Tsunami hits north-eastern Japan after massive quake

no word on Brits, the FCO fully expect there to be casualties though.

Its the holy grail of threads, shame the subject is so terrible though
It is already. Mox fuel is made from weapons grade plutonium.

Indeed,i saw that one of the reactors at Fukushima is using mixed oxide (mox) fuel and this is the one they are most worried about, as it's potetntial contamination radius is larger.
latest info from the guardian:

The cooling failure in the Fukushima Daiichi number two reactor was caused by previous the explosion in the number three reactor, knocking out four of the five pumps injecting coolant in.

To avoid a third explosion in reactor number two, similar to those in one and three earlier, operator Tepco is saying it will consider opening a hole in the wall of the building that houses the reactor to release hydrogen. What that implies I don't know but will try and find out.

This news comes from a summary by the Kyodo news agency:

Fuel rods at the quake-hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant's No 2 reactor were fully exposed at one point after its cooling functions failed, the plant operator said Monday, indicating the critical situation of the reactor's core beginning to melt due to overheating.

The rods were exposed as a fire pump to pour seawater into the reactor to cool it down ran out of fuel, Tokyo Electric Power Co said. The firm had reported the loss of cooling functions as an emergency to the government.

Tepco said water levels later recovered to cover 30cm in the lower parts of the fuel rods.

The seawater injection operation started at 4:34pm [local time JST], but water levels in the No 2 reactor have since fallen sharply with only one out of five fire pumps working. The other four were feared to have been damaged by a blast that occurred in the morning at the nearby No 3 reactor.

The utility firm said a hydrogen explosion at the nearby No 3 reactor that occurred Monday morning may have caused a glitch in the cooling system of the No 2 reactor.

Similar cooling down efforts have been taken at the plant's No 1 and No 3 reactors and explosions occurred at both reactors in the process, blowing away the roofs and walls of the buildings that house the reactors.

It is feared that the No 2 reactor will follow the same path. To prevent a possible hydrogen explosion at the No 2 reactor, Tepco said it will look into opening a hole in the wall of the building that houses the reactor to release hydrogen.

The company has also begun work to depressurize the containment vessel of the No 2 reactor by releasing radioactive steam, the government's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said. Such a step is necessary to prevent the vessel from sustaining damage and losing its critical containment function.

With only one fire pump working, Tepco is placing priority on injecting water into the No. 2 reactor, although both the No 1 and No 3 reactors still need coolant water injections, according to the agency.

The blast earlier in the day injured 11 people but the reactor's containment vessel was not damaged, with the government dismissing the possibility of a large amount of radioactive material being dispersed, as radiation levels did not jump after the explosion.

Tepco said seven workers at the site and four members of the Self-Defense Forces were injured. Of the 11, two were found to have been exposed to radiation and are receiving treatment.
My friend has seen little info from the British embassy over in Japan. Luckily he's in Osaka and away from the carnage, but there appears to be little to no information for anyone stranded out there.
My friend has seen little info from the British embassy over in Japan. Luckily he's in Osaka and away from the carnage, but there appears to be little to no information for anyone stranded out there.

Well its no surprise really. The whole situation is catastrophic, so obviously communications won't be back to "normal" for a good while, and the grim search for the deceased will seem like it will take forever. Families will be going through absolute **** right now.

---------- Post added at 11:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 PM ----------

latest info from the guardian:

The cooling failure in the Fukushima Daiichi number two reactor was caused by previous the explosion in the number three reactor, knocking out four of the five pumps injecting coolant in.

To avoid a third explosion in reactor number two, similar to those in one and three earlier, operator Tepco is saying it will consider opening a hole in the wall of the building that houses the reactor to release hydrogen. What that implies I don't know but will try and find out.

This news comes from a summary by the Kyodo news agency:

Fuel rods at the quake-hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant's No 2 reactor were fully exposed at one point after its cooling functions failed, the plant operator said Monday, indicating the critical situation of the reactor's core beginning to melt due to overheating.

The rods were exposed as a fire pump to pour seawater into the reactor to cool it down ran out of fuel, Tokyo Electric Power Co said. The firm had reported the loss of cooling functions as an emergency to the government.

Tepco said water levels later recovered to cover 30cm in the lower parts of the fuel rods.

The seawater injection operation started at 4:34pm [local time JST], but water levels in the No 2 reactor have since fallen sharply with only one out of five fire pumps working. The other four were feared to have been damaged by a blast that occurred in the morning at the nearby No 3 reactor.

The utility firm said a hydrogen explosion at the nearby No 3 reactor that occurred Monday morning may have caused a glitch in the cooling system of the No 2 reactor.

Similar cooling down efforts have been taken at the plant's No 1 and No 3 reactors and explosions occurred at both reactors in the process, blowing away the roofs and walls of the buildings that house the reactors.

It is feared that the No 2 reactor will follow the same path. To prevent a possible hydrogen explosion at the No 2 reactor, Tepco said it will look into opening a hole in the wall of the building that houses the reactor to release hydrogen.

The company has also begun work to depressurize the containment vessel of the No 2 reactor by releasing radioactive steam, the government's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said. Such a step is necessary to prevent the vessel from sustaining damage and losing its critical containment function.

With only one fire pump working, Tepco is placing priority on injecting water into the No. 2 reactor, although both the No 1 and No 3 reactors still need coolant water injections, according to the agency.

The blast earlier in the day injured 11 people but the reactor's containment vessel was not damaged, with the government dismissing the possibility of a large amount of radioactive material being dispersed, as radiation levels did not jump after the explosion.

Tepco said seven workers at the site and four members of the Self-Defense Forces were injured. Of the 11, two were found to have been exposed to radiation and are receiving treatment.

The people involved in trying to save those reactors should get some sort of award for what they're doing. They're basically putting their lives on the line. Such bravery
The only thing we can do is hoping that the reactors won't explode. I have no idea how they will stop that. If the reactors explode I can't see any future for north-east japan or even the whole country.

It's true those people are really heroes. I couldn't do such a thing knowing that there will be no issue after an explosion.

Nuclear energy shows us how far people can go. When energy gets more important than the life of thousand of people.
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The only thing we can do is hoping that the reactors won't explode. I have no idea how they will stop that. If the reactors explode I can't see any future for north-east japan or even the whole country.

It's true those people are really heroes. I couldn't do such a thing knowing that there will be no issue after an explosion.

Nuclear energy shows us how far people can go. When energy gets more important than the life of thousand of people.

Nuclear energy hasn't killed anyone in Japan yet, and it only did in Chernobyl because of their engineering rather than nuclear dangers. Earthquakes in Haiti and Indonesia killed hundreds of thousands, I don't see nuclear power plants there? This earthquake is unprecedented, it is by no means a proof of the dangers of nuclear power. As I said earlier, it destroyed thousands of homes, should we stop living in houses too?
Nuclear energy shows us how far people can go. When energy gets more important than the life of thousand of people.

Yea lets hope scientists can master nuclear fusion before any more disasters like this can happen
I know that it hasn't killed anyone yet in japan and hopefully it won't. But only taking the risk of the nuclear energy is a crime in my opinion. I know that is an important energy resource and they won't stop using it, but it is a great risk. Because people can't control this type of energy.
Yea lets hope scientists can master nuclear fusion before any more disasters like this can happen


1,000 times the electric generating power of the United States into a billionth of a second.

Amazing, right?

---------- Post added at 12:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:05 AM ----------

I know that it hasn't killed anyone yet in japan and hopefully it won't. But only taking the risk of the nuclear energy is a crime in my opinion. I know that is an important energy resource and they won't stop using it, but it is a great risk. Because people can't control this type of energy.

Yes they can. Nuclear bombs are what happen when we don't control this kind of energy.
Has there been any updates about the volcano that has apparently become active on the other side of Japan?
I know that it hasn't killed anyone yet in japan and hopefully it won't. But only taking the risk of the nuclear energy is a crime in my opinion. I know that is an important energy resource and they won't stop using it, but it is a great risk. Because people can't control this type of energy.

I see. So what do you propose we do, oh farseer? Burn fossil fuels? Great, except it's killing the planet and we'll run out eventually. Solar power? Expensive for the amount of energy it creates, and useless on non-sunny days.

Saying using nuclear power is a crime is ridiculous. If we control it and use it correctly, we can harness one of the most powerful things on this planet with little impinging on us or the Earth.
I know that it hasn't killed anyone yet in japan and hopefully it won't. But only taking the risk of the nuclear energy is a crime in my opinion. I know that is an important energy resource and they won't stop using it, but it is a great risk. Because people can't control this type of energy.

1) Nuclear power is one of the 'greenest' energies available and will be even better when we can figure out a suitable place for the waste.

2) the amount of energy it produces is huge. Something like 10,000 times the amount of energy than fossil fuels.

3) I'm pretty sure more people have died due to plane crashes than Nuclear power plant disasters. I'm sure more people have died in car crashes. Is it a crime to allow people to drive cars or go in planes?

4) Nuclear Power Plants are so well developed, it is almost impossible for it to blow up and become a Chernobyl style disaster.
Nuclear power produces at least 10 million times more energy per unit mass than fossil fuels. Nuclear fusion then dwarfs even this amount. Fusion is also a near infinite source.
Revelations, Chapter 6:1-8 - The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse.... CONQUEST (Government Elections), WAR (Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Palestine), FAMINE & ECONOMICAL CRISIS (Africa, Global Recession), DEATH & NATURAL DISASTER (Japan, Haiti, Australia, Brazil)..... IS 2012 REALLY THE END????????

This is a devastating thing, i cant believe whilst over 10,000 deats and nearly 500,000 missing and in america u got people unhappy because they didnt get ipad2 on release day, dispicable, My hear tgoes out to those people in japan, still trying to pretend like nothing as happened, when really they just on the last edge, this is utter devastation.
Revelations, Chapter 6:1-8 - The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse.... CONQUEST (Government Elections), WAR (Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Palestine), FAMINE & ECONOMICAL CRISIS (Africa, Global Recession), DEATH & NATURAL DISASTER (Japan, Haiti, Australia, Brazil)..... IS 2012 REALLY THE END????????

This is a devastating thing, i cant believe whilst over 10,000 deats and nearly 500,000 missing and in america u got people unhappy because they didnt get ipad2 on release day, dispicable, My hear tgoes out to those people in japan, still trying to pretend like nothing as happened, when really they just on the last edge, this is utter devastation.

Yes, of course 2012 is the end. It's amazing how we've never had natural disasters throughout Earth's history and then suddenly they all happen as we approach 2012.

Oh wait.
swear i'm going to infract the next person who compares this with 2012 for spamming
swear i'm going to infract the next person who compares this with 2012 for spamming

Please do. It's doing me nut in. Bad enough earlier when I came across a couple of preachers in the street. Just using it as pure scaremongering half the time
And it is written in most of the relgious book eg (quran, bible), it aint the end but a nautral disaster will happen ALL AROUND THE WORLD that will make people understand and feel privliged for the things like having a home and not for the fact that they aint got the new iphone or something. People need 2 realise what they got and not what they aint got and 2012 will make that happen, the world will suffer that day, not end because thats imposiible because it cant just end but the structure and meaning in this world will be affected and the whole world will be affected by every country feeling the affects.

and how is it this little island (uk) never gets anything wrong with it, its so powerful and so little for it, we will all suffer that day in a big way.

EDIT: didnt see that post from mike, sorry for saying it just its my opinion. dont do me for spamming, i harldy ever do it, i didnt see the messege as i was typing at the time :(, i just feel strong about my opinion and have understand and reviewed my opinion to make it strong. SORRY