who has got snow

i knew i would have school today and i said it aswell. Truely awful day as no buses turned up just people who live near the school. No proper work and just ****, i would rather have just been at home though.
I had a half day, it was alright. We just went down to Southsea Castle field's after and went down the iced hill on body board's, good stuff.
Has been horrendous here (Middlesbrough ish) all day.
went to go college today and only about 8 people in first two lessons then went home for a free period, walked all the way back in and was then told lesson was canceled because only 2 other people turned up:@
am in easterhose glasgow everybody looks there on training for dancing on ice ice everywhere
no school till next thursday at least for all schools in ireland(H)

i havent been in school since december 21st
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heavy snow due tonight and all tomorrow and monday morning so hopefully no school monday or tuesday.... doubt it though.
no school today haven't had school since WEDNESDAY im ment to have more snow over my 13-16 inches and guys i got massive icles lol
lol teachers are aweful at getting to work whereas everyone else had to try and get to work! So enjoy been off more!! All the snow gone up here in Hartlepool now, had quite a warm wind off the sea soo nevermind.
loads of snow last week. bus got stuck on a hill this morning but i got a lift to school :S
Rain melted all the snow now. Patches of ice every now and then...
we have 3-4 inches of snow in Wimbledon, and our School is flipping on. HOW. there will only be 5 boys in my classXD
Off to school in a bit. All the snow has gone :'(
Such a **** take, mums making me go in even though i finish at 12 and have 2 lessons, which i will probs be the only one in the class.
Snow here in London, School has been delayed until 10am, not bad I suppose