What are your Pet hates?

  • Thread starter Thread starter JP Woody
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13-year-old chavs with hands down their grey trackie bottoms bragging about **** ******** a flat-chested makeup-dipped 18-year-old.
18-year-old chavs with hands down their grey trackie bottoms bragging about **** ******** a flat-chested makeup-dipped 13-year-old.

Is a more accurate way of putting it imo.
13-year-old chavs with hands down their grey trackie bottoms bragging about **** ******** a flat-chested makeup-dipped 18-year-old.

Ha! Already done that one anyways.:P
When you get up to quickly and all the blood rushes to your head, feels like your going to pass out :S
People who comment on the likes to dislikes ratio on youtube, examples :

mum : where u going
Me : to kill 818 people
mum : u need sum help
me : no cause i got 234, 000,000 people to help me!


45 people must be Bieber fans.

I'm not angry with you, I'm very disappointed.

Always makes me feel worse :'(
Teachers that you give you a test after about 5 lessons on the subject without barely any information to revise and go crazy at you when you get a 4 instead of a 3.
People who get hundreds of likes on youtube when all they do is quote the ******* video.
When people write in complete "txt speak". Numbers for letters, or cutting one letter out of a word because it's "faster". Also, people who refuse to use comma's and especially full stops.

People on Youtube who just ask people to like their comment so they can be in the top rated.
When people type with capital letters after every word on Facebook, and in a slang-kind of writing.

"Faank Yuuhh Babbeeszz" or ... "Heeyya Babbiiee".

They're obviously uneducated.
When people write in complete "txt speak". Numbers for letters, or cutting one letter out of a word because it's "faster". Also, people who refuse to use comma's and especially full stops.

People on Youtube who just ask people to like their comment so they can be in the top rated.

People who put an unnecessary apostrophe in "commas" ;)
i hate how quickly an interesting discussion can turn into a heated argument!
I hate people that complain a lot, chavs, old people, people that drive honda civics and think there the dogs bollocks, stuck up people, druggies, alcoholics, rock music, txt speak, westlife........
This could go on but the thing that irritates me more than anything is politicians. :@:@
Slow drivers. Note, I said slow and do not advocate speeding. Today I followed some old bag doing 35mph in a 60mph zone.

You are too old so get the **** off the road.
People who put an unnecessary apostrophe in "commas" ;)

I always seem to add them unnecessarily without realising it :( Sometimes I'll type a random question mark at the end of a sentence too, even if it isn't a question XD
I hate people that complain a lot, chavs, old people, people that drive honda civics and think there the dogs bollocks, stuck up people, druggies, alcoholics, rock music, txt speak, westlife........
This could go on but the thing that irritates me more than anything is politicians. :@:@

i hate people that complain a lot, chavs, old people, people that drive honda civics and think there the dogs bollocks, stuck up people, druggies, alcoholics, rock music, txt speak, westlife........
This could go on but the thing that irritates me more than anything is politicians. :@:@

Ok, I've got quite a few.

The first would be spelling mistakes, drive me insane.

People who think it's cool to type everything in capital letters, for example on a Facebook status "Just Going To Play Some Football, Wiv Some Matez, Init"

Also, capital letters at the start of a sentence, if people don't do it, it just drived me insane!
Another few: Spelling and grammar errors. For example, lose is a different word than loose ffs. Their, there, they're = all different.

Westlife annoy the **** out of me.

Robbie Keane does my head in.

Darren Fletcher - All I have to do is see him and I am wound up. Arrogant little ****.
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