The Manchester United Thread

Fellaini running into the box, Kagawa playing in pivot? What witchcraft is this.
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Well done lad, well done.
Januzaj is ******* live wire. I hope he takes even more responsibility in this game.
1-0 up but I still think that we were very poor. Kagawa just isn't a central midfielder and we have been wasting our possession by passing around aimlessly. At least cross the **** ball into the area when there's a Fellaini upfront.
Buttner,Fellaini,Kagawa all been wank. Jones is an idiot! Very pleased with Wilson that's what he does when gets a chance and Lawrence has had good moments. Januzaij best player on the pitch so far, hope to see Keane in 2nd half. Should of had peno!
So many legit penalty appeals and not even one is awarded, and they say we get penalties easily at OT....

And Fellaini is a joke.
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Giggs what a lengend! Good win tonight happy to see the youngsters and RVP smiling again. Wilson going to be something special I bet my house on it!
What a pass from Giggs. Weird that he hasn't played more this year, the man has vision and drive of two Carricks.
What a pass from Giggs. Weird that he hasn't played more this year, the man has vision and drive of two Carricks.
Been concenating more on coaching and managing side this season for sure, and tbh has been pretty dire when he has played but could be said about a lot of players this year.