Updated the main post at:
November, 20 2014 - 11:00 PM
Main Change:
New tactic available!! VERSION 15.1.3
DOWNLOAD LINK: The Truly TIKI-TAKA - by kun [FM15]
The truly TIKI-TAKA - by kun [FM15] [V.15.1.3]
As a proud portuguese, below of the english description, I'll put the description in portuguese, in grey letters. I would like you respect that...
(Como um portugues orgulhoso, abaixo das descricoes em ingles, colocarei as descricoes em portugues, com letras a cinzento. Gostaria que respeitassem isso...)
Hi again guys!! After a successful tactic on FM14 (and I have to thank all of you, who believed in me and came here, every single day and made that possible) I'm here to try to help you developing a tactic based on the Golden days of Barcelona's Tiki-taka. The description of the main post will be quite similar to the last year (also because for some guys will be the 1st time here), but ofc will have changes, so be careful. And welcome back!!
(Ola de novo malta!! Depois de uma tactica bem sucedida no FM14 [e ai tenho que agradecer a todos voces, os que acreditaram em mim e vieram ateaqui todos os dias e tornaram isso possivel] estou aqui para tentar ajudar-vos a desenvolver a tactica baseada nos tempos de ouro do Tiki-taka do Barcelona. A descrição do post principal é bem semelhante a do ano passado [isto porque para alguns sera a primeira vez que estarao por ca], mas claro irao haver alteracoes, por isso esta atento. E bem vindo de volta!!)
First of all, please forgive me about my english, will not be the best around here...
(Antes de mais, peco desculpa pelo meu ingles, nao sera o melhor por estas bandas...)
To start, this is only my second time uploading a tactic (The Truly TIKI-TAKA – by kun [FM14]). So, if you saw anything wrong, please say it!
(Para comecar, esta e apenas a segunda vez que faco um upload de uma tatica [The Truly TIKI-TAKA – by kun [FM14]]. Por isso, se voces virem algo de errado, por favor digam!)
Now, let's talk a little about the thing who brought us here... "THE TRULY TIKI-TAKA":
I'm a big fan of Barcelona style since Pep Guardiola... The philosophy is very very rooted since the "little blaugrana" to the first team. "If we have the ball, the opposite team doesn't have it." This term came from the former player (and later, coach) of Barcelona, the Dutch Johan Cruijff. When Pep Guardiola came to be the coach of Barcelona, he wanted to bring the philosophy back again to the 1st team of Barca. Pep Guardiola was practicing in Barcelona "B" (and was getting good results), when he received the invite to start his career at Barcelona "A", as first team coach!!
(Agora, vamos falar um pouco sobre aquilo que nos trouxe aqui...: "THE TRULY TIKI-TAKA":
Eu sou um grande fa do estilo do Barcelona desde o tempo do Pep Guardiola... A filosofia esta muito muito enraizada desde os "pequenos blaugrana" ate a equipa principal. "Se nos tivermos a bola a equipa adversaria nao a tem." Este termo veio com o ex- jogador (e mais tarde treinador) do Barcelona, o Holandes Johan Cruyff. Quando Pep Guardiola veio para ser treinador do Barcelona, ele queria trazer de volta a filosofia para a equipa principal. Pep Guardiola esteve a "praticar" no Barcelona "B" (e estava a obter bons resultados), quando recebeu o convite de comecar a sua carreira no Barcelona "A", como treinador principal!!)
I can tell you that I was doing a very deep search to learn how this team plays and I realized that have amount of stuff that I just didn't imagine!!
(Eu posso dizer que estava a fazer uma pesquisa muito profunda para aprender como esta equipa joga e apercebi-me que existe um monte de coisas que eu nem imaginava!!)
In every single site/forum of FM i've visited, I didn't found a single tactic like this one. It's right, I found a lot of "tiki-taka", because it's a very entertaining system and the FM players want to put their teams playing like that, but I can guarantee you: this one is too much different from the other ones! I didn't base my tactic in anyone else, beside the books and my research on internet, because seeing the game is different to understand him.
(Em cada site/forum de FM que visitei, nao encontrei nenhuma tatica como esta. E' certo que encontrei muitos "tiki-taka", por que e' um sistema muito divertido e os jogadores de FM querem por as suas equipas a jogar assim, mas posso-vos garantir: esta tatica e' muito diferente de todas as outras! Eu nao baseei a minha tatica em mais ninguem para alem de livros e a minha pesquisa na internet, porque ver o jogo e' diferente de entende-lo.)
So, what this tactics is proposing to do?
Simple, we want: possession (of course), do a lot of shots (try to avoid the long shots), high pressure and high defensive line... This tactics fits in those parameters!!
(Entao, o que e' que esta tactica se propoe a fazer?
Simples, nos queremos: posse de bola (evidentemente), fazer muitos remates (tentar evitar os remates de longe), pressao alta e defesa subida... Esta tatica encaixa nestes parametros!!)
The Truly TIKI-TAKA System:
Before the SS, I'll talk a little about the formation.
(Antes das SS, vou falar um pouco sobre a formacao).
GK (Sweeper) - This man has to know what to do with his feet!! He must to be quick and good at one-vs-one!
GR - (Este homem tem de saber o que fazer com os pes!! Ele tem de ser rapido e bom no um-contra-um!)
Positioning, Decisions, Acceleration, Pace, Technique, Concentration, Communication, First Touch, Reflexes.
FB (L/R) - This one have to support the attack but his primordial role is to make the field wider and give a pass line to his team mate!
Defesa Lateral (E/D) - (Este tem de apoiar o ataque mas a sua principal missao e' tornar o campo mais largo e dar uma linha de passe aos seus companheiros!)
Marking, Tackling, Off the ball, Positioning, Acceleration, Stamina, Decisions, (some) Dribbling and Crossing.
CB (both Centre Back) - The traditional Centre back. But it's better if they have acceleration and pace! (A good header and a quick one is de perfect combination).
Centrais - (O tradicional defesa centro. Mas sera' melhor se tiverem aceleracao e velocidade! (Um bom cabeceador e um mais rapido sao a combinacao perfeita).
Tackling, Marking, {Header and Jumping (just one of the CB)}, Concentration, Decisions, Acceleration, Pace.
DM (Defensive Midfielder) - One of the most important position on this formation! Great header, marking, tackling, pass, acceleration and pace... If he has those attributes, he will look like a wall!! (ofc, there are a lot of secondary attributes like: bravery, team-work, work-rate...)
Medio Defensivo - (Um dos jogadores mais importantes deste esquema! Bom cabeceamento, marcacao, desarme, passe, aceleracao e velocidade... Se ele tiver esses atributos, ele vai parecer um muro!! (claro, existem muitos outros atributos secundarios como: Bravura, Trabalho de equipa, Capacidade de Trabalho...)
Marking, Passing, Tackling, Antecipation, Concentration, Decisions, Positioning, (a bit Aceleration and if it possible Header).
CM (both Central Midfielder) - The easiest way to describe those two men's?? Well... Xavi and Iniesta!! Pass, First touch, technique, vision of the game... You know them.
Medios Centro - (A maneira mais facil de descrever estes dois homens?? Bem... Xavi e Iniesta!! Passe, Primeiro Toque, Tecnica, Visão de Jogo... You know them.)
First Touch, Passing, Technique, Anticipation, Creativity, Decisions, Off the ball, Team Work, Work Rate and Vision.
L/RW (Wingers)- This two guys are very crucial on the high pressure, possession, goals... The reason why is simple: they are really open on the lines and ready to cut inside when the centre forward (F9) isn't there!! Also, put them so higher on the field, make the oppositor full-back to retreat a lot and follow them. If not, they will have a lot of space to create opportunities!
Extremos - (Este dois rapazes sao cruciais na pressao alta, posse de bola, golos... A razao e' simples: eles estao bem abertos nas linhas e preparados para vir para dentro quando o avancado nao estiver la!! Alem disso, coloca-los tao subidos no terreno, faz com que os laterais adversarios recuem e os sigam. Caso contrario, eles terao muito espaco para criar oportunidades!)
Dribbling, Technique, Finishing, Long Shots, Passing, Decisions, Off the ball, Acceleration, Pace.
False 9 - Well, this one is... Messi!! He often joins the Centre Midfielders in order to give another pass line and try to bring with him the centre backs, to open spaces for the Inside Forwards.
Avancado - (Bem, este e'... Messi!! Muitas vezes ele junta-se aos Medios Centro a fim de dar mais uma linha de passe e tentar arrastar com ele os centrais adversarios, para abrir espaco para a entrada dos avancados interiores.)
Dribbling, First Touch, Long Shots, Passing, Technique, Long Shots Creativity, Decisions, Off the ball, Teamwork, Agility, Finishing, Composure, Vision.
When we have a player sent off:
(Quando temos um jogador expulso) :
When sent off (or down to 10 man), usually I take out the Defensive Midfielder and the rest remains like if were the regular tactic (without the Defensive Midfielder). And if you prefer, try to put the "Wing-backs" as "Full Back" (with "support" role or even "support").
(Quando tivermos um jogador expulso (ou a jogar com 10), geralmente tiro o Medio Defensivo e o resto mantem-se como a tatica normal (sem o MDC). Mas se preferires, tenta colocar os "Alas" como "Defesas Laterais" (com a tarefa de "Apoiar" ou mesmo de "Defender").
Set Pieces:
(Bolas paradas) :
Offensive Freekicks:
Just short pass... The defenders stay at back! Possession.
(Livres ofensivos) :
Apenas passe curto... Os defesas mantem-se atras! Posse de bola.)
Deffensive Freekicks:
Zonal marking and the 3 forwards stay up front and the 2 CM on the wall.
(Livres defensivos) :
Marcacao zonal e os 3 avancados ficam la na frente e os 2 MC vao para a barreira.)
Offensive Corners:
Near Post (1st post)... The Left Centre Back must to be the header master.
(Cantos Ofensivos) :
Ao 1o poste... O Central do lado esquerdo tera de ser o mestre a cabecear.)
Deffensive Corners:
“Only” the 3 forwards stay up front! The rest of the team come back to help defending... And all of them make zonal marking...
(Cantos Defensivos) :
“Apenas” os 3 avancados ficam na frente! O resto da equipa vem atras para ajudar a defender... E todos eles fazem marcacao zonal...)