who has got snow

Looking good at the moment, proper flakes coming down in all, hopefully it will stay below freezing so it can settle in all
woooooooooo school's cancelled im happy and i think we've got 4 inches were expected to get 12 more!!!!!
went to bed last night woke up looked out of window and it was white over dont worry ^^^^ wait till u get up lol
Yep just happened to me no school today and a lot more expected later but there was hardly any forecast last night and it is still a little heavy now.
It's not snowing in Greenwich it was raining but because of last night's snow no school. :D
My school is the only one in Plymouth that is still open!!!! I'm bunking off though hehe:$
ive had snow ever since the first lot arrived in the week before christmas. It has snowed on and off ever since and just keeps topping up whats left on the ground. the temperature hasnt been over zero degrees since christmas eve either....
getting fed up with de-icing my car, only to get in and then watch the de-icer ive just sprayed on my screen to freeze on the glass in front of my eyes every morning, 'sigh'.........
lol I just woke up and my school is closed :D plus I hear there more snow coming in this afternoon hopefully we get the 96 snow again that was amazing
we don't go back to school until tmrw in wimbledon. doesn't stop us having fun though. lots of snow. there is like a blizzard now, very heavy
I have a feeling I'm not going in tomorrow either unless it stops snowing soon
wtf, it was really really bad up here in stockport yesterday and now the south have nicked it all ¬_¬
we'll be in tomorrow at this rate.
lol I just woke up and my school is closed :D plus I hear there more snow coming in this afternoon hopefully we get the 96 snow again that was amazing
same as me. heavy later, hardly any expected last night but there was loads to close school.
according to the weather it was supposed to snow last night and all today and tomorrow but its not even snowing atm, it snowed a tad last night but i dont go into college onwednesdays anyway :)
Me and my dad just build a 6ft snow man in next doors drive...

... we didnt think he would be back today... we were wrong!

'Oh ****, SNOWMAN!' being shouted as he turned into the drive... priceless! teaches him for driving a tvr with the roof down in snow! peeerick!
looks like snow is going to be very heavy for rest of day and tonight so another day off hopefully! As it is already very thick out there.
9 Inches here... But hardly any snow ;)

In all seriousness, I hope it snows shitloads tonight so that college is closed tomorrow.