UK General election 2010.

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Who do you think will win the UK general election 2010?

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if they come over here via passport control etc then far play to them, they deserve a better life as do we all... its the ones who come over here with no intention of getting british citzenship, going through passport control, sneak in to the country, there the ones who not just me have the problem with.

still, i think all people should be allowed in the country illegally or not

Anyway, we are going off topic here, aren't we
I am pleasantly surprised there is a topic on this. Being a neo-purist Marxist I want a conservative government. Counterintuitive I know but it works – I require an ultra capitalist society before there can be a revolution of the underclass – Irony I have a half decent job as a business analysis (Yes I have sold out – but I really wanted a decent car)
In my area I haven’t got a choice – I live in the country – thus conservative.
The BNP’s Immigration policy is to:

- Deport all the two million plus who are here illegally;

- Deport all those who commit crimes and whose original nationality was not British;

- Review all recent grants of residence or citizenship to ensure they are still appropriate;

- Offer generous grants to those of foreign descent resident here who wish to leave permanently;

- Stop all new immigration except for exceptional cases;

- Reject all asylum seekers who passed safe countries on their way to Britain.

My dad wasn't born here but came here after marying my mum who was born here. He has been living here for about 16 years now. if he commited a crime would the BNP try and kick him out of england?
still, i think all people should be allowed in the country illegally or not

Anyway, we are going off topic here, aren't we

people can come here legally, illegally to me is a big no... call me racist but thats how i have been brought up and thats my views
My dad wasn't born here but came here after marying my mum who was born here. He has been living here for about 16 years now. if he commited a crime would the BNP try and kick him out of england?

No becuase he is Married. they cant be EU law. Your dad will be fine. but the real answer is dont go out and commit a crime. Most likely to be for something big like Murder, rape, GBH ect. Not just for shop lifting or something like that.
you still need a passport to get into this country and half of them dont.
Why would half of all polish immigrants take the effort to sneak into the country illegally when they can easily get a passport and come into the country legally?oO)
Why are we discussing the BNP? They are never going to get into power and rule the country because they are a bunch of twats.
Lets just discuss how the majority of the country are inevitably going to vote for the Tories because we're all ******* in the wind when we think they can run the country better than how its being run now.
end off the day, this arguement is getting out of hand. i am not racist and if you think i am, then thats just your views. all i said was, i agree with SOME of there policies... such as the NHS etc. i dont agree with kicking every non-british person out because i have many friends who arent british.
Why would half of all polish immigrants take the effort to sneak into the country illegally when they can easily get a passport and come into the country legally?oO)

1) they cant afford a passport

2) they might have a past they dont want people to know about. as Britian can ask for police records from poland for anyone coming into the country. Hence a rapist or a peado might not want people to know, Even though they could be a threat to society.
I only posted the BNP's Immigration policy to show that the statement "The BNP want all Non-British people out of Britain" is incorrect.

They are not my views.
end off the day, this arguement is getting out of hand. i am not racist and if you think i am, then thats just your views. all i said was, i agree with SOME of there policies... such as the NHS etc. i dont agree with kicking every non-british person out because i have many friends who arent british.
:P I don't think you are racist.

Errr, to get this back on topic. Can anyone explain to me what a hung parliament is?:$ I have heard about them and know it's something to do with no one having a majority.:$

I also heard it would be the best thing that could happen for the lib dems, on the radio.:$
I think the BNP gets judged too often for what they once where. I'mm not going to pretend to know their policies but they have tried to move away from their racist image. I think people not letting them get that second chance is just as bad as them judging people on their skin colour. I do think that we should have right as indegenous people here however. I dont see how that is racist and I dont see why people who immigrate here should be given what I have had to earn.
Its highly unlikely that there's gonna be a hung parliament. It's when a party doesnt hold the majority of seats in parliament. It would force a coalition government I think, which means all 3 major parties (or people who hold seats in parliament?) would have a say in how the country is run. I think.
Lol at this BNP discussion.

As for all the people arguing for the BNP, when they say non-British, they obviously mean non-white British. Which is just wrong, how could you agree with that? Also Scott, you said that people come here illegally from Poland? Why would they do that? All it takes is a passport. And let's be honest I really don't think that there at that many Polish rapists or murderers who want to come here illegally lol.

As for who I think will win, I honestly don't know, hopefully Labour..

Lol who voted for Lib Dem majority? XD
I am sorry, but if you even think about voting for the BNP, you are racist in my eyes.

Even if you agree with some of their ideas, the underlying tone of the party should give you a clear indication of what a short sighted view they have on the issues in Britain right now.
I've read about at least 2 cases in Glasgow of convicted murderers from eastern europe having come here legally after serving time and murdering again.
I am sorry, but if you even think about voting for the BNP, you are racist in my eyes.

Even if you agree with some of their ideas, the underlying tone of the party should give you a clear indication of what a short sighted view they have on the issues in Britain right now.

Agree with you mate, they are philistines.