My test for this season 10 games. 5 wins, 4 draws and 1 lose. The lost against sevilla suarez got a red card in the first half.
Postive vibes from this tactic. When i changed to use attacking preparation instead team chemstry i scored more goals, it was hard to me in the first games to hit the net. Changed to attacking prep to the granada game.
16 goals on 10 games. Let in 4 goal in 10 games. So i think also it takes time to settle the offense. Gonna show som image from the best games.
If you wants mer pic i gonna upload.
The first pick it's the schuedule and i gonna show i start against Madrid away 3-3 game.
The best game for me was against Granada
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Yah, you must try to train a bit team work and after that, att. Movement. But only when you have high levels of team chemistry (team cohesion). Those results aren't perfect at all...