What are your Pet hates?

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Bellends in general

People who are so good at giving you relationship advice, then don't follow it themselves.........then you have to mop up the mess for them. More annoying when best mates with both and in the crossfire.

Don't have time for mugs majority of the time but......awkward much.
People that whip out the credit card to pay for 2 dollars worth of vegetables at the supermarket.

I hate you sooo much!!!

Carry some cash you f@#king wankers!
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People who don't wave, or mouth "thank you" when you let them in when driving.

Why you no say thank you!?
Multiple road works in quick succession.

Why don't you finish one then start the other so I don't have to slow down every 5 minutes?!
Weird old guys that post pictures of strange young men, disturbing! :P
People who sit on equipment for hours in the GYM and only play their phone
Door to door salesmen/jehovahs witnesses.

We should all be allowed kill one & mount thier heads on a spike as a warning to the rest!

Too harsh? I think not!
The "post your frustration/Raaage" thread.

The games not broken, you suck!
The Australian Welfare system.

Ok, so some 40 year old **** that's never had a job in his life comes to me bragging that he's just been given a disability pension for life because he threw his back out wanking (Speculation).

Now he spends his days sitting in the pub drinking & playing Keno!

Great another f@#king mouth to feed, well done Australia! & every time you want to cut costs you take money away from the poor bastards that DID work their entire lives, only to have their pensions cut every time you need to free up some funds. Its a joke!

I don't mind some of my money going to help out someone down on his luck etc. but when someone just doesn't feel like contributing to society for the entirety of their lives, F@#K THEM!
People who are walking in front of me (say at a railroad station) and then suddenly stop, so that I am barely a few inches from hitting them....God, I swear I could just hit them in the head with a fist!
Half and Half scarfs being worn at games, I'm all for them for collecting purposes...But if I see someone wearing one, they will get the same look I'd give someone if they called my mum a *****.
Talk of attitude when their team loses. Like the rival didn't had anything to do!
So Sevilla beat Real Madrid? "Our players gave out", "there's no attitude" and such bullshit. Attitude is nothing but a excuse. There is only more or less clever positioning, coordination, good or bad movement, things done wrong or right, and a rival who acts and reacts, perhaps knowing how to annul your way of playing. Or bad luck happens.
Equally those who judge the work of a manager (or a player) with the knowledge of the result, as if the player of the manager had known the result before making their decision. I.e. When Atlético de Madrid reacted in the second half against Real Madrid (of course, they say the player just let go of the match ffs) and had a few plays in which they were close to create danger but not so much actually and got two or so shots that weren't that great, Benítez logically thought "If I add a midfielder for Benzema, they won't even have these poor chances and it should ensure we keep our goal at 0 so the loss of offensive power won't matter" and nobody on my TL says a word. I would have said "well, this is a danger in that if they score RM then will be lacking power in attack as there's no striker in the bench, still it's a reasonable decision" but nobody thought that danger at the moment. Then Atlético get the goal and one or two moan for the sub. Then the match finishes and everybody is mouthing off Benítez for the defensive sub bringing Kovacic in for Benzema. Yeah, sure, you didn't think to point the danger of that sub at their moment now you come saying Benítez should have known the result, which is the only reason you have to criticize it. And do you know the worse? SOME OF THE ****ING JERKS HAVE THE NERVE OF CONDEMNING HIS DEFENSIVE SUB AND THEN GO ON SAYING HE SHOULD HAVE MADE KOVACIC IN FOR RONALDO! You frigging twats that's no less defensive and I'd say not very different.
And the Madrid fans (or anybody but my TL is mostly Madrid fans) who keep saying RM squad is the best and nobody from the press can criticize it and that rival teams have ****** players and Madrid should always streamroll them (yeah, like the FM whiners) but as soon they make one... ONE SMALL MISTAKE they're automatically ****** players, they aren't worthy of playing Real Madrid and they should be out and sold and gifted even and they can't do a thing right and the good players are in other teams and the manager is an imbecile who knows nothing of football. Not even if they have won Champions League titles. Of course if D'Alessandro says something criticizing Madrid's manager "who does he think he is? With whom has he drawn? [literal translation] He's wone nothing!" Oh, but you idiots who have never even been trusted with managing a kindergarten football team you can criticize huh?
After a lot of time insulting and telling the press who criticized CR7 to **** off because he can't be criticized, he had one match without scoring and since the end of that match with no goals by him they've turned to ask that he be sold, he's worthless, he can't dribble past their grannies, he... every criticism or straight out calumny they denounced was commited by the press is said by them.
I really don't know why anybody would want to play or manage for Real Madrid.
They also turn to visceral hatred against anyone who has worked for Real Madrid. HOW DARE ANYBODY TO LEAVE OUR CLUB! Yes, yes, Özil, who they asked to kick out of the team when he missed the first chance in semis against Borussia turned to be a traitor and despicable player the moment he said he wanted to move away, after one year saying Xabi Alonso had to leave the club he left and then he is hated because he should never leave (though there is a point about that I can understand, and that's he left just few days before transfer window ended and allegedly without the club having notice with more time to look for a replacement... except, you know, Illarramendi was supposedly to be his replacement and he was already at the club). Even Ancelotti, who gave them The Tenth is now hated by at least half the fan base. WTF! And their stupid idea they take 100% literally and serious that playing for Real Madrid is such an honour they should be willing to PAY for it so they can't ask for more wages. Yeh, I can see with the most Champions Leagues Real Madrid would be a dream to play in for any footballer (or basketball player because there's the same) but taking it to really having to give up any monetary ambition is stupid.
****, there are some that even have turned to hate Marcus Slaughter. MARCUS SLAUGHER!! A player who distilled madridismo through every pore, who was key to win the ninth Euroleague, finds out that due to non-EU limits to the squad and new signings he won't play a minute in the team, and then instead of sucking from Real Madrid's funds he accepts a big offer from Dogus Darussafaka and some go and turn on him because he's leaving to another team that pays him much better and, more importantly, where he will play as opposed to be a parasite eating from Real Madrid's budget to do nothing and some hate him. The same who in his time hated Raúl because he was eating from the budget while playing like **** and should leave the club instead.
Seriously, I'm a player or a manager, I'm madridista and they come offering me a billionary contract and I tell them I won't play for a team with such a ****** fanbase and **** said fanbase.