who has got snow

Today My school was 1 of 2 in the whole Bradford area that were open, all others were closed. Very annoying
Nope, no snow here. We always seem to be last for such things.
I live near Newcastle, of COURSE theres snow.

t-shirt weather =D geordies ftw
(i was born in eastbourne... hence why I wear 5 layers)
Lots of snow in Milton Keynes, sending message while doin an angel on the snow in the city centre… naked :-)
Why does it never snow down here ?

We rarely get anything past our ankles :S.
been ******* down really heavy snow all day where I am and aint stopped once. Went out for abit with mates earlier but will stay in now for the rest of the day as im freezing my bollocks off lol
Woke up with snow today, not much at all though so didn't really bother anyone except the snowball fights ;).
Couple of inches down here in London. Enough to close school, so I'm happy.
I've never experienced snow in my life.
So I'm gonna ask you guys a question. Is snowing a good thing or bad thing?