The Liverpool Thread

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Funny how this thread is Liverpool fans vs. Liverpool haters.

I am yet to see an objective person on this thread.

Sorry this is nonense, because we arent jumping to defend Suarez, we must be liverpool haters? pfft
Are you retarded?

. Manchester United, Everton and Chelsea fans are the most common people posting on here (with a few exceptions i.e Dunc).

and fulham, Forest, wigan and arsenal fans...
Sorry this is nonense, because we arent jumping to defend Suarez, we must be liverpool haters? pfft

*sigh*... getting really tired of repeating myself.

This thread is dominated by Chelsea, Man Utd and Everton fans.

The occasional Arsenal, Newcastle, and whatever fan pop up, but that's about it.
To be fair, most of the members on the forum are Man Utd fans, with a large contingent of Chelsea fans, so it makes sense.
*sigh*... getting really tired of repeating myself.

This thread is dominated by Chelsea, Man Utd and Everton fans.

The occasional Arsenal, Newcastle, and whatever fan pop up, but that's about it.

You've decided that we're saying what were saying purely based on club. which is nonsense. Take off the blinkers, its not even about club anymore
*sigh*... getting really tired of repeating myself.

This thread is dominated by Chelsea, Man Utd and Everton fans.

The occasional Arsenal, Newcastle, and whatever fan pop up, but that's about it.

So you're only allowed an opinion based on the club you support?
*sigh*... getting really tired of repeating myself.

This thread is dominated by Chelsea, Man Utd and Everton fans.

The occasional Arsenal, Newcastle, and whatever fan pop up, but that's about it.

Being a fan of club X or Y makes little difference to what Suarez said. Ignorance is not an excuse. Rio Ferdinand showed ignorance in missing a drugs test. No excuse. He was banned and rightly so.

Whilst the debate here in the last 24 hours has been very funny to read shall we not wait to see the full report before the conspiracy theories begin
Funny how this thread is Liverpool fans vs. Liverpool haters.

I am yet to see an objective person on this thread.

I am a Leeds fan and Liverpool are my favourite team but im not blind and can see Suarez is guilty and deserves his punishment, even if it is a little harsh. I think you regret making that post haha
Suarez winning Best Striker of 2011 on


Doesn't matter, every tom **** and harry knows who was the best player in the league for the calendar year 2011. If anyone thinks it is someone else than RVP then they need serious help.
Irish is this you on the guardian?

  • 60x60.png
    Irishscouser 21 December 2011 09:16PM

    I've said it here a few weeks ago, and I for one I'm a die hard Liverpool supporter but Kenny is kidding himself if Suarez is some victim in all of this, it sullies the name of LFC and it embarases me personally that 'hey' say there is some conspiracy in all of this. If you look at Suarez's past record it isn't exactly a glorious one, trying to bit an opponent, the absolutely disgrace that was the WC semi's against Ghana (and an equally shameful rebuttal afterwards) and now this. Kenny, accept this, fine him internally and move on, don't use the Liverpool victimhood, it just gives fuel to the legion of Manc fans( MookieB) and their ilk

So, um, on MOTD they just said 'Suarez found guilty of racially abusing Evra'... What's with people saying it's just 'using racist language' hmm. So, yes, he is being labelled a racist.
So, um, on MOTD they just said 'Suarez found guilty of racially abusing Evra'... What's with people saying it's just 'using racist language' hmm. So, yes, he is being labelled a racist.

Racism is a belief system. A racist is someone who adheres to that belief system. Racist language does not indicate you adhere to that belief system.

So, no, he isn't.
So, um, on MOTD they just said 'Suarez found guilty of racially abusing Evra'... What's with people saying it's just 'using racist language' hmm. So, yes, he is being labelled a racist.

Oh man, those bad people are labelling him a racist! Maybe this wouldn't have happened if he hadn't called a black guy, hm... what was it? Oh, yes, 'little black guy'.
Oh man, those bad people are labelling him a racist! Maybe this wouldn't have happened if he hadn't called a black guy, hm... what was it? Oh, yes, 'little black guy'.

But he's not a racist. His charge was insulting/abusing another player with referrence to race.

If they were labelling him a racist then he would sue them for defamation of character. But like Joel said, they aren't labelling him a racist.
Luis Suarez is not a racist.

John Terry is.
IF JT is a racist then Suarez is. Both racially abused (whatever you want to call it) others, therefore labelled the same.
IF JT is a racist then Suarez is. Both racially abused (whatever you want to call it) others, therefore labelled the same.

"His charge was insulting/abusing another player" - This is what the charge was for.

All Suarez did, was call Evra a 'Negrito', which in Uruguay means 'friend', the Spanish version of the word means 'little blackie' - However, Suarez isn't Spanish.

Also, if you've read any article on South American life/Cultures etc, you'd know calling someone 'Black' isn't that much of a bad thing, it happens all the time. And that is all Suarez knows, granted, this is England, but that should have been taken into consideration?

I'm fed up of arguing with people who're saying Suarez is a racist, when they have no proof of this, the only proof anyone has, is what Evra has said, and the FA are stuck so far up Sir Alex's/Uniteds ****, there was only going to be one outcome. It's also ironic how the last game Suarez will miss (if his ban isn't more then 8 games) is Man Utd..

"You cannot have an impartial Football Association when members of that board are also executives at Man Utd."