The Manchester United Thread

Premier league clubs have broken the €1 billion barrier this window with United leading the way at €200 million. OMG!
I think the system may be changing they've let two strikers go and brought one in, considering we were playing with two strikers up front we now only have 3 out and out first team strikers one of which is coming back from a long term injury (Falcao) and the other has been known to be injury prone (RVP). Rooney has been made captain so he's guaranteed to play 75% of the games, probably in a midfield role, so that leads Falcao and RVP god forbid injury strikes and were going to be left with will keane and James Wilson having to fill maaaahooosive shoes.
LvG seems a bit stubborn to me, and that got him into trouble on other occasions. We will know for sure what he intends to play on the 14th. **** these international breaks.
1. LVG bought players so that he can start matches with 352 and then change to 433/other formations as the need may be (a bit like Holland vs Mexico in the WC).
2. At the start of the summer and when our squad was looking very weak and full of mediocre players I said in this forum that I hoped Welbeck would be among those who would be leaving to which Mike (who else?) reacted. However on second thoughts and having seen who we brought in I AM extremely sad he has been sold as he was the most tactically astute player we had and this together with his energy made him very useful (may I remind you as an example of the Real Madrid match away a couple of seasons ago). Plus he is homegrown. Plus I hate Wenger with a vengeance for years now and find Arsenal ridiculous. After Giroud's injury they were light up front and, Wenger being Wenger, was not even thinking of strengthening there until Welbs was offered on a plate to them. Id much rather have a top 4 with no Arsenal (and if possible LFC obviously also) in it!
3. Hopefully Wilson will be given some game time.
4. Was also sad to see Chicha leaving but I understand why and Falcao is an upgrade.
5. Stevie Bruce looks like he has had an amazing window/deadline day, at least on an FM level! Shame it came to late to keep them going out of Europe.
6. Surprised Spurs brought no strikers in. Adebayor will be away for a month or so and they will struggle up front even with him there.
7. Dont really understand what Real Madrid did actually. They seem to have downgraded a notch and are left with a midfield even softer than ours . No wonder Ronie could hardly hide his annoyance.
8. Tom fecking Cleverley, Tom fecking Cleverley, Tom fecking Cleverley. WTF?!
9. The international break is a god send to hopefully get people back and start playing the way LVG wants.
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If there is one thing I can learn from this window is that supposed "respected" journalists such as Mark Ogden, who came into this window with a good reputation, has now come out the other side with it rather stained.

Lets take yesterday for example... at one point he's saying Falcao is on £365,000 wages.... few hours later he's saying £265,000 wages.

Also from off top of my head, when we signed Ander Herrera, day before he said we weren't.

Just proves you can't take what any of these journo's are saying as 100% accurate... even 50%.....
I was on a coffee with my bud who supports Real Madrid. After long(ish) chat, I'm listening depressive music because I feel for Real Madrid fans. They were ******* robbed this summer.
I was on a coffee with my bud who supports Real Madrid. After long(ish) chat, I'm listening depressive music because I feel for Real Madrid fans. They were ******* robbed this summer.

We lost our bambi... stop consoling them and console us.
Just proves you can't take what any of these journo's are saying as 100% accurate... even 50%.....

Yay, people are learning!

Rant about why this happens below.
As much as I ramble on about it, I do suspect the hand of terrible subeditors whenever I see information so willfully manipulated like this.

To clarify: in the digital age, a sub is someone who both checks an article for factual/grammatical accuracy and boosts it's online marketability. What does that latter part mean? Well, it be as simple as ensuring that the links in the article point to respectable sources. If you want your article to appear on the first page of Google results for "Falcao transfers to United" for example, you will make sure that this exact phrase appears multiple times in the text and that it's used as the anchor text (the text that's used as a link, like this)

This is relevant because it reflects the changing world of the sub. As a position it is slowly transforming from one based on accuracy and style to one largely rooted in marketing. The effect of this is all too obvious. Ever been lured in to read an article by its gobsmacking title in the sidebar, only to read it and find that this title is a complete exaggeration? Subs are to blame. Ditto for misleading images, social media hyperlinks, preview text etc etc. If there's anything outside of the article itself that seeks to hook you via manipulated information, subs are often the source.

Not that you should blame them personally. They don't all head off to some dystopian factory where they're reprogrammed to spread lies and sensationalism. They don't do it because they're malicious, they do it because it's their job. If anything, they're the symptom of a much greater malaise in journalism at the moment.

You've probably heard the term "clickbait". Simply put, the idea is to present something fatuous or mundane in a way that's so sensationalised that people will feel intrigued to click about it. Yesterday, for example, a study came out asserting that wine is only beneficial to health when combined with exercise. A click bait article would go with something like "Little White Lies: How That Healthy Glass of Wine is Secretly Poisoning You" You click, you read, you go "**** that was misleading", you leave and then the cycle repeats.

Of course, these kinds of headlines are nothing new but the circumstances surrounding the net change things more than you might think. When a print newspaper does that a few times, you stop buying it because it's complete BS. Online sources are different. People feel less cheated because they haven't paid to access that content, and they will generally come back. Sites like run on this **** now, and look how popular they are. Even skeptical people will often click their links, if only to check that there are no other sources and that this bit of "news" is complete bs.

With the exception of an elite few who are so esteemed that they are immune to editorial pressure, most journalists are affected by this. Looking at your example, I have little doubt that someone told Ogden to take the top end estimate of the wages because it creates more of a buzz. That's from a journalist from what many consider a highly respectable broadsheet, so imagine the lengths that others will go to.

The moral of the story: brand name and reputation often mean nothing. Broadsheets and tabloids now employ incredibly similar tactics, just to different degrees.
Still can't believe Falcao and Di Maria are ManUtd players.
James Pearce says that Cleverley to Aston Villa could still happen. They came back in with a loan move very late and TC23 was still trying to push a move through at 2am in Carrington.

Paper work was all submitted, clubs just waiting to hear if Premier League have authorised it.
James Pearce says that Cleverley to Aston Villa could still happen. They came back in with a loan move very late and TC23 was still trying to push a move through at 2am in Carrington.

Paper work was all submitted, clubs just waiting to hear if Premier League have authorised it.
Hope its true. Just read the same.
So what are we going to talk about for the next two weeks? **** this international breaks I WANT TO SEE FALCAO! !!