The Liverpool Thread

Oh ffs I was glad he wasnt on the bus when this sh*tshow came out but oh baby what are you saying... 🤦‍♂️

To say that's disheartening would be to put it mildly. Pretty darn disgusted on Macca would be far more apt.

If he wanted to speak publicly, he would have been MUCH better served condemning the Argentinian National team and not vainly trying to defend one player who unbelievably thought recording the incident would be a good thing to do. To then try and excuse racism and transphobia as somehow just a mocking tone, to somehow make this ok, is massively disappointing from Mac Allister to say the least.

If I were Konate, I do believe I'd quite possibly be coming to blows with Macca when I returned from holiday.

I mean seriously, the Suarez ignorance to his overt racism was bad enough. But is ALL South America inherently like that? Some SERIOUS education needs to go on to get through to them.

Terribly disappointing to read that from Alexis. And a lot more should be being made of this both Nationally and within our own fanbase.
He literally had to say nothing 🤦‍♂️ Saying nothing was better than this.

I do like this whole "Europeans are more sensitive" line they are going for, coming from a country that organised a mass mob willing to kill people over a number plate which may or may not have referenced the Falklands. Its so ironic. I also saw a graphic yesterday (cant remember where) which showed that only 3 of the France squad from the Euros actually originated from Africa. The song itself was stupid enough to sing, but seemingly the entirety of Argentina doubling down on it is utterly mind baffling
2024 man. In Germany of all places. What the bleep is wrong with people? 🤬

100% behind behind the players and staff walking off the park. Irrespective of that ultimately forfeiting the result. Totally unacceptable behaviour. NO form of discrimination should have to be endured by anyone anywhere. Let alone kids doing their job for our pleasure.

Another reason why I pay absolutely no heed to the 'Trent to Madrid' wham. He only has to look at how Vinny Jnr continues to suffer regularly to see the implications of what would await his skin colour in Madrid/ Spain, regardless of how brilliantly he performed. You just sadly wonder how long it will be before they switch attention to giving similar to Jude? 🤷🏼‍♂️

Seriously F up World man.

A club statement reads: “Liverpool can confirm that a member of our under-18s team reported he was racially abused by an opponent while playing in the Bundesliga Cup youth tournament at Schwabisch Hall in Germany on Friday.

The player immediately alerted the match official, his team-mates, and our coaching staff. Consequently, LFC’s management team decided to stop the game and leave the pitch together.

IIn a further incident, the same player was the target of abuse during a fixture in the tournament [on Saturday].

Again, the player alerted his team-mates and coaching staff and our management team opted to leave the pitch once more.

We are proud of our player for his prompt actions in reporting the incident and the maturity of his response. He and any of his team-mates affected are being supported by the academy safeguarding team.

The club calls upon our opponents and the tournament organisers to conduct an urgent and thorough investigation into the incident.”
Huge excitement at a high-profile youth tournament in Schwäbisch Hall.

An U19 player from Bundesliga club Eintracht Frankfurt is said to have insulted a young player from Liverpool FC on Saturday afternoon. Liverpool subsequently refused to continue the game. The game was therefore cancelled at the level of 1:1, and at the end 3:0 for the Frankfurt staff.

While the Liverpool players claim that a young Frankfurt player had insulted an opponent with a racist term, Eintracht declares that it was a “common process” and the slang word “digga”.

Sport director Timmo Hardung (34) says BILD: “Our complete NLZ is like Eintracht Frankfurt, multiculturally shaped and we have clear values that we live and repeatedly demand. Racism has no place here, yet we take such accusation seriously."

Hardung continued: “Our player has also confirmed after consultation that the word 'digga' common in the youth language has used in the course of a customary game process. We have no doubt about the correctness of this statement. We can exclude racism, it is a linguistic issue and therefore hope to have dissolved the misunderstanding among the players and those responsible for Liverpool FC."

Whether Liverpool wants to file a complaint was initially open on Saturday.

This is from 2 years ago.
I find it hard to believe that this was a 'misunderstanding' twice over of the same, misunderstood word that is the German line here on this personally. Particularly as the organisers had made it abundantly clear to all teams that it wasn't to happen again after the Friday mess against Hoffenheim.

I’m not at all sure that I buy it being a simple misunderstanding given the second incident yesterday. Kid slang is kid slang and sure they’ll push boundaries regardless of what they are directed to not do. But if they’re not racist, they invariably won’t push racist boundaries.

Call me sceptical, but there sems to be a lot more in this for this to be an issue twice in two days, for the players and staff to walk off on both occasions, and not just misunderstood German youth slang. Young men or not.
Transfer windows are like a long hard slog of an entire summer of toxic online match threads. Like **** let Slot evaluate his squad first. We've had a complete overhaul or sort of for the first time in 8 or so years. The major tournaments haven't helped but how you clamouring for signings when you dont even know how the new manager will use said players. You'd think Klopp left behind a bunch of scrubs for Slot. Most important thing for me is contract renewals for the spine of the team and if that's not happening setting up the plan for their replacements e.g Virgil, Trent and Mo.
Transfer windows are like a long hard slog of an entire summer of toxic online match threads. Like **** let Slot evaluate his squad first. We've had a complete overhaul or sort of for the first time in 8 or so years. The major tournaments haven't helped but how you clamouring for signings when you dont even know how the new manager will use said players. You'd think Klopp left behind a bunch of scrubs for Slot. Most important thing for me is contract renewals for the spine of the team and if that's not happening setting up the plan for their replacements e.g Virgil, Trent and Mo.

Is right lad. 🍻

Liking Arne more and more, the more we get to listen to him speak and his views on the game. Speaks with a very assured confidence in that typically Dutch way. Without any arrogance. A proper football man which is a refreshing difference to all the prepubescent cry arsing, like you noted, at not getting there own way across the 'net and SM at people with no patience, or understanding of both what they have already, a top quality, young squad that's as deep, if not more, than anyone else in the division. And what it takes to build a club, and add to that with the the right additions. No less when you are on a short first summer following an absolute living legend

Yesterday was another good day with getting all our crew sorted for Ipswich in the AM. Despite more issues with our Fisher Price ticketing system which didn’t take payment from loads. And had the club having to call book and book them with payment to be taken later. Start as we mean to go on ….. Rounded off by the HC, yet again, just reassuring you that the club has been passed over into another really safe pair of hands who's primed to continue on where Jurgen left off. Doubled down with Curtis' gushing.

Buzzing. Tonights first pre-season takes us into the final few laps of proper football being back in 3 weeks or so. Can’t come soon enough!

They were all talking yeaterday-

Seeing as we are talking about transfers @Scouseinthehouse I'd love to know your opinion on what are the pressing areas you would hope the management would address. Also who you would keep or let go and dont be shy about it. Last summer I said we should be looking to let go Virgil as I thought he was past it and he made me eat my words. So lets have it.
Seeing as we are talking about transfers @Scouseinthehouse I'd love to know your opinion on what are the pressing areas you would hope the management would address. Also who you would keep or let go and dont be shy about it. Last summer I said we should be looking to let go Virgil as I thought he was past it and he made me eat my words. So lets have it.

Honestly, sans a shock departure like Diaz, theres really only 3 players we need to succession plan for the next few years. 4 if Ali decided he wanted to live somewhere warmer. But if he doesn’t, he’s sound for the next 5-years or so in nets. They’ve done that good a job with the squad getting the age down across the board, there’s only really AndyRobo, big Virg and Mo thats going to be a pressing concern. And I’m convinced now his head has been turned by his boyhood club, Anthony Gordon is nailed on to be Mo’s successor next summer or the summer after. He’s not extending at Newcastle now and we’ve coveted him bad for a few years now. Why they came straight to us before anyone else this summer. He’d be here now if they’d have done straight cash and not wanted Quansah as part of the deal.

I think as regards this summer, a lot depends on whether Slot wants Gomez at CH or FB. If its the former, then I’d spend on Robbo’s long term successor. If it’s the latter, I’d be looking to add another CH into the mix. Maybe 2 if Sepp leaves. Not too concerned with the 6 role. I think they’d move if there was something we don’t have, a sitter. But they are getting rarer and rarer. All the ones linked are hunters and we are stacked with them. Amused the heck out of me when people lost their **** over the Fulham lad going Munich. He was never an option as he’s nowhere near good enough on the ball. Lets be honest, you only need a sitting DM against the top 6 or so sides. Everyone else ‘cedes possession and let you have the ball all game as they sit deep. He’d have been useless in that scenario having to progress the ball.

So one or two defensively this window. With Tsmikas replaced on the outs. Then move on the kids who are of that age they need to play but won’t here.

Jurgen's left us with a top, deep, young group mate. Not much needs doing at all bar, like I said, succession planning for the main 3 over 30’s vets.
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Honestly, sans a shock departure like Diaz, theres really only 3 players we need to succession plan for the next few years. 4 if Ali decided he wanted to live somewhere warmer. But if he doesn’t, he’s sound for the next 5-years or so in nets. They’ve done that good a job with the squad getting the age down across the board, there’s only really AndyRobo, big Virg and Mo thats going to be a pressing concern. And I’m convinced now his head has been turned by his boyhood club, Anthony Gordon is nailed on to be Mo’s successor next summer or the summer after. He’s not extending at Newcastle now and we’ve coveted him bad for a few years now. Why they came straight to us before anyone else this summer. He’d be here now if they’d have done straight cash and not wanted Quansah as part of the deal.

I think as regards this summer, a lot depends on whether Slot wants Gomez at CH or FB. If its the former, then I’d spend on Robbo’s long term successor. If it’s the latter, I’d be looking to add another CH into the mix. Maybe 2 if Sepp leaves. Not too concerned with the 6 role. I think they’d move if there was something we don’t have, a sitter. But they are getting rarer and rarer. All the ones linked are hunters and we are stacked with them. Amused the heck out of me when people lost their **** over the Fulham lad going Munich. He was never an option as he’s nowhere near good enough on the ball. Lets be honest, you only need a sitting DM against the top 6 or so sides. Everyone else ‘cedes possession and let you have the ball all game as they sit deep. He’d have been useless in that scenario having to progress the ball.

So one or two defensively this window. With Tsmikas replaced on the outs. Then move on the kids who are of that age they need to play but won’t here.

Jurgen's left us with a top, deep, young group mate. Not much needs doing at all bar, like I said, succession planning for the main 3 over 30’s vets.
Cant say anything different tbf. Succession planning or contract extensions is the name of the game. Out of the four if I had a gun to my head I'd let go Virgil and Salah, even then I'd still say shoot me o_O. Trent if he doesn't extend will be a travesty and something would have had to go extremely wrong in the background or season wise for him not to extend. Ali I don't care what number the Saudi throw at him, he is the one of the GOAT keepers and I wouldn't swap him for anybody past or present, that is how good he is. All in all it's a good young squad for Slot to develop and build upon.

With the usual caveat of it just being an extended training session kick-around gearing up for Ipswich, that was a really enjoyable, really impressive first public outing under our new oranje leadership. Still naturally a ways to go with a lot to work on, but that was worth staying up for.

A few observations-

I’m writing this at 10 AM. Having just got up and still half asleep. I'm getting way too old for these early AM tour games haha.

Our new HC- I loved, as we've seen with his intense involvement on the training videos, how he's a proper, hands on coach. It was like watching Guardiola the touchline with the constant coaching throughout the game. And he's really tactical too which is interesting to see play out. Which leads us to .....

The noticeable differences between himself and Jurgen on first viewing-
Tactics and team shape/ style are the glaringly obvious one to start with. I don't think I've ever seen a formation like that. What I settled on, when I worked it out, as a 4-2-4-0. With two 6's. Two 10's/ 2 false 9's deeper ahead of them. And two VERY wide wingers with overlapping FB's. (Trent and AndyRobbo are going to have MONSTER numbers again from out wide looking at last night.). Now, I know that was because we don't have a senior CF as yet on tour down them going deep in the International comps. But the interesting difference is the way Slot chose to change tactics to find a solution to that problem. Whilst Jurgen would probably have played Mo through the middle and stuck to more of a 4-3-3. And there were very distinct patterns of play developing already with noticeable triangles all across the park. Almost Cruyff-esq. Whilst being in a different shape to what he revolutionised football with. Typically Dutch. Far more midfield possession and patience as Curtis alluded to the other day. Far more City-esq than our more direct approach under Jurgen in the main.

The substitutions were another very noticeable difference from recent pre-seasons. We're used to two different XI's each half in the early games. Maybe it's more that this pre-season is shorter than most, and the new man needs to get his ideas over quicker and see them longer in game action to totally assess his players, but the main core of players going for an hour is another very noticeable difference right out of the gate.

I don't think I've ever seen Harvey as a left sided 10/ false 9 before either. He's almost exclusively been on the right of things wherever he's played. Now that may be down to player availability. But it adds to the different ideas going on within our normal framework.

On the players, the kids are the obvious ones to gush over as there was absolutely no drop off despite a virtual team of U18''s players the last half hour. To limit Betis to one big chance all game was superb. They all did themselves real proud but one or two standouts who will defo be playing big parts in the coming years-

This one is not quite a 'defo' as I type, but Sepp van den Berg showed just why he was one of the best defenders across the board in the Bundesliga last season and why he's rated so highly at Anfield. Starting alongside Quansah, who was as good as ever, he didn't have too much to do defensively as we completely shut Betis down with our press. But he was always in position and showing for his mates. And he looked super classy and composed on the ball after a few early wayward balls. His new found pace was on display too. He just looks every inch a L'pool CH in what we look for in the position. Be good to see him tested against the English sides aerially etc. But we may well have our Matip replacement right there.

On the defending too, I loved that they weren't afraid to clear their lines when boxed in. Instead of having to play their way out. That was another noticeable difference I took from what we are used to. Nothing wrong with going long. They can't hurt you from their own half.

Ben Doak. It continues to be mad to me how people don't see this lads frightening talent. He was beating his man for fun time after time. Just a pity there wasn't a proper CF to take advantage at the end of it. He's been fast tracked both internally, and Internationally, for a reason. Don't sleep on this lad.

And then we have the man who stole the show. The recently turned 17-year-old Trey Nyoni. The first thing was that he was the first cab off the rank when Curtis pulled up. When Bajetic and Morton are sat there. I mean we know they've been gushing about him since they went all out to win the heated race for him when he was 15. But 'WOW!' is the word. Totally composed and confident on the ball. Displaying how press resistant he is even in the tightest of spaces to get out and keep the ball. Physically strong. Just looks mature beyond his years, as he has done all through his fast tracking to the 21's and his first team debut in the Cup last year. This lad just looks like he belongs at the this level. Could he be this years Jarrell?

Loved Jaros' confident display too following on from his great, double winning Austrian loan last year and progression into the Czech squad for the Euro's. If Quive does leave, there's a ready made back-up to the Worlds best goalie that you'd have full confidence in for the domestic cups early etc.

I loved Betis' flagged themed homage to America with their numbers too. Very smart marketing that. Kudos to whoever came up with that.

Made up over 43K turned out as well despite the scandalous ticket pricing. Superb support from our American friends and so glad they got to see such a good, enjoyable display. Nothing beats the live experience.

There were a good few negatives of course to still work on. The passing and sharpness was still a tad off in a few. Endo/ Beck looked off the pace with a few others. But that's natural after just a couple weeks back of what we're hearing has been even more punishing work than Jurgen and Pep used to put them through. With the obvious downer of Curtis' injury which hopefully is just a niggle. Gutted for him that he had to go off so early. But overall, a very impressive first live outing.

Similar to Jurgen. But markedly different. This is going to be another really fun ride as we evolve yet again.

It's just boss to be able to watch the reds play games of football again!

UTR! FTT!!!!!
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Always been a massive advocate for Sepp through his development here-

From his natural, early struggles here in not only a completely new football environment, but his frst ever time away from home, his development has been marked. He always had that classily aesthetic, ball playing technical elegance on the ball that is a Dutch trait. Never the fastest, but always positionally sound to make up for it like Carragher. Just he was wasn't physically developed or ready for the rigours of the English game. Particularly in the air. But that inspired loan at Preston over 2 seasons saw him come on leaps and bounds as the physicality of the Championship both toughened him up and gave him far better defensive awareness of the aerial game in England. With the added bonus that he showed he is equally adept at right full with his attacking prowess. He played a lot as the right side of a middle three at Deepdale. I specifically watched a good few of their games through that spell and he was a real standout.

Then you get the horribly unfortunate break that more or less made his first step up loan to the Bundesliga 2 seasons back a complete write-off. But then came last years loan to Mainz and his real break-out season where his development took a massive leap forward to not only being one of the best CH’s in the Bundesliga. But across all Europes top 5 leagues statistically. The top player in Germany last year for areal duels won. Massive improvement in that key part if his game. And he was clocked as the 4th fastest defender n the Bundesliga last year. Something that wasn’t n his locker as noted above when he arrived 5 seasons ago after having been a teenage star in the Eredivise having broken Seedorf’s appearance record for a 16-year-old. (Youngest ever player to play 10 or more games in Holland.).

Sepp has all the ability tools to become the natural successor to big Virg, who, let’s not forget, didn’t join Southampton until he was 24 & us at 26. So time is on his side to continue developing and learning to eventually take over from the big man. 6’4. Great in the air. Rapid quick. Real good on the ball. Everything we look for in a CH.

The future may well be Oranje in more then just the coaching ranks.
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Seeing as we are talking about transfers @Scouseinthehouse I'd love to know your opinion on what are the pressing areas you would hope the management would address. Also who you would keep or let go and dont be shy about it. Last summer I said we should be looking to let go Virgil as I thought he was past it and he made me eat my words. So lets have it.

I'll add Carvalho to the outs too. I know there was a lot of bluster after his Hull loan late last season, and folk thinking he'd get a fresh start now Jurgen's gone. But when you're playing a double 10 the other night, and he's stuck out the left wing, that's not a good sign. At all. Pre-season or not. And the difference in say Doak when he came on and was beating his man for fun was seismic.

Shame as I was real excited in his pick-up after his Fulham breakthrough. But he's just never looked anywhere near good enough for the very highest level. I'll be real surprised if he's still here come the end of the window.
I'll add Carvalho to the outs too. I know there was a lot of bluster after his Hull loan late last season, and folk thinking he'd get a fresh start now Jurgen's gone. But when you're playing a double 10 the other night, and he's stuck out the left wing, that's not a good sign. At all. Pre-season or not. And the difference in say Doak when he came on and was beating his man for fun was seismic.

Shame as I was real excited in his pick-up after his Fulham breakthrough. But he's just never looked anywhere near good enough for the very highest level. I'll be real surprised if he's still here come the end of the window.
Adding to that ive seen we rejected Marseille's opening bid for Endo. Watching him in pre-season he is struggling with the build-up role required for a Slot number 6 who is less of a destroyer. I wouldn't be surprised to see him move on and someone like Morton take his spot.

Edit: Also Gravenberch is being linked with Milan and Turkey with a loan option to buy. Im not going to lie I'd rather keep him than deal with Italian clubs and their loan to buy option shenanigans e.g remember Aquilani? I still maintain Gravenberch was a mistake to sign him as he wasn't better than what we already had and the high wages he came with just made no sense. It is the kind of signing that is expected when you go a summer without a sporting director. Anyway, that's neither here nor there.
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Edit: Also Gravenberch is being linked with Milan and Turkey with a loan option to buy. Im not going to lie I'd rather keep him than deal with Italian clubs and their loan to buy option shenanigans e.g remember Aquilani? I still maintain Gravenberch was a mistake to sign him as he wasn't better than what we already had and the high wages he came with just made no sense. It is the kind of signing that is expected when you go a summer without a sporting director. Anyway, that's neither here nor there.

Disagree on Ryan mate. Which is topical as he’s back in training today.

As absolutely awesome as Macca was in his debut season, and as much promise as So boss la showed in spells, I still maintain that one was the jewel in the crown of all last summers midfield rebuild.

People forget that he'd barely kicked a ball in Munich the previous season. And on top, he never had the most important time of any season, pre-season, here last year. That all takes time to build that match fitness and sharpness back up which took the vast majority of last season before he could last and consistently contribute for the full 90. The Dutch don't hand out praise lightly. So when they openly compared him to Seedorf coming through the ranks of the Jong Orange, the National sides junior ranks, you sit up and take notice. Add to that he was the star, standout player in ten Hag's wonderful Ajax side, and you know there's a serious footballing talent there.

Really excited to see his development as we go. Not least with a Dutch coach now taking over.

In my humble, we could well be looking back at £34 million being absolute daylight robbery when its all said and done
Adding to that ive seen we rejected Marseille's opening bid for Endo. Watching him in pre-season he is struggling with the build-up role required for a Slot number 6 who is less of a destroyer. I wouldn't be surprised to see him move on and someone like Morton take his spot.


It’s interesting to note that Marseille bid was turned down weeks ago. But they have just now decided to put it out there. Which suggests Slot has now had a good look at Endo and surmised he doesn’t really fit and they are maybe inviting other offers. In which case you’d think they had another 6 lined up …..

I think the whole ‘#6 discussion’ is interesting period for us. People crave a traditional sitter/ stopper DM. (Which I believe the club would like as well. Hence the massive, serious interest/ bids for Tchouameni and Caicedo.). When not only are those profile of players getting few and far between now. (Most 6’s are ‘hunters’ who chase the ball all over to win it like Kante.). But we really only need one of that ilk against the top 5 or 6 teams. As everyone else ‘cedes possession and sits deep. So they have to be good on the ball and able to break lines forward or else they are neither use nor ornament.

The Fulham lad Palhinha, who’s just gone to Munich, is a prime example. The meltdown over our lack of interest was hilariously mad to me as he was NEVER coming here down to him being nowhere near good enough on the ball. Just a sitter who’d be redundant for 20 odd games a season against the bottom half or so teams.

People just think ‘DM’ and assume they are a defensive destroyer but the profile is totally changing as the game evolves and the traditional types that can sit/ hold, whilst always being able to play and progress the ball forward, are becoming rarity’s that cost so much.

I agree on Endo being limited on the ball. But I think he’s sound as a squad option for the games you need his style of DM/ coming off the bench to close games out. And then when we find one that fits that role, who can also play, they’ll happily break the bank for him and let Endo go. With Bajetic more of a hunter/ deep lying playmaker like Mac Allister was back there.

Until such point, the mix of Bajetic/ Mac Allister/ Morton and all our other ball playing hunters, maybe often in a double pivot, looks a sound solution under Slot. With or without Endo in there.
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