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Hasn't the 'create a website' bit been taken care of for the last five years? :P

Hehe yup well that shouldn't be too hard. It's just the hassle of getting all the XHTML & CSS perfect etc.. and it's a group task but the other 2 guys in my group don't know anything so looks like i'll be doing 99% of the work then ask them to put some text and a picture on the page or summat :|
I got my essay done and handed in - finished it at 3:15 handed in 4, came back and realised it was 2 words away from the word 10% less allowance on word count, bet they will **** me over.

Got back a presentation i did aswell, stayed up till 5 in the morning doing it, and got 21/30, will do for me!
I've just wondered something... does somebody actually sit there and count all the words?
nah your meant to usually do essays to a certain font type and size and i guess they just know on average 500 words is a page or whatever. and say if its a 2000 words essay and its alot more/less than 4 pages they might count it but i cant imagine them getting thier calculators out lol
Our university requires us to submit assignments electronically and on paper, the electronic version counts the words automatically and on the front of paper assignments we write the word count.
yeh sometimes we have to submit electornically and this term we've had to put the wrod count on all essays
I don't think our uni is that arsed about word count tbh, though they do give us a general limit on how many words our essay should contain.

We only have to submit our essays in paper, not electronically but they do scan for plagerism...don't know how though.
Got my exam timetable 2day, 16th May, 19th May and 5th June

We have to submit essays electronically so they can check for plageurism
I think a lot of universities use "turnitin" now?

Tells you what % of your assignment is plagiarised.
whats everyones grading system?

outs is

1 a-f - pwnage
2 a-f - very good
3 a-f - pass
4 a-f - fail
5 - epic fail

just got my mangement essay back, got a 2c, which is a pretty good pass
Pass (3rd?).

Hoping to get a 2:1 and working around that standard at the moment. Got 59.3 in first year which isn't good, is 0.7 away from a 2:1 though.
I'm not sure i think it's the same as Redders though looking through my assessment criteria for first year it says;

High First Class (80+)
First Class (70-79)
Upper Second Class (2:1)(60-69)
Lower Second Class (2:2) (50:59)
Third Class (40-49)
Fail (35-39)

Right now i'm 2:2 but my tutor said i can get a 2:1 which is what i'm aiming for really. :D
Yeh same^ :).

High/Outstanding First Class (80+)

is what mine says i think.
Im aimin for a 2.1, think thats what most peeps do, could work 24/7 and try for a first but that aint gona happen just yet, plus to consistently get a first in History is very difficult.

I've also got a 6-7k word essay in tomorrow, i think im gona be doin a late one tonight...
gregor, we only have 1a-c, then 2a-f.

i got a 2a for my history essay but was like one point off a 1c :(
I have same as rosenrot and redders.

am 2:1 atm i fink which is the target
In mine we just get given a score out of 100 for each assignment, havn't been told a thing about grading systems apart from anything less that 40 is a fail.