Thanks for the message Eltonde, but I'm still trying. I don't want to upload "garbage", mate. If you want to test, pvt with emailPlease upload it. Or i want to test.

Thanks for the message Eltonde, but I'm still trying. I don't want to upload "garbage", mate. If you want to test, pvt with emailPlease upload it. Or i want to test.
Fabulous! Just fabulous!
Now I'll have to be a little devil's lawyer (H) and say that way he wouldn't be an AP / attack. People really need to move on from the sliders and from fm13, it's an endless discussion that leads to nowhere. Personally, I would have to say that some PI are behind logic and pointless being automatic activated, I know, we all think for example in Iniesta and we don't see him dribbling like crazy whenever he has the ball. But the game is what it is and there's no point focusing the same problem, better if people adapt and find solutions and this is what I have gave you: solutions and more than one and along with mine you have also the solution from the user feche: put him as cm / attack.
Kun, if you want a test with a weaker side, I'll help out
pvt me plswith email
If you want to test with a Mexican Team, please advice, i´m playing with Monterrey, Right now top of the league, playing the semifinal, i used a tweaked version of Tx4 - Kun
View attachment 715987
And my results
View attachment 715990
Last two games I tested a new tactic called Killer Bee, amazing tactic too but too much exposure on the defense at times.
Here is my best possession so far
View attachment 715994
Best Regards
JAJA Well not too much of a tweak i know, but this just works a bit better for my team, is just a change in roles to adapt my team better to it. The important part is that is working great now.