The Manchester United Thread

Ohhhh yawn yawn yawn Joel.. seriously... we played bottom club Fulham and had Mata and Januzaj this season. How can we continue to argue about this, it's beyond me. How long does he need to set his tactics up.

You can't just go yawn yawn because he just took apart your point,. As for how long, as long as it takes without the players he needs. And the Fulham game is a one off compared to the rest of the season, yet you have made it the barometer. Why?
There are very few clubs who can offer more money than us, even now.
Stealing subtles post:
Most common criticism today - too many crosses.
Fair cop the average crosses per game this year has risen from 25 per game (p.g) to a league high 29. But is 4 crosses a game that huge a deal? City are 3rd on this stat with 24 a game and it's not an accusation you hear hurled at Pelligrini and co.

Number of through balls may be more telling, dropping from an average of 3 p.g last year to 1 p.g this year. (Is that as simple as the Scholes effect?)

United have become long ball merchants? There has been a rise in longballs. Averaging 62 p.g this year compared to 59 last year. Again this is not a huge difference and the stat is the same as Chelsea though and less than Spurs and Everton.

They are focusing too much on the flanks? Last year 28% of play came through middle 32% on left and 40% on right. This year has been a slight change 24% through middle 34% left and 42% right but again this is does not seem a ridiculous swing vastly altering the areas of pitch United play football in, though tellingly 24% is the lowest % in the league. (And if you are going to play so much down the right get a more effective winger than Tony V)

Possession is pretty much the same dropping from 56.2% to 55%, pass completion from 85.7% to 84%

Number of shots on goal has remained static and the amount of dribbles has actually increased from 6.7 p.g to 9.1

For me the difference is having a penetrative midfielder in the shape of Paul Scholes, is Moyes favouring the flanks so much because he knows he doesn't have the penetration further back in midifield so has no other option to create a goal threat? I'd say it's likely.

Until the Scholes shaped hole in midfield has been replaced this United team will be found out, this was evident 2+ years ago when City won league and fergie begged him out of retirement and has still not been addressed. Moyes isn't doing a good job, that is clear and I'm not defending him but where and how he has United playing is not as hugely different from latter day Fergie as we keep hearing.
This could last all night, all I will say is that we're Manchester United not Everton. Every game is important and every result matters. Not only do we keep making excuses for Moyes but we also think this guy is going to somehow revolutionise everything in the summer, I think you're going to be disappointed.

Lets stop comparing things to the guy who is the greatest manager who has ever lived or blaming him in anyway. He didn't address the midfield issue... admittedly. But the new manager had time to do so and you forget Fergie did lay some foundations anyway... Smalling.. Jones... Rafael... De Gea.... Januzaj... Kagawa... Zaha. Hardly anything bad now is it.
This could last all night, all I will say is that we're Manchester United not Everton. Every game is important and every result matters. Not only do we keep making excuses for Moyes but we also think this guy is going to somehow revolutionise everything in the summer, I think you're going to be disappointed.

Lets stop comparing things to the guy who is the greatest manager who has ever lived or blaming him in anyway. He didn't address the midfield issue... admittedly. But the new manager had time to do so and you forget Fergie did lay some foundations anyway... Smalling.. Jones... Rafael... De Gea.... Januzaj... Kagawa... Zaha. Hardly anything bad now is it.

Not one of those is in the biggest issue: Midfield. You keep dismissing it as an excuse, but you refuse to acknowledge its been an issure for years. saying "we're Manchester United" doesn't cut it. Which is why Newcastle thumped us 3-0 last season and smashed the midfield to pieces. Moyes job actually hinges on revolutionsing it. the difference is he is actually trying to. So I'm not going to write him off before he has even had the chance to try. You want to, go ahead, but don't expect me to listen. If we wrote everyone off before they had a proper chance we wouldn't be where we are as a club.
SAF is partly to blame for this. He was a great manager, but he knew he was leaving soon and he never properly brought in a new team as he had done throughout his career. A new team should have been slowly introduced and faded in over the last 3 years.

Evra is old, Ferdinand is old, Vidic is nearly finished although still great when he's playing. Rafael is fine but perhaps not quite the player we need him to be (yet).

Carrick is old but still brilliant, Fletcher has a bed reserved at the local hospital, Anderson has not been good enough for years. Giggs? brilliant player, great legend, but let's not pretend he's good enough against the top teams anymore, maybe for the last 15 minutes or in a cup game and definitely behind the scenes he's essential but we need to be able to compete against other big teams.

Van Persie is brilliant, Rooney should have left when he started acting bigger than the club but that said is a very valuable asset on and off the field. Hernandes is a great player, he needs to be used more.

Wingers, Valencia has lost his consistency but is still a great player, Nani probably deserves to play more but he is somehow even less consistent than he ever was. Young is a good player for us despite what anyone says.

We are weak in every position on the pitch with loads of old players, a few young players who are not yet ready, and very little in between.

GK we're fine. We need a LB, personally I like Buttner and Fabio and there are more essential positions to be filled.

CB, Evans isn't great but is good cover and better than people give him credit for. Ferdinand should be dropped and left to a role similar to what Giggs plays now, Vidic still has a role to fill, Jones deserves a place in the first team.

CM, Carrick and Fellaini need to be played, they are the two best midfielders we have. Definitely need another player here though.

LM Nani/Young would work fine here, nothing special except on their best day but good enough.

RM Valencia/Zaha same as above.

ST we're fine here.

I personally think a massive culling of the first team is needed. Sorry for all the waffle
All valid points, although F?bio has left to join Cardiff permanently.

Why does everyone keep using Fergie's later years as an excuse? A new manager has come in and it's down to him to make his mark on the current team, quite simply he hasn't.

I'm pretty sure we were mostly always attack-minded under Fergie, this is a guy who was the creme de la creme though... even when he may of changed slightly in the last few years it was still amongst success.
If Fergie, one of the best managers in history, couldn't sign a top midfielder and get them to play attacking football in his last few years, then how do you expect Moyes to be able to?

Tyton.. is that a honest question... what is wrong with the ******* Glazers?

Didn't you see the banner lately at Old Trafford ?600m reasons to leave.. or however they worded it.
Pretty much all owners aim to make a profit nowadays, and inject money into their clubs via high-interest loans.

No I'm talking about the rise of Chelsea and City, when they were mid table sides
Even though I agree with most of your points in this discussion, in the case of those two, one had a top manager (Mourinho); the other had a bottomless pit of cash - so even when Mark Hughes made some disastrous signings, they could rectify the mistakes by splashing out on some top-quality players (by enticing them with extremely high wages).
Not one of those is in the biggest issue: Midfield. You keep dismissing it as an excuse, but you refuse to acknowledge its been an issure for years. saying "we're Manchester United" doesn't cut it. Which is why Newcastle thumped us 3-0 last season and smashed the midfield to pieces. Moyes job actually hinges on revolutionsing it. the difference is he is actually trying to. So I'm not going to write him off before he has even had the chance to try. You want to, go ahead, but don't expect me to listen. If we wrote everyone off before they had a proper chance we wouldn't be where we are as a club.

Why do you ignore the fact Moyes turned down Thiago? How much better do we need than HIM.

Not writing him off totally, but the performances have been awful and the tactics questionable.

By the way, you forget Fergie's first season was actually not that bad and there was promising signs. Not only this but it's totally different, Moyes is taking over Champions and isn't proved at the highest-level.
Why do you ignore the fact Moyes turned down Thiago? How much better do we need than HIM.

Not writing him off totally, but the performances have been awful and the tactics questionable.

By the way, you forget Fergie's first season was actually not that bad and there was promising signs. Not only this but it's totally different, Moyes is taking over Champions and isn't proved at the highest-level.
Fergies second was awful though. Moyes has arguably a tougher job, because he has a lot less leeway. How wont get 3 years of suffering. he has to make it count next season. Er I didn't ignore it, I called it a mistake, I mean we discussed this 3 months ago. you have written him off, you want him out the club.
Petrucci really isn't that great from what I've seen him. 0 Italian U21 caps to his name as well is disappointing as well. He is also 22 now, doubt he will make it through.
Petrucci really isn't that great from what I've seen him. 0 Italian U21 caps to his name as well is disappointing as well. He is also 22 now, doubt he will make it through.
I'd forgotten that he existed until a few days ago, when someone mentioned him again. He used to be a very gifted player, if I recall correctly, so it's a shame that he's not seemed to fulfill his potential.
Why do you ignore the fact Moyes turned down Thiago? How much better do we need than HIM.

Mate, thats if you believe him. I choose not to. I choose to believe he turned us down because we dithered and let Bayern move in (and once they did the Pep connection was decisive).

Also, people Im a bit older than you so I remember stuff in the past clearer:

1. What people seem to forget is that SAF came in after a 4-1 loss v Southampton and took over a team full of players lacking discipline (drinking was a major issue) and a team that was nowhere near being a competitor for the league title. So giving him time was not a bad idea esp bearing in mind the thorough reorganisation he went through of every facet of the club, which showed that he was worth the "gamble" of being given time. Ok, I took part in a sit down demo outside OT post a Spurs loss (3-0 if memory serves) holding one end of a "Fergie out" placard, so what do I know but ...

2. Moyes took over a squad slightly improved from when they were crowned champions mere months before. A squad with deficiencies yes but not one expected to struggle (and struggle we have whatever you say) to overcome most opponents and to languish 11 points behind top 4. So the two managers cant really be compared in this respect.

3. Better comparisons would be imho Martinez at Everton and Mourinho. The latter took over a Chelsea squad which was also quite deficient - lacking a decent forward, having the limited Obi Mikel as its sole DM, having about 100 attacking mfers (to whom he added some more!) shot of confidence and seemingly some way off challenging for the league and look what he has done with them within mere months.

4. Whatever we say Moyes will be given time. He will be judged by what he does next season. But he seemingly will have to do it by attracting top players to a club not in the CL, who at the same time must think that Moyes is the man to take us back to the top. Good luck to him on this.
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Frankly, there are problems in pretty much every department at United that need to be rectified and need time for that to happen.

Fergie let the the midfield rot away for years and I think he relied heavily of the prospects of Anderson, Cleverly and Pogba to rise through the ranks and make the best midfield in years but apart from Pogba none of them realised their full potential that was expected of them (perhaps unfairly?) by Fergie, and Fergie made the monumental calamity of letting Pogba go. Lets face it if Pogba stayed we would not be in the position we are in now.

Fergie left, then Woodward came in after a highly successful reign from David Gill as well as Steele(main GK coach), Rene(first team coach), Phelan(assistant manager), and finally Martin Ferguson(chief of European Scouting). We lost majority of the key staff that ran the club, losing essentially 6 heads of departments. That will destroy any club no matter who comes in.
On a side note to that, we are also losing our club captain( If Moyes is to blame for this then I have lost major respect for him and yes I know "mutual decision" but he could fight to change his made), losing Ferdinand and Evra (thank the lord, but he is still an experienced team member), I wouldn't be shocked if Giggs will retire this season. We will be losing Fabio and Anderson and Buttner as well. Fine, he can cull the team if he needs to and he should but losing SO MUCH of the club in one season is not at all a good thing, a well as the fact we are losing essentially all our defenders aside from Smalling Jones Evans and Rafeal when we have a minor problem in that department in the first place.

We had a truly disgusting transfer window, weather you blame Moyes for that or Woodward or something else fine, I won't go into because this is a "hot topic" to say the least. Heck, we only just signed Fellaini due to Moyes' previous relationship with him.

Next we have the team. We have had some truly frustrating and anger induced rants at some truly lackluster performances. Evra may as well go to sleep on the pitch when it comes to defending the left flank the lazy player that he is, Valencia a shadow of his prior form, permanently injured Nani and Fletcher. Young his normal self. Vile tactical choices of crossing it into the box, as zzeezzy said we have have Rooney, Mata, Januzai and Kagawa who could destroy any defense through the middle.

Finally we have had a just above mid-level team manager come in and run this massive club that any manager would have some problems with, even without losing the aforementioned staff and players. Yeah sure he is a great manager and I want more than anything to see him succeed and I never had any hopes for this season outside of finishing in the top 4, but it still hurts to see the state we are in no matter what we are going through.
Ohhhh yawn yawn yawn Joel.. seriously... we played bottom club Fulham and had Mata and Januzaj this season. How can we continue to argue about this, it's beyond me. How long does he need to set his tactics up.

You're just missing the point entirely. Fergie played that way because he had to with the squad he had. Why do you expect tiki taka from Moyes when the midfield is by and large the same.
You're just missing the point entirely. Fergie played that way because he had to with the squad he had. Why do you expect tiki taka from Moyes when the midfield is by and large the same.

No I expected more play through the middle... considering our 2 goals came via that, even though we had 80+ crosses continuously for no apparent reason.

Against Arsenal we knew a draw was no good for us, had to be 3 pts. I wanted more adventure and more purpose with the ball, it was so slow and predictable.
No I expected more play through the middle... considering our 2 goals came via that, even though we had 80+ crosses continuously for no apparent reason.

Against Arsenal we knew a draw was no good for us, had to be 3 pts. I wanted more adventure and more purpose with the ball, it was so slow and predictable.

Why didn't you expect it for the past 3 seasons? Because Fergie was untouchable and winning?
Why didn't you expect it for the past 3 seasons? Because Fergie was untouchable and winning?

When you're winning it's acceptable, stop blaming Fergie for everything. The football under him was not as dire as this at all. There is a reason the record got broken by Moyes.
When you're winning it's acceptable, stop blaming Fergie for everything. The football under him was not as dire as this at all. There is a reason the record got broken by Moyes.

I didn't blame him. I'm just not gonna criticise Moyes for something that was the same as before he came. And the football was pretty much exactly the same. The areas we attack from, number of crosses per game etc. are all pretty much precisely the same as last year.
I didn't blame him. I'm just not gonna criticise Moyes for something that was the same as before he came. And the football was pretty much exactly the same. The areas we attack from, number of crosses per game etc. are all pretty much precisely the same as last year.

Yet the results aren't... err... what's that tell you.... Fulham are great?

Plus we have Mata, Januzaj, Zaha and Fellaini this season. Should of tried Zaha more, not like the other players are doing great.
I didn't blame him. I'm just not gonna criticise Moyes for something that was the same as before he came. And the football was pretty much exactly the same. The areas we attack from, number of crosses per game etc. are all pretty much precisely the same as last year.
To be fair, winning is the most important thing, and the one thing Fergie managed to do which Moyes has struggled with this season. It doesn't have to be pretty, but you can't deny that United have underachieved under Moyes so far, whatever the tactics.
When you're winning it's acceptable, stop blaming Fergie for everything. The football under him was not as dire as this at all. There is a reason the record got broken by Moyes.

Stop crying like a ******* baby. The problem with you is that you're spoiled. You're not used to being out of top 4. ******* ****, it's like a ******* Holocaust is happening and Moyes is Hitler. Seriously. Get a grip.