Which Football pundit or reporter annoys you the most?

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Which football pundit or reporter do you dislike the most?

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Why do you argue with absolutely everyone? Either discuss pundits on here or dont discuss anything i dont really care which you choose.
I don't?

Why do you hate me?:'(:'(
Only joking.

i won't be posting in this thread again as i don't find any pundits annoying apart from maybe garth crooks so i would just be going of topic.
I hate watching Teddy Sherringham on any ITV coverage, why can't the man look in one place for more than 2 seconds, it's impossible to listen to what he's saying his head moves so much.

Btw I know that this isn't really a vote from the list but i dont really know who most of those people are as I have terrestial televison and dont really pay attention to their names either :D
****, I'd have liked to have voted for Tildsley, lol. :@
Actually Phil Thompson should be there. He's so annoying on Soccer Saturday. Hate the man
Garth Crooks is the smuggest piece of excrement I've had the misfortune to lay eyes upon.

Mark Lawenson is just a tool.
how could anyone vote for carlton palmer???? he's awesome!! lol

i voted Andy Gray because he has an annoying voice that spouts the nonsense that he thinks is wisdom.

although Alan Hansen is a close second with quotes like "they have 2 choices; win lose or draw." lol
I've added Merson onto the list. He's such an idiot sometimes.

Also, Ian Wright can be quite annoying at times.
No pundits annoy me but delusional, paranoid liverpool supporters do.
Mate seriously, shut the f**k up about Liverpool supporters, more than half your posts are about them
Mate seriously, shut the f**k up about Liverpool supporters, more than half your posts are about them
no their not. what is your problem.

I just realised their is one pundit i really dislike. i can't remember his name but he is the crazy irish guy who works for rte.
Voted for Nick Collins...used to like him on soccer am but since he started the England stuff he has become a prat

Really hate Jim White,Charlie Nicholas,Sandy Clark,John Motson is the most bias ***** on the planet.

ohh how could i forget Chick Young
I've added Merson onto the list. He's such an idiot sometimes.

Also, Ian Wright can be quite annoying at times.
I agree with both,although i dont hate or dislike either really,i do cringe with how thick they both come across,sometimes there stupidity seems to get mixed up with passion, Ian Wright on the BBC for example when England play,i always got the impression Lineker,Hansen and Shearer only had him on so the could take the **** out of him,its the same now with Merson,you can hear Le Tiss and Charlie Nicholas sniggering at him..
has anyone here listened to sparksy?? i don't think any of you have becuz none of u are from devon, but he is really annoyin
Mark Lawrenson us a ***** aswell

He is a Liverpool legend although yeah he is a *****, not sure why you are saying it though he said United would win the title :S I voted Andy Gray, like most of the people on the site I generally think if United were a man and he was a woman he would let United exploit him.
voted for garth crooks but to be honest i generally just mute the tv when i watch football

should be an option on red button to just have the crowd noise

oh and shearer and townsend are both twats too
So many hated pundits so little time ah...

Well everything that Garth Crooks does annoys me he has no point in football talks complete garbage all the time, also David Pleat as a commentator isabout 15 years behind the times he still calls Czech Repulic Czechlizvokia and Drogba Drog-BAR (with the emphisase on the end)

And why isn't Shearer on here????
he isnt on the telly but the writer for the scottish sun really annoys me hes called bill leckie i hate him
Yep totally agree,he's an absoloute wank,a bit like gerry mcnee and jim traynor,theyhave an agenda cos they support smaller teams(alledgedley!) and constantley dump on the old firm!
Voted lawrenson but him and hansen together are a f*****g nightmare!
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no their not. What is your problem.

I just realised their is one pundit i really dislike. I can't remember his name but he is the crazy irish guy who works for rte.

eamon dunphy

i hate him aswell