The Newest and Freshest Auction Game Ever

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A bit disappointed with the results, the only positive being the win in the FM cup :(
How many matches will a team play in a season?
ah why 442 when i only have 1 good striker, and he puts him on the wing, still happy with third and hopefully push for 1st :)
Good start and 3rd in league so far. also still in cup and team looks like its playing well. colgate rebels have quite a big lead but still loads of time to catch up. would still be happy if i finished in play offs :)
i have pyatov and ameila who cost a bit but it plays enyeama...1.1mil. lol
Am happy where I am at the moment, but seem to have a few injuries and suspensions :/. Still 2nd is good, and hopefully I'll get promoted this season!
Ok whats wrong with my manager? He actually played Hernandez at RM?
What the ****! Injuries are killing my team! And Quim over Volkan? And why the **** am i playing sucha defensive tactic! God, ive got Huntelaar and KieBling on the bench, im struggling to score so why dont they put 2 up top.. goodness.

On the other hand, Xabi Alonso has been amazing!
5 injuries!, no wonder im in relegation. Oh well, lets hope mourinho does some master tactions :L
If anyone finished below harry4england's team they should just give up now :p (please dont let them go on a run now lol ;)
November10 - January 11 - League Table and Cup

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Well i'm off for the weekend up-date might be sunday evening/ monday afternoon......feel free to comment on your teams progress etc......hope you all have good weekend, because I know I will ;)
My teams doing well. still 3rd but a bit of a gap between us and 4th now so hopefully they can carry on and finish in play offs. only problem is i have 6 injuries to key players but hopefully wont be for too long :)
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