The Manchester United Thread

Seems so, if he's back in full training no reason a transfer can't be done this summer.
Maybe have to see how he goes, don't see why not players usually come back stronger after ACL injuries with correct rehab. LVG really rates Strootman highly. Watch this space ;)
It blows my mind that Valencia needs to be given instructions about something as basic as 'look at goalkeeper before you shoot'. And ot was 100% accurate observation from Van Gaal, too.
If Van Gaal wants him then strootman is a nailed on signing for january or next season.

Can't wait for the tour to be done with so he can hurry up and get rid of the dump.
It blows my mind that Valencia needs to be given instructions about something as basic as 'look at goalkeeper before you shoot'. And ot was 100% accurate observation from Van Gaal, too.

Telling him is one thing, making him to change is the biggest challenge.

He is at United since 2009 and I haven't seen a single aspect of his game improving, except he is built like a tank now.

Kits are fantastic and I feel Welbeck will play a lot as CF this season.
And a beautiful strike from distance.

Massive season for Welbeck, if he proves his worth then VanGaal will find it hard to drop him or shift him from CF
If it's 3-5-2, I definitely prefer Rafael over Valencia, plz. The Rafael of the season before last was deadly, and I'll be extremely irritated if he doesn't get picked more than Valencia, ffs. Last season, after being dogged down with injuries and what not, plus with Moyes not having confidence in him, it is understandable that he wasn't at his best. He should definitely become like what he was under LvG, and I for one, hope he gets his chances..

And yeh, we definitely need two more CB in this system, more likely to be de Vrij and Vermaelen. Plus, Micheal Keane for backup.
Herrera, bossing the midfield so far. He just has that something.
Very impressed with Herrera. Tough when defending, constantly makes himself available for a pass, always tries to drive the ball forward. And quite a shot on him too. Great transfer.

Shaw on the other hand looks rather scared.
Very good 1st half indeed. Cant believe how fluid we are and have dominated possession, yes have looked bit shakey at back at times but expected after 1 half playing this new system. Herrera and Mata running the show, especially impressed with Herrera. All the players just looked in tune from the off, lets not forget that LA Galaxy are halfway through season and should be miles ahead of us fitness wise and ball playing wise.
I know it's just a pre season game but the link up play between Herrera, Mata and Welbeck is very good. Herrera is everywhere, his awareness of space is very good.

How great it feels to watch a proper CM playing for ManUtd who is very good on the ball and also can defend.

Welbeck when played as CF is a different player, he stretches defense, his link up play, finishes everything improves.

Mata was very good too. Him and Herrera played really well.
Btw anyone surprised by "off the ball" movement? I for one am surprised as last season all players were just static.
I am mostly surprised that it took Van Gaal a week to find a system where everyone looks like they actually have a purpose. Moyes didn't manage that in a year.