18-year-old chavs with hands down their grey trackie bottoms bragging about **** ******** a flat-chested makeup-dipped 13-year-old.
13-year-old chavs with hands down their grey trackie bottoms bragging about **** ******** a flat-chested makeup-dipped 18-year-old.
:O What do you mean already done that?Ha! Already done that one anyways.![]()
When people write in complete "txt speak". Numbers for letters, or cutting one letter out of a word because it's "faster". Also, people who refuse to use comma's and especially full stops.
People on Youtube who just ask people to like their comment so they can be in the top rated.
People who put an unnecessary apostrophe in "commas"![]()
I hate people that complain a lot, chavs, old people, people that drive honda civics and think there the dogs bollocks, stuck up people, druggies, alcoholics, rock music, txt speak, westlife........
This could go on but the thing that irritates me more than anything is politicians.![]()
i hate people that complain a lot, chavs, old people, people that drive honda civics and think there the dogs bollocks, stuck up people, druggies, alcoholics, rock music, txt speak, westlife........
This could go on but the thing that irritates me more than anything is politicians.![]()