The Truly TIKI-TAKA - by kun [FM15]

  • Thread starter Thread starter kun
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Could you please upload the tactics to this thread via the attachments please because the link to the MEGA website doesn't work.
Would be appreciated

Boas mantorras olha podias me dar a tua tactica porque nao consigo passar dos 700 passes e impressionante a quantidade de passes que fazes sou apreciador disso?
Hi guys. Sorry for so many time without any updates, but due to professional issues, it's been impossible, so, I'm sorry for that. I must to thank all the messages I've been receiving these days.

In past week, I had more time to play and I'm here to say that I'm trying to create a tactic quite similar to the "The Truly TIKI-TAKA - by kun" from the FM14. I'm still testing it, but for now seems really promising, but only for stronger teams (I only had time to test it in a few games in Barcelona). Yeah, I know, for good teams it's easier to make good tactics, but I'm trying to create one that can have goal galore and pretty football at the same time.
My last match when I tried it was this one:
View attachment 305576

View attachment 305577

Probably, I will delete all the SS of the preview tactic on this thread, in order to don't shuffling our visitors! :)

You can wait for some news next days.

Best regards my dear and loyal followers!
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75% posse 1466 passes 95%

Look very nice! :) Pretty awesome! Maybe you could make an amazing tiki-taka tactic from there if you could create more chances. But that ammount of passes... pfff.

Parece muito boa! :) Realmente fantástico! Talvez consigas fazer uma excelente tática de TIKI-TAKA apartir dessa se conseguires criar mais oportunidades. Mas essa quantidade de passes... pfff.
Esta epoca ganhei tudo que havia para ganhar ate campeao do mundo fui normalemento crio mais oportunidades
Hi guys. Sorry for so many time without any updates, but due to professional issues, it's been impossible, so, I'm sorry for that. I must to thank all the messages I've been receiving these days.

In past week, I had more time to play and I'm here to say that I'm trying to create a tactic quite similar to the "The Truly TIKI-TAKA - by kun" from the FM14. I'm still testing it, but for now seems really promising, but only for stronger teams (I only had time to test it in a few games in Barcelona). Yeah, I know, for good teams it's easier to make good tactics, but I'm trying to create one that can have goal galore and pretty football at the same time.
My last match when I tried it was this one:
View attachment 761011

View attachment 761008

Probably, I will delete all the SS of the preview tactic on this thread, in order to don't shuffling our visitors! :)

You can wait for some news next days.

Best regards my dear and loyal followers!

Kun, did you finished the tactic? Can wait to test the new one
Sometimes I think you guys prefer to have 1000 passes than winning matches. His team made 9 shots, one ccc that was the goal scored itself. Sorry, this is not even close like tiki-taka.
I agree with miguelalves. The only similarity with tiki-taka is the ammount of passes.

I have to say that tactic with +1000 passes isn't my tactic. The tactic that I'm developing, is a regular 4-3-3, but with more possession. I'm only waiting the end of the season. So far, the results are:
View attachment 298174 View attachment 298173 View attachment 298172 View attachment 298171
Some of results (even one of the less positive, a draw):
View attachment 298170 View attachment 298169 View attachment 298168 View attachment 298167 View attachment 298166 View attachment 298165 View attachment 298164 View attachment 298163 View attachment 298162

Like I said, strong team, I know. If it works on lower leagues and weaker team? I don't know, but probably not. If I'll be satisfied with this tweak, I'll upload.

Once again, sorry, but the time that I actually have to play, isn't that much.

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Would be interested in this looks very nice already kun may as well post before a new patch is done
I agree with miguelalves. The only similarity with tiki-taka is the ammount of passes.

I have to say that tactic with +1000 passes isn't my tactic. The tactic that I'm developing, is a regular 4-3-3, but with more possession. I'm only waiting the end of the season. So far, the results are:
View attachment 778585 View attachment 778588 View attachment 778591 View attachment 778592
Some of results (even one of the less positive, a draw):
View attachment 778593 View attachment 778596 View attachment 778598 View attachment 778599 View attachment 778601 View attachment 778602 View attachment 778605 View attachment 778606 View attachment 778609

Like I said, strong team, I know. If it works on lower leagues and weaker team? I don't know, but probably not. If I'll be satisfied with this tweak, I'll upload.

Once again, sorry, but the time that I actually have to play, isn't that much.


Would be interested in this looks very nice already kun may as well post before a new patch is done

Oh, that's true... This year, I don't play FM as much as I want, so I forgot that soon will be released a new patch. I don't even know what changes will take place in this new patch... :/