who has got snow

56 Inches, pretty awesome, he probably had 5-6 inches today ;)

Today I heard, I've never heard a woman complain about 12 inches before ;)

If you get that joke
no school today again lol i thought i was as i thought there wasnt any snow on roads but it must have just been ice.
Same! No school 2 days running in Gloucester but they are thinking of re-starting school tomorrow :(
Got a half day tomorrow, only Year 11's have to go in :@
i go to school in wimbledon, and even though it is treacherous and it was only half a day. we had to go. we came in @ 12, had lunch 30mins later, then football was cancelled, then we went home. Today was meant to be footy only, but we didn't do anything. Completely POINTLESS
I live near Wimbledon, apprently, the snow isn't as bad as it is around my area, I live around Kingston and Surbiton area.
i live near kingston, where do you go to school?
Not the perfect time to have snow as i have an AS Business exam on tuesday :S
Not the perfect time to have snow as i have an AS Business exam on tuesday :S
i have AS exams in all my subjects next week and i've had two lessons this week and college is off tomorrow as well.:O:'(
i've got mock common transfer exams in two weeks, better start revision
i have AS exams in all my subjects next week and i've had two lessons this week and college is off tomorrow as well.:O:'(

All we can hope for now is an abundance of snow next week.
Same! No school 2 days running in Gloucester but they are thinking of re-starting school tomorrow :(
Yeh same weds and thurs. And i also most probably have school tomorrow as very light snow about 21.00 and 3.00 in the morning so i doubt it will even snow then and it won't really do anything . :@ I would laugh if it was cancelled though lol.
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My headteacher is the biggest *** ever, every school in the area is closed tomorrow.
Ours is open for years 11-13 only. I am in year 11 :@

BTW pwang do you live in Gloucester?, i just looked at your profile you go to pates, i go to Sir Thomas Rich's :)
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I had to go to school today as we got a new £30M building!!! **** yeah!!! But it was only for 1.5 hours and there was no work. Hahahaha. Other than that no school all week including tomorrow. Woo!!!
Got the afternoon off on Wednesday, our first day back and then had yesterday and today off because of the snow :D
All we can hope for now is an abundance of snow next week.
i got AS exams next week too but they cant delay the exams, only cancel untill summer because its done nationally. not sure which is better now or summer because then in some subjects i would have 3 exmas at same time :(