First proper chance I’ve had to write anything on Sunday’s heroics. I think I can categorically say that’s our best ever final win in context. And I passed out for the first time in my life too into the bargain!
Just to pass the time, we were working it out going down which Wembley that was for everyone. Unless I missed anything, that was my 23rd. Which includes a zillion finals, CS, Cup semis, and the Makita tournament and Football League Centenary tournament. (Two for the kids. Go look them up anyone going ‘
The Makita what now?
’.). I Idon’t say that to boast. Heck, I wasn’t close to topping Wembley trips n our group. I’m always cognisant of how fortunate and privileged I am to be from the greatest City in the World and being brought up Red and not Blue. With all the opportunities thats afforded me over the years to be able to go the game. I mention that as Sunday was categorically the single best Wembley out of all those trips in my humble. And arguably our best ever final, period, in context. Istanbul, which as mythically awesome as it has become, was basically a 6 minute miracle. Albeit against one of the finest sides the game has ever seen. We got battered the rest of that game. Sunday was 120 plus minutes non-strop graft and fight, from a L’pool team down to its absolute bare bones, losing more of the few senior pro’s we had left, and culminating in a slew of inexperienced kids outperforming multi-billion pound footballers. Gods honest, I’ve
’NEVER’ been prouder of my club in a football sense than what that magnificent gang of Reds displayed Sunday.
And don’t let ANYONE ever tell you the League Cup is second rate and doesn’t matter to the players as much as it does to the support. The togetherness at the end in the euphoric celebrations was as good as its’s EVER been.
I won’t say much more as you’ve had a few days of this to take in. I’m late to the party down to the aforementioned blackout. Which happened after the game in a boozer when I just went. Not ale related. I’d had little before the game with the early KO. Turns out it was simply down to exhaustion and not enough food and fluids on top of being stood up all afternoon and all the emotions involved. Scary as it had never happened before. But I spent yesterday in A&E when I got home and every check they did came out ok so nothing to worry about before anyone asks. Hence my lateness posting on our magnificent, historical, 10th LC triumph.
Shout out to us too. No surprise, but we dwarfed the plastics noise and colour at the other end. No doubt we’ll be Nationally hated for drowning out GSTK …:: Like we’ve ever given a flying F what anyone outside this City thinks of us.

Many at the match don’t like ‘Allez, Allez, Allez.’ A too cool for school Scouse thing and it being of its time the run to Kiev. But honestly, theres NO song in our back catalogue that gets the whole end bouncing. And the rendition through ET was as loud as anythings ever been. Awesome to be a part of that. And I’ve never seen so much piro from us. Seemed to be every second person dropped something. You couldn’t see the pitch through the smoke Virgils wrongly disallowed brilliant opener.
Awesome Wembley weekend and, hopefully, the first of 4 trophies the next 3 months. Although heck knows what sort of side we’ll put out tomorrow haha.
Liverpool FC-
NOBODY does finals/ memories like we do!