Weird Creatures

  • Thread starter Thread starter StuW
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meh i wish i read everyone's comments before i clicked on that snake video! I **** myself!! my laptop almost fell off my knee because of that! :( haha

haha. I saw it tonight, and I usually have the lights off in the room when I'm on the PC. I nearly fell off my seat, which is already broke from me and my brother spinning around on it :S
well thanks stu... thats my dream of moving to spain in ruins

anyway i saw one of these in spain a year ago in salou near barcelona
well thanks stu... thats my dream of moving to spain in ruins

anyway i saw one of these in spain a year ago in salou near barcelona

a paper bug?

yes i know its a goliath beetle couldnt find a decent picture doh lol
We get a few of these -

And you have to beware of these -

The spores can kill cats and dogs, and can burn skin:(
ive been 2 spain 10 times in 14 years and everytime i never fail to see one of these lil basterds


nor these

but i love spain so i see myself moving there in the future

Found one of these last year. THought it was a snake.

I could probably go into the garden now, and find one of these -
This is the largest in the world(via legspan)



look at the size off the dam crab! almost the size of a bin!!!

This is the one that scares me........

Did you hear the one about the Amazonian fish who swam up a *****, took up residence in said ***** owner’s bladder, and could not be extracted due to its umbrella-like spines? It ate away at the man until he hemorrhaged. Though evidence of candiru extraction surgeries are mostly secondhand, enough discussion exists in the scientific body of literature to confirm the dreadful possibility. (Legends of penectomy are almost certainly false, however.) The slick, slim, small Candiru frequently lodge themselves in larger fish and animals and are nearly impossible to remove. (By the way, there are actually far more poisonous fish in the world than there are snakes. Just something to think about.) The moral of the story: don’t pee in the Amazon.
THis guy should fit on this thread well -