The Manchester United Thread

Er ..... No. You argued vehemently that Rashford shouldn't be played/ developed as a 9 against me. Not to mention Martial. Which was also around the same time, as he wasn't utilising either as a forward, you were defending Mourinho with me against what everyone outside Utd could see. That soon flipped as well.

So bore off with the revisionist history when it comes back on you mate ay?
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Er ..... No. You argued vehemently that Rashford shouldn't be played/ developed as a 9 against me. Not to mention Martial. Which was also around the same time, as he wasn't utilising either as a forward, you were defending Mourinho with me against what everyone outside Utd could see. That soon flipped as well.

So bore off with the revisionist history when it comes back on you mate ay?

**** off with that bore off nonsense scouse, I actually said we should have rotated him more with Lukaku. Martial is the one who I said shouldnt be used as a forward until his movement got a lot better. He was awful when he played there previously, because of said lack of movement, he needed to look at players like aguero. But then you're the person who tried to argue your own head data analyst was wrong about your midfield
Touchy. Don't say things if you don't want them coming back up.

And I tried to argue what now?

As with most everything, it went completely over your head in your zeal to be proved right on nothing more than an opinion.
Touchy. Don't say things if you don't want them coming back up.

And I tried to argue what now?

As with most everything, it went completely over your head in your zeal to be proved right on nothing more than an opinion.

Not touchy at all. Just find the way you pretend people aren't understanding when you've got no legs to stand on a bit dull. It's really weird gaslighting behaviour

You claimed the Liverpool midfield was one of the toughest to play in pretty much said anyone saying otherwise didn't understand.

I cited your own club head of data as saying otherwise and you went silent. The irony of you accusing anyone of wanting to be right.
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I don't have a leg to stand on? 'Sake.

Well that sure told me for having the gall to bring up your previous B/S which you're now completely contradicting.

And I left my response to Rh completely ambiguous. Which you jumped on. But yer know, I came out guns blazing at yer and all that.

Never let the truth get in the way of a good tale.
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I don't have a leg to stand on? Sake.

Well that sure told me for having the gall to bring up your previous B/S which you're now completely contradicting.

And I left my response to Rh completely ambiguous. Which you jumped on. But yer know, I came out guns blazing at yer and all that.

Never let the truth get in the way of a good tale.

Didn't jump on at all. You're the one who said bore off? Hence my reply
You claimed the Liverpool midfield was one of the toughest to play in pretty much said anyone saying otherwise didn't understand.

I cited your own club head of data as saying otherwise and you went silent. The irony of you accusing anyone of wanting to be right.

Just seen the edit.

I left it as the conversation was just going around in circles on opinion and conjecture. With you no more inclined to accept any other opinion than the one you've formed whilst vainly trying to claim some analytical superior view. Ala the absolute bunkum here again about me 'not having a leg to stand on' as you don't agree. (Or don't like what you argued coming back to bite you on the ****.).

Didn't realise I needed to respond to every post. My bad.
It wasn't too far back when you and I were the only ones in here saying how ridiculous it was neither Martial nor Rashford were being taught/ moulded into #9's as both had the ideal skill set. Instead of being stuck wide just because they are both rapid. Only to be shouted down.

That soon flipped huh?

Hey add me to that list, I've hated every minute with Lukaku up there, don't tell me you didn't notice. :p
Last week, Abraham misses a penalty. Gets called the N-word along with some other vile racist abuse.

Now, Pogba misses a penalty. Get's called the N-word and is subject to more vile racist abuse.

This is 2019 right? In 'supposedly' multi-cultural, tolerant Britain? WTF is wrong with people? Absolutely despicable. They should name, shame and then severely punish those low life scumbags perpetrating this. Gutless S/houses from behind a screen.

Sickens and disgusts you reading that happening again to Pogba last night.

Seriously, WTF is wrong with people?
Last week, Abraham misses a penalty. Gets called the N-word along with some other vile racist abuse.

Now, Pogba misses a penalty. Get's called the N-word and is subject to more vile racist abuse.

This is 2019 right? In 'supposedly' multi-cultural, tolerant Britain? WTF is wrong with people? Absolutely despicable. They should name, shame and then severely punish those low life scumbags perpetrating this. Gutless S/houses from behind a screen.

Sickens and disgusts you reading that happening again to Pogba last night.

Seriously, WTF is wrong with people?

Social media is an easier place to hide, I think Harry Maguire made a good point, why not ID anyone and insist on verified accounts to use social media? For example to sign up on twitter you should show proof of a passport or Driving License and only then can you have an account.
Social media is an easier place to hide, I think Harry Maguire made a good point, why not ID anyone and insist on verified accounts to use social media? For example to sign up on twitter you should show proof of a passport or Driving License and only then can you have an account.
Agree with the idea of doing something about it but **** the passport /driving license is the WORST idea ever. Was suprised people were agreeing with it in the replies to the tweet that is some Orwellian nightmare. I wouldn't trust twitter, Insta etc with my personal data at all.
Agree with the idea of doing something about it but **** the passport /driving license is the WORST idea ever. Was suprised people were agreeing with it in the replies to the tweet that is some Orwellian nightmare. I wouldn't trust twitter, Insta etc with my personal data at all.

Maybe, but there really needs to be a way of having direct access to these people/accounts that are created, be responsible for your actions as much as in real life.
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Racism, misogyny, etc., have nothing to do with the internet/social media, and have everything to do with education. The internet is just a means to an end. As a public person, as soon as you create your account on any platform, you put a target on your back, for every moron to take a shot at you.
I myself am a part of a minority in the country I live in, and have been subjected so all sorts of abuse for as long as I can remember. My advice to anyone going through the same or similar: ignore them. If you let yourself be affected by their hate, they won. From my experience, nothing ****** these people off more, than their hatred landing on deaf ears. Laugh it off, like Sterling did. Absolutely loved it when he just smiled in the face of those old hate spewing ******** that call themselves Chelsea fans.

I know this isn't the place for this kind of talk, but it's been an issues in football lately, and it's a **** shame these kind of things make it to newspaper headlines.
Racism, misogyny, etc., have nothing to do with the internet/social media, and have everything to do with education. The internet is just a means to an end. As a public person, as soon as you create your account on any platform, you put a target on your back, for every moron to take a shot at you.
I myself am a part of a minority in the country I live in, and have been subjected so all sorts of abuse for as long as I can remember. My advice to anyone going through the same or similar: ignore them. If you let yourself be affected by their hate, they won. From my experience, nothing ****** these people off more, than their hatred landing on deaf ears. Laugh it off, like Sterling did. Absolutely loved it when he just smiled in the face of those old hate spewing ******** that call themselves Chelsea fans.

I know this isn't the place for this kind of talk, but it's been an issues in football lately, and it's a **** shame these kind of things make it to newspaper headlines.

I take your point, but I definitely think social media is now a vehicle to drive hate without having to take any proper responsibility.
I take your point, but I definitely think social media is now a vehicle to drive hate without having to take any proper responsibility.
The internet has given a voice to every idiot on the planet, but they were idiots nonetheless. Yes, the curtain of anonymity lets you get away with anything, but honestly, does it really affect you what ShagYourNana69 from GodKnowsWhere really thinks or says of you? These are non-stories the media digs up, because it gets the people riled up. Promoting idiots at it's finest.
The internet has given a voice to every idiot on the planet, but they were idiots nonetheless. Yes, the curtain of anonymity lets you get away with anything, but honestly, does it really affect you what ShagYourNana69 from GodKnowsWhere really thinks or says of you? These are non-stories the media digs up, because it gets the people riled up. Promoting idiots at it's finest.

There should still be some simple form of accountability and punishment for abhorrent on-line/ social media abuse of this nature that goes straight to the authorities.

If you can't get away with it in the street without consequences, you shouldn't be able to with anonymity behind a screen.
The internet has given a voice to every idiot on the planet, but they were idiots nonetheless. Yes, the curtain of anonymity lets you get away with anything, but honestly, does it really affect you what ShagYourNana69 from GodKnowsWhere really thinks or says of you? These are non-stories the media digs up, because it gets the people riled up. Promoting idiots at it's finest.

But you have to take into account who are using also these social media sites. Children wont understand so easily what is said wrong in those threads. It also comes down to education and environment/parents. But the influence twitter for example gives is huge i think. Add some youtube/twitch videos where people play games and might be more directed to racism. Twitch is working on this and gives hard ban to these people but this content is still available to people who are easily manipulated.

About catching people who say these things. That is easy even if they would try to hide their *** with some free/cheap VPN, but will they do it? Nope. Noone wants to use so much resources on catching so many twitter hate messages, but it would give out huge signal.
But you have to take into account who are using also these social media sites. Children wont understand so easily what is said wrong in those threads. It also comes down to education and environment/parents. But the influence twitter for example gives is huge i think. Add some youtube/twitch videos where people play games and might be more directed to racism. Twitch is working on this and gives hard ban to these people but this content is still available to people who are easily manipulated.

About catching people who say these things. That is easy even if they would try to hide their *** with some free/cheap VPN, but will they do it? Nope. Noone wants to use so much resources on catching so many twitter hate messages, but it would give out huge signal.

There are billions of accounts on social media platforms, and as you said, it would just be cost inefficient for companies to do it. It brings absolutely no profit whatsoever, so they won't do it. You lost money by hiring people to verify people's data, and then again you lose money by tracking down these so called offenders and bringing them to justice. It's a lose - lose scenario for them. Banning accounts is the only viable solution from their behalf, as far as I can see it.

And honestly now, how many of you would actually give your personal information to a social media site, forum? I sure as **** wouldn't. Not because I am an offender, or I plan on insulting people, but simply because the internet is not a safe space to keep sensitive information.
There are billions of accounts on social media platforms, and as you said, it would just be cost inefficient for companies to do it. It brings absolutely no profit whatsoever, so they won't do it. You lost money by hiring people to verify people's data, and then again you lose money by tracking down these so called offenders and bringing them to justice. It's a lose - lose scenario for them. Banning accounts is the only viable solution from their behalf, as far as I can see it.

And honestly now, how many of you would actually give your personal information to a social media site, forum? I sure as **** wouldn't. Not because I am an offender, or I plan on insulting people, but simply because the internet is not a safe space to keep sensitive information.

Ofcourse you dont want to have info in strange sites. But this is possible to push from law. Just like GDPR, there could be something that site owner must take responsibility if this kind of styff is happening. yes this thin line with freedom of speach but somehow it should be pushed by law that for example Twitter handles these things more. Ban wont help that much, tracking down IP etc will start stopping this. But this means coordination with different country law enforcement etc. So yeah, this wont be happening any time soon. Or just start banning IP or tracker in browser this I dont understand why is not happening. Online commercial are using IP info and browser tracking to see our activities, should be easy to ban that way.( I have worked in online media platform)

I remember in Estonia some news sites did this and located online newspaper hate commentators down and let the directed person contact them, they where shamed and scared.
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There are billions of accounts on social media platforms, and as you said, it would just be cost inefficient for companies to do it. It brings absolutely no profit whatsoever, so they won't do it. You lost money by hiring people to verify people's data, and then again you lose money by tracking down these so called offenders and bringing them to justice. It's a lose - lose scenario for them. Banning accounts is the only viable solution from their behalf, as far as I can see it.

And honestly now, how many of you would actually give your personal information to a social media site, forum? I sure as **** wouldn't. Not because I am an offender, or I plan on insulting people, but simply because the internet is not a safe space to keep sensitive information.

One of the best things about the internet is the anonymity and losing that because of small section of idiots who cower behind there screens an hurls abuse wont solved anything. You only have to look at the way repressive states have tortured and killed people for posting things online. Also there are a majority of people posting online that are provided refuge by this anonymity. Stuff like tracking IP addresses and browser activities and throwing away our rights to privacy over something like this is just wrong on so many levels just because of racist idiots online is a BIG no no for me.