What are your Pet hates?

  • Thread starter Thread starter JP Woody
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Not sure if this has been said yet because of sooo many pages :P

But when the highest rated comment on a youtube video says something like "345 people are gay". Usually something stupid like that, it may have been moderately okay the first couple of times but it's just plain stupid now :(
People who sell The Big Issue

we used to have a big issue seller in Huddersfield that was incredibly entertaining...

he'd sing his sales pitch!!! and at Christmas it was always to the tune of popular carols/Christmas songs. Everyone bought one, just because he was so entertaining...

disappeared one day never to return, I guess he found somewhere to live...
Not sure if this has been said yet because of sooo many pages :P

But when the highest rated comment on a youtube video says something like "345 people are gay". Usually something stupid like that, it may have been moderately okay the first couple of times but it's just plain stupid now :(

Yeah. Or highly rated comments where they actually ASK for thumbs up like: Thumps up if you think that this video is the best in the world.

I noticed you can even get your own comment up the ranks by clicking thumbs up and refresh page, thumb up again, refresh....lol, try it

edit: I hated the top 2 comments since Youtube started it half a year ago. I liked the old lay out with recent comments first. No ranking. Now people just want to be a smart *** to get in the top 2
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At the minute my Uni is a joke.

Email us at the beginning of the week to say the unit I'd chosen has had to be cancelled due to 'unforeseen circumstances' and I had to pick another.

I emailed back with another choice, only to find an email today saying that one has now been cancelled for the first two weeks!

What do they want from me!?!!

I also hate feminists. I wish they'd crawl back into their kitchen, I mean hole.
I hate how the year 7's and 8's I help out are too stupid to work out how to use google and get on to the school shared area. Also hate how the teacher in that class shouts at then for raising their hands to ask a question.
Spelling mistakes
Text talk
Hardcore songs
Burberry hats.
Hardcore... is this Hardcore as in Rave or Hardcore as in the metal genre? If it's rave, I'm with ya'.
Serves you right for eating at McDonalds.

On topic:

  • Sinus/Ear infections that accompany the flu
  • Having the flu since the 28th of Dec
  • Having to call in work ill, trying not to sound like im faking.

Haha, had to do that the other day! Not just me thinking it then...!
Serves you right for eating at McDonalds.

On topic:

  • Sinus/Ear infections that accompany the flu
  • Having the flu since the 28th of Dec
  • Having to call in work ill, trying not to sound like im faking.


Also stop being so grumpy. I miss the old, fun Redders. :(
people that drive £50,000+ cars with 4.0 litre engines and god knows how many cylinders at 50 mph on the motorway, its not only dangerous going that slow but its god damm annoying.....
Feminism - It turned GCSE's in favour of girls. Totally unfair.....
Re-stringing a guitar
Virgin Media Broadband
Agreed on that one. It's a real pain, but practice makes you a lot quicker. Got it down to a fine art now.

The guides on the internet make it look so simple ! The string is wound nicely at the headstock. When in reality mine are ***** ! As long as they work though ;)
people that drive £50,000+ cars with 4.0 litre engines and god knows how many cylinders at 50 mph on the motorway, its not only dangerous going that slow but its god damm annoying.....

don't you just want to drag 'em out of their car and stamp on their heads?

I know I do.. <whistle>