.
Do Man Utd players call Evra 'negrito' as nickname or is that something this person has made up? :P
I shall be coming back to this when you beat us by some dodgy ref decision in fergie time tomorrow night :)

Fair enough. For what its worth, i thought 8 games was harsh (expected 6), but then i dont know what else they have taken into account.
I know Suarez said he called him something "that his teammates call him", take what you will from that. :)
people saying there needs to be more evidence, surely Suarez admitting it is enough evidence? :S
people saying there needs to be more evidence, surely Suarez admitting it is enough evidence? :S

In a normal world yes. In a fan's world?

Either way i await the FA's full report. Gave him an 8 game ban in my save starting from 1st jan 2012 (6)
Also don't understand how the club statement says that only evidence of the incident is Evra's word but Suarez admitted it :S
and so this has turned into a Liverpool Vs. Manchester United & every other club thing again pretty much.
Now awaiting epic rant by Kenny

Because he wants to stick up for his own player?

Awaiting the epic moan from Kenny now... I wonder if he'll apologise for basically calling Evra a liar.. can't see it though.

Link me to where he called Evra a liar please. He said Suarez is not a racist, which he is not.

But if they have charged Suarez then surely they either had evidence or he admitted to it so why isent that being passed onto the police too??

To be passed to the police, it would have had to have received a complaint from a member of the public etc.. And NO ONE, ******* NO ONE apart from Evra/Suarez heard these comments.

I'd say we should appeal, but Bryan Swanson on SSN said that it had all been down to the interpretation of what Evra thought he'd said. So, if it's all down to this, then why bother with the appeal, as they'll still stick with what Evra's had to say yet again. I mean if you're taking one person's interpretation of an action as the evidence, there's no point appealing.

We'll take it to the High Court, of that I have no doubt. And seeing as according to our statement, it is based on one man's interpretation versus another, it should be thrown out in minutes.

One thing I will say though, I have a lot of angry Liverpool fans on twitter as expected but to be honest.. this goes past football rivalry. Luis Saurez has been proven to have racially abused Patrice Evra. Whether it would have been deemed acceptable in he's own country, that makes no difference. If I or anybody else racial abused someone but put it down to a "misunderstanding" we'd still be sacked from our line of work or possible arrested. In my opinion, 8 games is light and £40,000 to Luis is like £1 to the rest of us. Will be interesting to see what action Liverpool take now.

We'll go the the High Court I'm thinking. Dependant on the misunderstanding though really, if someone came from abroad came to work in your workplace, new to the country etc, called a colleague 'negrito' he wouldn't be immediately sacked at all.

Please appeal the ban because you'll only lose that and get him banned for longer. Bit disappointed (but expected nothing less) in Liverpool as a club, standing firmly behind a proven racist isn't going to make them look good. Would like to see them take action as well to prove they want to kick racism out of football.

The ban can't be extended. Proven racist? Of one mans word against another, what more proof do you need right?

That statement is a complete joke.

For supporting our player?

Loving the fact Liverpool as a club are making themselves look just as bad as Luis Saurez.


The FA wouldn't have found him guilty had there not been evidence. Come on now, they wouldn't just convict him and issue 8 games ban ***** nilly.

This is the English FA we're talking about here.

Is suarez going to be able to play tomorrow?


In India we follow Keep left when driving, if I go to US and stay there for say 3 years and then drive a car following Keep left I will be punished accordingly. If I give "I'm from India and we follow keep Left principle" I will be told to **** off, even if I say I'm driving for the first time in US.

You should be knowing what to and what not to say and that too when you have spent close to 5 years in Europe and almost a year in England.

Horrendous analogy, however travelling to and from between Uruguay on a regular basis, he may still have that mindset in that it is a friendly term. By no means am I condoning what he said however.

One of the saddest things about this is that it will seriously worsen relations between the clubs, can forsee future games being very very ugly

It's only gonna get worse from here sadly I think.

This isn't his first offence....

He BIT another players face last year FFS.

Because they're completely ****** relatable aren't they.

I have never heard this, or read this anywhere. Ever.

Hernandez referred to someone as 'negrito', and I believe what Suarez said was that he called Evra ''something his teammates called him''.

By no means am I condoning racism, but until the evidence comes out (Which should have been released with the judgement and it was completely ridiculous not releasing it.) I will remain sceptical.

Whitehouse over and out.
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Because he wants to stick up for his own player? You're right, what a *****.

Link me to where he called Evra a liar please. He said Suarez is not a racist, which he is not.

To be passed to the police, it would have had to have received a complaint from a member of the public etc.. And NO ONE, ******* NO ONE apart from Evra/Suarez heard these comments.

We'll take it to the High Court, of that I have no doubt. And seeing as according to our statement, it is based on one man's interpretation versus another, it should be thrown out in minutes.

We'll go the the High Court I'm thinking. Dependant on the misunderstanding though really, if someone came from abroad came to work in your workplace, new to the country etc, called a colleague 'negrito' he wouldn't be immediately sacked at all.

The ban can't be extended. Proven racist? Of one mans word against another, what more proof do you need right?

For supporting our player?


This is the English FA we're talking about here.


Horrendous analogy, however travelling to and from between Uruguay on a regular basis, he may still have that mindset in that it is a friendly term. By no means am I condoning what he said however.

It's only gonna get worse from here sadly I think.

Because they're completely ****** relatable aren't they.

Hernandez referred to someone as 'negrito', and I believe what Suarez said was that he called Evra ''something his teammates called him''.

By no means am I condoning racism, but until the evidence comes out (Which should have been released with the judgement and it was completely ridiculous not releasing it.) I will remain sceptical.

Whitehouse over and out.

High court wont have any say on this Al. Suarez admitted he said something. The full ruling is coming out shortly