The Liverpool Thread

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And to think I was concerned about United being in the 'spoiler' role. 🤦🏼‍♂️

Today's Admin-

Title Countdown:
23 wins down/ 6 to go. (Adjusted from the 30 season win target to 29.).
76 points down/ 18 to go. (Adjusted from the 95 point season point target to 94.).

P 32 PTS 76 F 83 A 22 GD + 61
P 31 PTS 74 F 72 A 20 GD + 52

Current Unbeaten League Run-
13 games: W 11 D 2 F 33 A 6 CS: 9.

As stupendously brilliant as L'pool were tonight, my God Utd are beyond utter garbage. And that's being kind. I mean we had it bad in the 90's crossing over from the arl First Division to the PL. But it was never anything like as bad as this. No fight. No ideas. A manager who talks a good game. But in reality is just as utterly clueless as his predecessor who we put 5 past this season. And this is the man they are trusting to turn the club around ..... A club that is as dysfunctional from top to bottom as it has been in any period since the great Sir Matt Busby stepped down in 1969. They could SERIOUSLY blow our 30-year title drought out of the water as they continue to lurch from bad to just amateur abysmal. I've never in may life time seen a Utd side this bad. With absolutely no organisation/ game-plan/ fight/ effort/ idea ..... pretty much anything you can think of that makes a competent football team they don't have it. And it's even worse behind the scenes. I've also never in my lifetime heard Utd's away support SO quiet. One thing they've always given the team is superb backing away from home. Always respected them fr that. But tonight, they gave absolutely nothing. (Bar a bizarre reaction to a nothing chant about Ferguson calling them out, to come back with the low life 'The S*n was right, you're murderers!' ..... Poor and unprovoked lads. REALLY disappointing after the Ronaldo respect.).

The apathy among the fans sums up the absolute carnage Utd are marred in. F knows why any up and coming coach, as ten Hag is touted as, would want to associate themselves with that mess where he'll neither get the time nor be allowed from those above him to do what needs doing? 🤷🏼‍♂️ But at least he'll secure his family's future and return home to Holland in a few years a very rich man off of Utd. As much as I'm naturally loving Utd being more in the mud than Thatcher, with absolutely NO signs of them getting out of it any decade soon, it actually, on the other hand, really saddens me. Yeah, the rivalry will always be there and among the most heated in World football. But Manchester United are a proper football club who Liverpool, as a club, has always had a great relationship with. Without wishing to sound arrogant or disrespectful to any other club, as they ALL have a part to play in the community they serve, there's really only two clubs in England that matter. Us and them. The two biggest , most successful English clubs and the biggest rivalry in the land by a Country mile. But it's hard to even class it as a 'serious' rivalry anymore when we are volleying them all over by a combined 9- 0. Embarrassing isn't the word and I just don't see that changing over the next 5/10 or longer years.

When we step back from mocking them, it really is sad to see such a great football club as Utd in this state. I truly believe we're witnessing the beginning of a LONG end for them before their cycle can even think of coming around again. And tonight just hammered that home in glorious technicolour which is what has me venting on them now. WE need a strong Utd to push us. Both clubs are at their best when one pushes the other. But that just isn't the case now. And it's honestly proper sad to see.

What was beyond brilliant tonight for the rivalry was the awesome showing of solidarity behind the Ronaldo family's tragic loss. You fear that they'll aways be some idiot who goes the wrong way and disrupts things. Or the message wouldn't have got out to everyone though the day about the respect planned for the 7th minute. But to have the whole ground rise as one, in deafening applause, which was joined by a booming YNWA ...... Honestly, that's one of the proudest moments I've had at the match in a long time. Standing up and doing the right thing is always something we should aim for as we hold ourselves to the highest standards as supporters. And we did that and then some tonight.

City could learn a LOT from that on how you conduct yourself at the match after Saturday's disgrace from them.

Martin Atkinson ...... Just F off and retire will you please? The more you hang on, the more inept and cringe worthy embarrassing you get as an official.

10/10 for every last L'pool player and manager. I won't signal out individuals as that was as awesome a team performance as Utd were pitiful.

We've done our job. Now the balls back in City's court to respond.

*Sings 'Libpool, Top the League, Libpool Libpool Top the League!'

Up the relentless Red machine! FTT!!!!!
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Tell me how good Thiago was live Scouse... For research purposes... Im not in love with him.

He's different levels of superiority mate. As you've been repeatedly saying recently. I don't know if he's the best in the World in his role. But if there's someone better, I'd love to watch him play.

Natural born playmaker.

The closest I can relate the PL-era for L'pool is Xabi. But he takes even his vision and passing ability to another level. He constantly see's gaps that just aren't there. And zips the ball in so accurately, over any distance, it's ridiculous. Everything is so effortless with him. He just glides around, picking up pockets of space, and then either glides past his opponent with his dribbling ability/ body shape. Or sends them the complete wrong way with a no-look pass that's fizzed into a gap that was never there 20 yards up-field. And his tackling/ intercepting ability has improved markedly from his early time here.

Such an elegant, really intelligent, and ridiculously technically gifted footballer who makes everything look so ****** simple and effortless. But his work ethic is superb too to go with it. From the last 10 game run-in last year to the CL spot, he's just dominated most every midfield he's come up against.

Utterly mad how people wrote him off after he was being asked to do doggies up and down the pitch as we had to adjust and make do for that historical injury list last season and he went against his natural game. On top of him missing half of it after the assault at Everton. Now, with everyone fit in their roles, he's back excelling in his natural one.

I know you still have doubts about Naby Lad, but with Henderson slowing down (who was absolutely superb and relentless last night BTW. Utterly dominant , captains performance), Fabinho, Keita and Thiago is a purists wet dream trio that has everything.

Yes mate.You don’t belong on the same pitch as Mo. Never mind in the same league.

Talking of, that’s Mo sorted and right for the run-in.

All the best to anyone he’s about to devour.
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You’re sincerely welcome mate.

Couldn’t imagine what you guys are currently going through.

God rest the little one so tragically taken from you. And may God watch over your family at this time.
From a tweet-

Dear Everton Fans,

I have been a Liverpool supporter since I drew my first breath and I have been following my team home and abroad for 49 years now.

I have been involved in plenty of banter with your side of the Park and there have been some great days for both clubs during this period.

We have shared some momentous occasions and who could forget the day the whole of Wembley sung “ Merseyside “

We have also both shared the most enormous of grief together and I have never been so proud of the city as when we stood together proudly through those dark days.

The fortunes of both clubs are on different ends of the scale at the moment and I was disappointed to see you drop into the bottom 4. After the game I was appalled to hear fellow Liverpool Fans saying “ Imagine if we win the league and Everton go down on the same day.

I would hate this to happen because I genuinely hope and pray that these two things happen on separate days so we can have TWO

massive Parties you Bitter Bluenose Bastards !!!!

Everything he said. Especially the last paragraph!

Come on Burnley!!!!!
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